Pierce's POV - Chapters 5,6&7

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I was visiting mum today since she wanted to catch up with me. We were having a chat over some tea in her patio with a scenic view of her garden. Usually in spring, this garden was flamboyant with flowers but then since it was now the autumn season, all you could see were the shades of red, orange and yellow that fell off from the trees.

We were having a pleasant conversation. All of a sudden, my mum's phone rang from her purse. "Just a second, honey. Hello?" She answered.

The caller said something from the other end and my mum's facial expression changed drastically. Her eyebrows were furrowed seeing that she was not liking what the caller was saying from the other line. Her eyes started to water by the time the call had ended. She stared straight at her garden while her thoughts wandered somewhere deep.

I started to worry, "Mum? Is something the matter?"

I waited for her to respond but she was still quiet. I could see that her eyes were empty and distant. I tried to get her attention again, "Mum?" I rubbed her arm in a comforting manner to bring her back from her thoughts.

"Your father..." She began to whisper.

"Dad called?" I questioned. He never tried communicating with us ever since mum told me that we left him back in America. Why would he call all of a sudden?

My mum always told me that he was a nice man. Ever since he took over an empire, he completely forgot about us. It made me angry how he could be so selfish. He only cared about his company. I grew up without him and it had been hard for me to not have a father figure to lean on. I had expected from him to teach me some sports or something that we could do together but no, he was too busy ignoring us.

She also taught me not to hate on my father but sometimes you couldn't avoid asking a lot of questions as to why he never cared. It was difficult because he just wasn't there for us. I knew that my mum still loved him. She eventually became too exhausted to fight longer for our family. Therefore, she left him as she hoped that my father would take us back.

He never did.

Mum looked up at me with so much sadness in her eyes. "No...it was his lawyer calling to tell me that he died last night." Then hot tears started to roll down her cheeks. Realization sank at the pit of my stomach. I couldn't believe it. He was gone. Everything that I hoped for, that maybe one day he would call and take us back. I guess that it wouldn't happen anymore.

I comforted my mum in an embrace as she cried silently. I couldn't bring myself to mourn for his death since I wasn't really attached to him in any way. She cried for a few minutes and when she had regained her strength to speak she told me that we couldn't attend the funeral. I didn't know what her reason was but I presumed that she still had this pent up anger and frustration bottled up inside her heart even though he deeply loved my father. She probably wouldn't be able to take it when he saw him lying peacefully in his casket.

"George Brent, that's his lawyer, also wanted you to fly to New York as soon as possible. He said that your father left a will for you, for us."

"I thought you didn't want to go to the funeral?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I don't. I was hoping that you would."

"What's the point? We're too late now, mum." I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

"Honey, I just meant that perhaps his last words are in that will. There might be something that we can attempt to understand from his side of the story." Her eyes showed that she was hopeful. I didn't want to break it so I reluctantly agreed. It would only probably take a few days to settle everything then I could go home immediately.

I arrived in New York on a Sunday afternoon, a few days after my father's death and funeral. George Brent had offered me free accommodation at Alexandrite Hotel but I had declined. I really didn't want to get into my father's business. I heard he was good with the hotel industry but I wasn't going to dwell on further. It was a tiring flight so I decided to stay in a different hotel. The rest of the day I had rested and just ordered room service.

By Monday morning, I met with George Brent. He had instructed someone to come pick me up from the hotel to take me to my father's office. We were to discuss the will that my father left for us.

"Good morning, Mr. Alexander. I would like to welcome you here in New York City. Mr. Brent is already waiting for you." A woman from the reception desk greeted me.

I just nodded, grateful for her assistance.

"Your father's office is on the last floor. It would lead you directly to his office when the elevator opens so don't worry about getting lost. My name's Brenda by the way. If you need anything, just dial 0." She smiled.

"Thank you." I muttered and led myself to the lift.

I walked into the office and immediately saw the lounge where George Brent was sitting with a woman while they were talking with one another. Her back was facing me. She had dirty blonde hair that cascaded softly onto her back. When I caught George's attention, he stood up, clearing his throat and walked over to me. He introduced himself and the woman he was with. Her name was Olivia. I intently looked into her grey eyes while she stared back in a dumbfounded state.

As George cleared his throat, Olivia snapped back from her thoughts and smiled warmly at me. She extended her arm for me to formally shake. I was disinterested and I didn't know why she was even here. Was this my father's girlfriend? Quite young, I thought. I scoffed how he could go low and use someone half his age.

George and I proceeded to the conference room to start discussing the will. As we took our seats, George cut right into the chase. "Mr. Alexander, extend my deepest condolences. Your father was a great businessman. He was hoping that you would be the one to take over Alexander Corporation. You're the sole heir of Wilson Alexander and the company is turned over to you as it is now your responsibility."

It felt as if I was hit by a bus with this kind of arrangement that my father wanted me to do for him. This wasn't part of the plan. Mum clearly forgot to tell me this kind of crucial information.

"What if I'm not interested?" I questioned.

"Wilson Alexander didn't appoint any of the board as his secondary option. He wanted you to do it. We are also not allowed to amend this will since it was your father's last request."

We continued on discussing the rest of the will and what would happen about the company if I was going to be running it for good. There were no personal letters that he left for us. I guess he didn't care at all. Even on his death, he still thought about his damn company. All this weight being brought upon me made me decide to just go for it. It wasn't like I had a choice. Did I? Yet, part of me wanted to get information about my father. I still wanted to get to know him. How he was as a person and finding out the reason behind why he didn't fight for us.

George Brent also mentioned about Olivia. Turned out, he was his personal assistant that had been working for him for three years. He left her a huge amount of money. It made me suspicious as to why he would help some girl that wasn't even part of the family. It infuriated me when George told me. Was the money for her services? Was she that good to manipulate my father? She was definitely a gold-digger.

The meeting I had with my father's lawyer ended by lunch time. I felt drained with information overload. George decided to invite me for lunch and get back by one o'clock here in the office. Olivia would be showing me around the building. I really didn't like her. I just hoped she wouldn't try anything with me.

After we had lunch, George had dropped me off. He gave me his calling card in case I needed anything. I had his number but he insisted that I take his card so I would know where to find him. When he left, I met Olivia's eyes as she gave me a warm smile. "Um, let me show you to your office first." She walked a few steps into the big wooden door and opened it.

"This was your father's office but if you want we could call someone to renovate this to your liking." She smiled again which was really getting on my nerves.

She showed me around the building but I wasn't really interested. My mind drifted off to the load of work that I left back home so I had been checking my e-mails on my phone. We were now walking through a corridor. I didn't know that she had stopped walking when I almost bumped into her. I looked up and narrowed my eyes.

"I know this is a lot to take in but it's really rude that you're not paying any attention. I don't have all day if you're just going to waste my time." She glared at me, noticing that her eyes turned into slits.

I wasn't going to let her affect me.

"Look Olive,"

Did I just call her an olive?

"It's Olivia." She cut me off.

I have never been treated like this by a woman. She was a feisty one which irked me more than I should.

"I don't have time for this either. If you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to." I walked out on her. I really didn't want my time wasted with her.

To be honest, I wasn't actually doing anything. I just wanted to clear my head for a while. The rest of the week, I resorted to alcohol. I tried to numb everything from how my life had turned into a complicated one in just a day. I had a peaceful life back in England working for a financial firm and taking great care of my mum since she was the only family I had.

It was a typical night and today was finally Saturday. I was in the VIP Lounge at a club drinking all my problems away with two easy women. I had a little too much to drink so I was kind of drunk already. My eyes scanned the whole place. I was leaning on a railing which gave me a clear view of the dancefloor. It was dark but I spotted someone who was wearing a black backless dress. She was scanning the crowd until her eyes landed on mine when she decided to look up. I couldn't help but stare at her and a sudden realization washed over me when I pinpointed that the person I was checking out was Olivia. She looked back at me again; this time she also had the same realization that it was me. I saw the quick panic in her eyes then she swiftly turned around. She hurried her steps as she blended with the crowd until I could no longer spot her.

I saw her at the bar a few minutes later. I took the opportunity to come down from the second floor and talk to her. Hopefully, get her to bed with me.

As I neared her, I grabbed her by the waist and whispered into her ear. "Who do we have here?" She smelled like vanilla which had a calming effect on me. I noticed that her body went rigid from my touch.

I turned her around so I could see her. Our faces were now only a few inches apart. I smirked, "I didn't know you were that kind of girl, Olive."

I still had no idea why I was still calling her an olive. It kind of stuck now.

She had a confused expression on, "What?"

I was getting peeved with her innocent act, "Don't play dumb with me. I know my father gave you money. You must be pretty good giving him the satisfaction to be paying you that kind of amount. So what do you say? Want to get out of here?"

I smirked at her, hoping she would agree. But then, her grey eyes turned dark and without warning I felt her palm hit my cheek pretty hard.

"How dare you insult your father like that? You don't even fucking know me!"

She stormed off whilst pushing me to the side. I just stood there as I felt the sting on my cheek and a headache that was making its way to my brain. I guess she wasn't who I think I presumed she was. She was different.


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