Chapter 12: Moments to Ponder

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          "We need to find a way back to Torlea", Clary said immediately, ignoring Charlotte's question. She was bustling around, trying to busy her mind so that she'd have other things to think about, instead of thinking about her parents. 

          "Can I come with you guys?" Kyle asked, eagerly, "I mean, it would be so cool. Did you guys come from another planet or another dimension?" Charlotte sat up on the table and then both her and Clary were staring at Kyle as if he had grown two heads and wasn't supposed to be there.

          Kyle exchanged a nervous glance with Liz, who's eyes were wide open in fear. "Weren't you that guy who was trying to tell everyone in school that I was a witch? How did you even get into my house? Were you with us the whole time?" Clary asked Kyle slowly savoring every word on her tongue, who was backing away from her as she took her cautious steps forward.

          "N-No", Kyle stuttered, "I mean yeah. Yeah I was. With you I mean. I was with you the whole time". 

          "So, you know about demons and about what we are? You know about our powers and stuff?" She asked him slowly. Liz came to stand by Kyle's side and he had to resist the urge to look down at her and smile. 

          "Yeah. Yeah, I do. I know about it. I know about everything", he told her. She just nodded and stared at Liz, and then looked back at Kyle, as if confirming something she had been thinking about. Then she turned around and walked towards the perplexed Charlotte who had finally strung most of her thoughts together.

          Kyle let out a shallow breath that Liz hadn't known he had taken in. "Wow. It's either I'm really lucky, or I'm just really lucky", he joked, now facing Liz. She laughed, "Yeah I guess so. But, in the short time I've known Clary", she turned to face Clary, "That's just the beginning of your interrogation".

          "So, Charlotte, what's the last thing you remember? Or were you awake the whole time you were possessed?" Clary asked her after she had taken a seat in front of her. Kyle and Liz moved closer out of curiosity. 

          Charlotte began stroking her hair backwards as she tried to remember something. "I wasn't awake the entire time, but I was awake for some of it. I guess the last thing I remember is fighting those demons in the forest before we met Vivian". 

          Clary shuddered a little at hearing her mother's name, but recovered instantly. "But", Charlotte continued, "I think I was possessed even before then". Clary leaned forward, intrigued by this new and sudden information. "What do you mean?" She asked, and Liz grasped onto Kyle's arm as a cold breeze moved by her neck. She felt like someone, or something, was watching them. Her hair stood on end.

          "I mean", she continued, "My mom had always been anxious and paranoid that one day we would be discovered in our little hiding place. I was even the one telling her to calm down all of the time. But then all of a sudden, when she came", a look of disdain filled her expression as she threw a glare at Liz's creeped out figure next to Kyle, "And all of a sudden, my mom wasn't scared at all and she began to be really careless when using her magic, which was so unlike her."

          They all listened to Charlotte as she spoke. No one moved and no one made a sound. They were all quiet and listening to her. Liz couldn't help feeling scared. Now that Charlotte wasn't possessed anymore, she'd proably go back to being a bully.

          "And then her eyes flashed purple when we were fighting, and all of a sudden, I felt heavier. I felt a surge of hatred and darkness and it weighed me down mentally. I mean, I still had control over my body and thoughts, but the weight was a constant reminder that something was wrong. And then I blacked out, and any moment when I actually felt conscious, everything I saw was purple", she emphasized.

          Another breeze flew by Liz's neck and she couldn't help but shift a little. "Are you okay?" Kyle whispered loud enough for only Liz to hear. She nodded slowly but Kyle noticed the frightened expression on her face before it disappeared completely. He pulled her into him.

          There was an eerie silence as everyone took things in and thought over it. Clary was frowning while trying to understand what was actually going on. 

          "But it makes no sense!" Clary screamed out of frustration, breaking the silence and scaring everyone else from her sudden outburst. "I mean, demon possesions don't turn your eyes purple! It just makes no sense!" 

          Charlotte eyed Clary with interest and fascination. "Well, before we can go back to Torlea, we have to find out what that thing was. Because then we'll know where my mom is and maybe we'll find your parents too", Charlotte stated with conviction.

          Clary's brows furrowed with confusion, "How are my parents tied up with your mom's disappearance?" Charlotte stood up, "Well, ever since I came here, there have been frenzies of demons. Maybe the thing that possessed me was their master or something like that", she stated and Clary let out a deep breath and began to think.

          Liz and Kyle just stood there quietly, watching and listening to the two girls who were trying to figure out what was happening. Liz suddenly felt useless. There she was, just standing there when demons were roaming about looking for them, and she had nothing to contribute, even if she did read every book in the orphanage library that she could get her hands on. She was still stupid compared to them.

          Kyle just tried to mask his fear and horror to not worry Liz. He wanted to seem stoic so that she felt she could at least be protected by him. He wanted her to feel protected by him. He squeezed her shoulder lightly and she buried her face into his shirt.

          "Okay then. Well, we have to find out what monster was possessing you and then we have to find a way back to Torlea", Clary said, standing up with her hands on her hips. Then she let out a small, worried chuckle, "Gosh. Our life sounds like a cliche movie right now".

THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING ☺☺☺☺☺ Thanks guys for reading. I hope I didn't disappoint. I publish new chapters every three days now. I will try my hardest not to procrastinate

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