Chapter 9: Demonglass

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          For Liz, high school wasn't all that bad. For Charlotte, it was the complete opposite. Kyle and Liz had most of their classes together, so Liz was never really alone or scared. Charlotte had no one, nothing, to help her get through her classes, except her poker face.

          Yup, her poker face. She tried to keep on a brave face so that no one would dare come near her. Unfortunately, it just gave her bad luck with her teachers.

          Just to let you know, there are always people judging you. So, if you're a new student to a school, dressed up in all black, and you look like trouble, you probably wouldn't be favored at first sight, which is exactly what is happening to Charlotte.

          It was fourth period now, the final class before she finally got a break for lunch, and she had Living Environment. She took a deep breath before walking into the classroom, head high, and face set. She looked like a person who shouldn't be messed with. Her chestnut black hair was pulled into a mid-ponytail at the back of her head. Everyone who was already seated stared at her as she walked in and found herself an empty seat by the back. All of the desks could seat at least two people and in the back of her head, Charlotte hoped that no one would want to sit next to her. Unfortunately for her, right after the teacher walked in, someone did.

          He had brown hair, grown to borderline unkempt. His green eyes paled in comparison to Clary's, but they were still bright. He smiled as he walked closer, ignoring the other seats and heading straight for Charlotte, who moved uncomfortable when she saw him coming. 

          "Hello, beautiful", he whispered when he finally got there. Charlotte glared at him, as he took the seat next to her. "Oh", he said, unpacking his book bag, "You're a quiet one I see". Charlotte ignored him, and cringed as she heard the late bell ringing. Suddenly, she felt cold, an ice chilling sensation travel her body. She looked around, but everyone seemed only interested in copying down what the teacher had put on the board. 

          She released a breath, which became visible in the air. She lifted her hands up to her face, only to notice that they were growing paler and bluer. She turned towards the boy, who was staring at her with a smile. His green eyes turned black, first the pupils, and then the rest of the eye until Charlotte was only staring through a black hole. 

          Realization hit her like a brick. "What do you want, demon?" She asked bitterly. It laughed and Charlotte felt the cold, even more cold, and then her legs were solid ice. "Why are you doing this demon?" She whispered with the last of the breath she had. It smiled and responded darkly, "Because.... Its fun. And because my master told me he wanted you dead. You and your cousin". Charlotte gasped as the cold made its way up to her stomach. She tried to reach her bag, in order to get the only thing that could save her at this time, the demon-glass sword. She groaned in pain as the ice caused harsh needle-like pinpricks to grow on her body. She tried to look around, while still trying to reach the bag, and realized that the class didn't even know what was going on. It was like she wasn't even there.

          "Awe, look at that beautiful face. Don't worry, since I like you so much, I'll keep you in my freezer, and I'll free you when I want to have more fun", the thing said in an almost soothing voice, which made Charlotte's stomach crawl. She had finally felt the leather of her bag between her fingers, and thought about the blade. It instantly came out in her hands, just as her left hand was beginning to freeze. The demon screeched, and broke his concentration for a second, but otherwise, did nothing and continued.

          Charlotte began to freeze, faster as the cold moved around her body. 'Its now or never', she thought before plunging the blade into the demon's head. It screeched like a car tire burning from speed, before releasing a pungent smell. Before it finally died completely, it whispered, "There are more. They will get your cousins". Then it disintegrated and the cold left with it. 

          Charlotte looked around her class, and then raised her hand. "May I use the bathroom please?" She asked, after the teacher had acknowledged her. He nodded and she took her bag and fled the room. She looked around in all directions and began running, careful to slow down when she saw someone. Then she saw a lock of frizzy red hair down the hall, and began to run, hoping that it was Clary.


          The end of class was nearing, and Liz once in a while, snuck quick glances at Kyle, only to catch him staring back. A warm feeling erupted in her stomach every time, and then she'd look away quickly back to the teacher. She tried to focus this time, for real, and noticed that the teacher never really took his eyes off of her. 

          'Does he know what I am or something?' Liz thought to herself, as more and more, the teacher stared at her. Then the bell rang and everyone fled the room.

          "Elizabeth. I'd like to have a chat with you", he said, continuing to stare her down. Liz looked in Kyle's direction. Kyle just shrugged and said, "I'll wait for you". 

          "Alone", the teacher stated, harshly, his voice growing dark. Then he continued in a not so harsh voice, "I wouldn't want to keep you from your next class". Kyle sat down, "No. Its fine. I have lunch next."

          "Leave boy!" He thundered, and Kyle, scurried from the room, as the teacher walked towards the door. Liz gulped, "Um... yes?" 

          He walked towards the door and locked it. Liz shuddered and moved as far away from him as she could. Suddenly, she flew backwards, into the wall, which knocked most of her breath out. In a split second, the teacher was in front of her, face to face, and both their breaths caught in the air. Liz wasn't sure if he was even breathing.

          "Any last words?" He asked, his tongue flicking in the air around him. He was grinning, his smile spread across his face, showing his sharpening teeth. His mouth opened wide, ready to devour her. Every thought of magic fled Liz's mind. Liz gasped, but she couldn't take in any air. She couldn't breathe.

Sorry guys for the late updates and for leaving you guys at a cliff hangar. School is rally stressful for me so bare with me. Please remember to vote, comment, and share!! Love you guys!!

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