Chapter 5- The Hooded Stranger

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"Wake up, sleepy heads!" Charlotte jerked forward. Both Clary and Charlotte screamed as their foreheads collided with each others'. "Sorry," Charlotte shrugged, "Its a habit". The sun streamed into the room from behind the curtains, and Charlotte shielded her eyes. Clary rubbed the sore spot on her forehead and began to mumble some curses under her breath. Liz hadn't heard the commotion and was still sleeping peacefully on her side. Charlotte stood up and began to stretch, "So, why did you wake me up?" Clary frowned and said, "My mom told me to try to teach you guys everything you should know about the human world. She didn't want you guys to look out of place, even though you guys actually are out of place." Charlotte nodded and nudged Liz softly with the tip of her slipper. Besides readjusting her head on the pillow, Liz didn't make any notion that she was to be waking up soon.

"Excitare!" Charlotte screamed. Liz bolted upright. "What in the world?" Clary tapped her foot impatiently on the ground, waiting for her students to hurry up. "Guys, please go and brush your teeth in the bathroom. You guys can shower if you want, but you should be ready in an hour." Charlotte nodded with a smile, while on the other side of the room, you could literally see the steam coming out of Liz's ears. "Couldn't you just have woken me up without magic?", Liz asked in frustration, through gritted teeth. "No, you literally slept through a yelling fight between me and Clary. No noise would have woken you up and you know for certain that if I had laid more than a hand on you, my mother would kill me when I got back home. So no, I couldn't have woken you up without magic". Liz gritted her teeth and walked over to the bathroom, refusing to say anything more. She was still shocked at Charlotte's use of "I" instead of "we" in her previous statement of going home.

Liz jumped into the shower and began to welcome the hot water on herself. The events of last night came streaming in her head like a movie. Who was the guy outside of the window? The eyes of the intruder were what scared her the most. They weren't old and full of wisdom, but somehow youthful and intellectual. Hungry for information, she recalled. She shook her head. She had no time to stand in the shower, daydreaming about something she didn't know was truly real.

After brushing her teeth, Liz ran downstairs for breakfast. Before she had gotten down, she had hoped that they were going to eat viridi mixtus, which was a mix of almost all of the edible green plants in Torlea. It tasted sweet and spicy with a tang of sour. It was one of her favorite things to eat for breakfast. When she walked into the kitchen and saw the flat mushed bread on the plate, her hopes sank. "What is that?" She asked, not truly hiding the sourness in her voice at not seeing her favorite food being served. Vivian turned around and smiled. "They're called pancakes. These," she lifted up the black round thing with a handle in the air, "Are frying pans. They make the pancakes and many other foods."

Liz sat down at the table and pulled and empty plate in front of her. A moment later, Vivian had placed two pieces of the so-called pancakes in front of her. They smelled alright, but she didn't know what to do with them so, she waited until all of the pancakes were finished and everyone had come downstairs to eat.

She watched as Clary, Vivian and Liam put some tree sap, or as they called it, syrup, on their pancakes and began cutting them up into triangles with their metals. As Liz looked to the right, she realized that Charlotte was also having trouble with the foreign food. Liz poured a little of the tree sap on her pancakes and lifted it up with her fingers, being careful not to let the sap slide off the piece of fluffy bread. Charlotte saw what Liz was doing and imitated her. Liz bit into the pancake and was surprised at the taste. It wasn't better than viridi mixtus, but it tasted alright. Liz and Charlotte finished their breakfast before the rest of them did, and ran back upstairs.

Once they got upstairs, in the safety of the bedroom, Charlotte turned towards Liz. "Thank you for healing me yesterday. It slipped my mind, and I didn't have enough strength to, so thank you". Liz would have smiled if something big wasn't already bugging her mind. So she smiled quickly, and rushed into the story of the odd stranger. "Charlotte, yesterday there was this guy in the um.. the window, and when he saw me looking at him, he ran away. He had a hood on but I could tell he was a boy. So I put a protection spell on all of us."

Charlotte paced around the room, what Liz said was slowly sinking in. "What were the colors of his eyes?" Liz thought back to last night and tried to recall the color of the stranger's eyes. It was dark, and the hood wasn't much help, but Liz could remember the eyes. They were the color of the sky at night, with a fleck of light like a star. It might have been the dark that made her think of his eyes that way, but that's how the eyes had seemed.

Charlotte stopped pacing and looked at Liz quizzically."His eyes were the color of midnight?" That's when Liz realized she had been speaking out loud, and she just nodded. Charlotte seemed to relax a little. "That's good. If his eyes were red or orange, it would have probably been a demon. But, you probably just saw your first human. We just need to find out what it wants".

The door burst open and Clary stepped in, her eyes glued to her phone. Charlotte and Liz quieted and watched her walk across the room to her bed. Clary's hair twitched slightly on the back of her neck and she turned slowly to meet the eyes of both Charlotte and Liz. "Why are you guys staring at me? Did I interrupt something?" Liz shook her head but, Charlotte was nodding, rudely. "Well then, I will just go. You guys can continue...whatever it was you were doing before I came in". Clary picked up her phone and walked out of the bedroom, her nimble fingers making no pattern on the small letters.

Charlotte turned to Liz. "How did you do that?" Liz's furrowed her eyebrows. "How did I do what", she asked. Charlotte ran her fingers through her hair. "How did you close your mind? I was trying to talk to you telepathically, but you had closed your mind. It was like there was a brick wall." Liz shrugged, "You know I'm not good with this magic stuff. I didn't even know there was a brick wall in my head. I can't even do magic because I don't speak Latin. You know, the orphanage taught us every language but Latin, because they were scared we would use magic to escape". Charlotte tried hard to hold her laughter.

"I was wondering if I should teach you that. I guess I'll start tomorrow then. But, just in case you see that human again, I will give you two words. Restringunt Intrusus. All it does is temporarily paralyze the intruder. If you see him, the spell would give you enough time to call me and we could check this creep out."

Liz ran the words in her head over and over again until she thought that she had memorized them. "So, how do I get the brick wall out of my head?", Liz asked. Charlotte chuckled, "You don't actually have a brick wall in your head. Its just that you could block your mind".

Self-consciously feeling her head, Liz asked, "So, am I doing it now?" Liz closed her eyes and tried to focus on hearing Charlotte's voice. If you can hear me, then no. You're not doing it right now. Charlotte's voice came out barely louder than a whisper. "Yea, I can hear you. It was probably just a one time thing." Charlotte opened her mouth to say something, but silenced after Clary barged in once again. "Time's up. We have to get to the teaching now". Liz frowned, "I thought that the war separated us from the humans. Don't we know everything about them yet? I mean, we speak every human language". Clary shrugged, "I wish it were that simple, but remember, their life has evolved since then. They have new technology, new foods, new clothes, new things."

Clary then turned on her heels and hurried out the door. Liz and Charlotte had no other choice but to follow.

They both followed Clary into the kitchen where many objects sat around on the table. Clary sat down and said, "I'm just going to teach you guys some common objects so you wouldn't sound out of place at school. Also, since you can't learn the Human World History in three days, I'm going to implant a vision in your head. A local witch taught mom, who taught me, how to do it." Charlotte looked taken aback, "Why would you let a witch teach you anything? They're abominations to nature! The only thing they know how to do is make magical soup and shoot glitter out of sticks!" Clary's nostrils flared in rage, "I'll have you know that my best friend is a witch, and she does a lot more than that! She's probably even more powerful than you!"

"What do you know about power? If your best friend is a witch, then you probably are one too! You sure look like one". Clary raised her hands in the air and yelled, "Tace". Charlotte's mouth sealed shut, but her anger had risen a level. Charlotte would have attacked Clary right then and there if Liam hadn't walked in and silenced them with a loud clap of his hands.

"Silence right now! This is my house and I will not stand here and listen to children screaming and fighting!" Clary started, "But dad-", but Liam shut her up instantly. "I know she insulted witches, but you have to remember, they haven't been here for long. They only know one side of the story, so you have to take into consideration that they are like young children. They do not yet know about the world. That is why you have to teach them about it". Clary hung her head and replied, "Fine, dad". "Not only fine, Clary. These are our guests. Treat them like it and do not, ever, use magic to harm out of anger! Now am I clear?" Clary sighed and replied, "Crystal". Liam, looking really relieved, said, before turning around and marching right back up the stairs, "And guys, there are matters that have been kept a secret from you. So please keep an open mind, and don't go around pre-judging a whole group".

"Alright, I guess that's it now. Can we get to the teaching part of the lesson?", said the mute Liz, who was standing there the whole time with an amused smile playing on her lips. Charlotte threw her a quick glare, but Clary just laughed. "Sure, sit down first".

The whole time, Clary did not look at or comprehend Charlotte. Charlotte seemed to like Clary's actions and began to interrupt Clary in the middle of every sentence. Clary did her best to pretend not to notice, but after a while, Clary's anger began to seep through the blank look on her face. Liz tried so hard not to laugh at the tense moments. To her, it felt just like the cafeteria at the orphanage, when the inferiors tried so hard to ignore the superiors' comments about them.

But Liz and Charlotte had to admit it, they learned some pretty cool things. They had learned about pencils and pens instead of quills, they had learned about many more foods and ingredients, about books, clothes, and much more. By the end of their lesson, they had most of the modern things covered, with the help of Clary's witches brew. Charlotte was still against it, but she couldn't deny that it had been extremely helpful.

"Day one done out of three", Clary muttered from under her breath. Liz forced a laugh and scurried over to her room. Liz sat on her bed, once inside the room, and then laid down. Her excitement for what might happen in a few hours, were bubbling like Clary's brew, inside of her. Did I really see my first human? Am I really going to study with them? Are there more demons?

Charlotte walked into the bedroom, a large book lay in her hands. When she neared Liz, she held it out, "Vivian said I should give this to you. Its an English to Latin dictionary. I won't need to be teaching you as long as you've got that around". "Thanks. Are you and Clary on speaking terms again? Or are you still mad at each other?" Charlotte groaned and rubbed her forehead, "Don't even start". Liz laughed and grabbed the book. Its large size was truly deceiving, for it was really light.

"I'm gonna get right to studying, so have fun not talking to Clary". Throwing Liz a look of amused annoyance, Charlotte turned towards the door. "You have no right to tease me!", She yelled before leaving the room. Allowing herself to chuckle for a moment, Liz opened up the book to the first page. Every word on the page began with the letter A. So its in alphabetical order. Well that makes sense.

Her eyes began to slowly close after minutes of searching. Her head drooped down onto her arm and that's when she heard it. A light pull on the window. Her eyes fluttered open, her sudden sleepiness dissolving in the air. Just outside her window, the intruder was pulling up the glass, so he could get in.

Okay, so how am I going to do this? All I have to do is immobilize him and then call Charlotte. Yes, that seems easy. As much as she tried to convince herself, Liz could not stop her heart from beating heavily in her chest. Once inside, the boy crept over to the opposite side of Liz's bed, to her drawer. Alright, I can do this. On the count of three. The boy shoved something in the pocket of his jeans and kept searching, completely oblivious to Liz's planning. One......Two.......Three!

"Restringunt Intrusis!" Liz said, her voice barely louder than a whisper. She didn't want to alarm Charlotte, yet. She wanted answers first. Liz stood up, off the bed and began to walk closer to the boy.The boy's eyes hinted a struggle, but it was no use. The magic was in motion and he could not move at all, nor make any sound.

At first, all Liz did was observe him. His eyes weren't the color of midnight. Now that his hood was gone, she could see his face clearly, and his eyes were a beautiful light blue. There was a knock on the door. "Liz, can you open the door?" Liz began to panic, quickly trying to find a false explanation for her situation. "Um, no. I'm... cleaning and I.... uh, I want it to be a surprise for you guys. decorated it differently?" Charlotte grunted and walked away, leaving Liz to silently congratulate herself.

"Alright, so now I'm going to free your mouth. Do not scream, unless you want my cousin to come in here and kill you". Even though she wasn't sure what Charlotte would do if she was to see the guy, Liz was pretty sure killing him would be the nicest thing that she would ever do to him. Grabbing the book from her bed, Liz instantly checked the "S" section for the word speak. "Loqui", she whispered.

"Please let me move. I promise I won't run", he pleaded. Liz, tilted her head to the side and neared him. "You know, I have never met a human before. That was, indeed before you." Liz laughed and searched her book for a freeing spell. "Libere moveatur", she whispered.

Once gaining feeling in his body, the boy moved back as far as he could until he hit a wall. Liz only neared further. "I'm not going to hurt you", she promised, "I just want to know why you were stealing my things".

"Why do you even care?", he said, bracing the wall, "Can't you just magic up some more stuff. You're a witch, right?" Liz laughed, which began to freak the guy out. "I'm not a witch. Actually, that is the stupidest thing anyone has ever said to me and I was living at an orphanage surrounded by stupid people. I'm a Torlean, or a Gifted One. We are nature's protectors".

"So, can you please tell me why you were taking my things?" The guy slid down the wall and sat with his legs crossed. Liz imitated him, but with some difficulty. He laughed a little, finally relaxed and Liz admired his deep dimples. "I'm sorry for taking your things. Its just that I knew there was something weird about the Clary girl, so I kind of stalked her. I know its weird, its just that she was so weird and things always seemed to be.... You know.... magic around her. I wanted to find evidence to prove to my friends that I wasn't crazy and that witches really lived." Liz inched closer, but the guy didn't really seem to notice. "I don't think you're crazy", Liz muttered, but he heard her anyways and smiled. "Thanks, but they do. And so over the Summer I wanted to find proof. My plan never worked out, so I just was going to collect some things that seemed out of place. Oh yea, here", he pulled out a cluster of defa berries from inside his pocket and gave them to Liz.

Liz smiled, "So this is what you took? I was starting to think that you had taken something like soap or a toothbrush". He laughed, once again showing off his dimples. "So are you going to go to school here or are you leaving again?" Liz shrugged, "I'm going to school here but I don't know for how long. I was just sent here to do something for my family". In a way, Liz's lie was still true. She was doing this for her family. Finding the ring and bringing it back to Torlea would be progress in avenging her mother and father's deaths. "Well, then you're going to see that all of my friends left me because they thought I was crazy. Not even one believed me. So, I guess I'm a lone wolf now". Liz gasped, "You're a werewolf? How did you manage to leave your pack?" The boy began to laugh hard. "No I'm not a werewolf. Its just a saying. I meant that I was alone at school". Liz nodded her head in relief, "Well, we could be friends right? I mean, I guess in a way, I'm alone too. My cousin Charlotte tolerates my company and Clary is glued to her phone".

"That sounds cool. I'm Kyle, by the way", he said stretching his right hand out. Liz stared at it, confused. "Am I supposed to slap it?", she asked. Kyle laughed again and shook his head. "No, you're just supposed to shake it. Like this", he took Liz's hand and put it in his, "Just like that. That's called a handshake". Liz smiled and looked around the room, remembering how she was supposed to be decorating it.

"Hey, do you want to see me do some magic?" Kyle hesitated at first, but Liz's excitement was contagious. "Sure". Liz grabbed the translator book and flipped to section "C" for clean. She then muttered, "Mundum". Kyle watched in amazement as the room went from dirty to clean in a blink of an eye. Liz saw his amazed face and decided to go even further. Flipping to the "B" section , she found the word beautify. "Orandum", she whispered and watched as the room began to decorate itself, following the diagram Liz had pictured in her mind. Kyle took in a breath, "That is so awesome." Liz turned back to him and smiled.

Liz was about to say something else, when an impatient knock sounded on the door. "Almost done!" Liz yelled, exchanging a frightened glance with Kyle. "Here, take this", she whispered to him, giving him a berry, "It will help you run faster. Just... Don't run into any walls". Kyle smiled and climbed out of the window. Liz straightened herself out and pulled open the door for both Charlotte and Clary.

"Look at my masterpiece", she said, signaling the now clean and decorated bedroom. Both Clary and Charlotte nodded in approval and stepped inside. Feeling relieved, Liz smiled to herself, happy she knew something they didn't.

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Thanks for everything. Please vote, comment, and follow me. Thanks guys!.

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