Chapter 21: Rejection, Break Up and Heritage. ✔

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This was the day that was going to change Mary's life, forever. 

Mary walked down the stairs and over to the house phone. There was a answer machine message. Mary pressed the play button.

"Hey Mary, it's Oscar, here. I am sorry to say but your music is don't go well with the producers. They don't want to make your album. I am sorry I had to do this over the phone but you needed to know. Mary, I loved your music it was great. Might see you soon, Oscar." 

Mary looked down at the phone, the tears were streaming down her face. She couldn't believe that just happened. Her whole world just crashed down. She just screamed, Alice can running through. 

"Mary what's wrong?" Alice asked as her daughter fell to the ground. Alice bent down and hugged Mary in her arms. "Honey, what happened?" Alice asked as she caressed her daughter.

"I-I-t's o-v-e-r-r-r." Mary cried, she couldn't believe that nobody liked her music. It was all she had. "Music is over!" Mary cried even louder, Betty came running down the stairs to see what was going on.

"Mary, what do you mean?" Betty asked as she went down beside her sister. 

"Oscar phoned. Nobody wanted me." Mary stated as she stopped crying, she just wanted to see Reggie.

"Oh honey, I am so sorry." Alice whispered in Mary's ear. Mary pushed away from her mum and stood up. 

"I have to go." Mary whispered before she ran out of her house, before anyone could say or do anything to stop her. She began to run down the street and she bumped into Archie.

"Mary, what's up?" Archie asked as he opened his arm for Mary to hug him. Mary hadn't spoke to Archie since he declared his love for her. Mary shook her head as she looked at him, the tears were falling out of her eyes.

"I can't Archie. We can't." Mary whispered as Archie walked closer towards her. He really wanted to kiss her. "Archie, I have Reggie." Mary added before Archie kissed her. Mary joined in, she just couldn't help herself. Mary quickly pulled away and turned her head away. Reggie was standing beside them in the street.

"I came to see you. You seemed pretty occupied, girlfriend." Reggie spat angrily and Mary walked closer to him. Her face was red, her eyes were covered in tears, her nose and lips were swollen from crying. Archie felt so bad but so good at the same.

"Reggie, please." Mary cried as she walked up to him, she wrapped her hands around his neck. She needed him, she loved him. "It was a mistake." Mary explained but Reggie dropped her arms at her side and walked away.

"That wasn't a mistake Mary." Reggie laughed to himself as he walked away from her. Mary followed after him crying. Her mother and two sisters were watching from the outside of their house. They saw the whole thing. 

"Reggie, I just lost music. I can't lose you too." Mary cried as she chased after him. Reggie turned to face her. He was so angry and upset. He couldn't believe what he had just saw and that his girlfriend did not stop him.

"I can't believe you Mary. You made me chase you, you made fight for you while you kiss Archie of all people." Reggie shouted scaring Mary. She whimpered at him. "You can't do that to me. I can't be with you." Reggie stated  bluntly before he walked away from them all. Mary dropped onto the road and cried. Everyone was walking out of their houses to see what the commotion was. Alice and Betty took a hold of Mary and helped her into the house.


It was the next morning, Betty was at school , Polly was out and Mary was in bed. She was too depressed to do anything. She was woken up by the sound of her parents arguing.

"You have to tell her the truth." Hal shouted, Mary stood up from her bed and walked over to the door. So she could hear better.

"Hal, would you keep your voice down." Alice hissed, Mary wondered what they were shouting about. "Mary will never know the truth. She is mine." Alice added and Mary was confused, what did her mom mean by she is 'mine'. Mary opened up her bedroom stairs and walked down the stairs.

"Tell me what, mommy?" Mary asked in a baby voice, as her parents looked at her. A tear cascaded down Alice's face. She was so upset that Mary heard them. Nobody was answering her. "Tell me what." Mary stated bluntly this time. Hal turned to his wife.

"Should I tell her or you?" Hal asked and Alice walked up to Mary.

"Mary, you need to sit." Alice said as she guided Mary to the couches, Mary sat on one and her parents on another. "What we are about to tell you, will shock you. But, it doesn't mean we love you any less." Alice whimpered as she tried to hold back her tears. Mary wrapped her hoodie around her tightly. "The day you were born, there was another baby being born at the same time. Betty." Alice started off saying and Mary didn't understand. "You are not our daughter." Alice cried and Mary's heart sunk. 

"What?" She asked as tears formed in her eyes. "What do you mean?" Mary asked again, confused and distraught. For some reason it was a sense of relief because Mary now knew why she was an outsider. 

"Your mother was a old friend of mine. She couldn't handle having a child so I took you instead." Alice explained and Mary shook her head. "Honey, Jules was a drug addict." Alice explained and then she covered her mouth. Mary's mother was called Jules. 

"You are a serpent." Hal stated bluntly and Mary stood up in shock. She didn't know what to say, think or do. They only sentence she could form was,

"I want to see her." Alice turned to face Hal as more tears streamed down her face. "I want to meet her." Mary added and Hal nodded his head.

"Go get changed, she lives in the trailer park." Hal explained and Mary stomped her foot on the ground.

"My mom has been living in the southside this whole time." Mary cried in shock and Alice looked away, when Mary said 'my mom'. "I'm a serpent." Mary added and Alice shook her head.

"You are not a serpent.  You are a Cooper." Alice stated harshly and Mary ran up the stairs. She quickly got changed and met her distraught 'parents'. 

"Let's go." Mary muttered as she walked behind them. The car ride was silent, Alice tried to speak to Mary but she just ignored her. Mary was nervous about meeting her mom. They arrived in the trailer park and stopped outside of the trailer which had crystals hanging from the top.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hal asked reassuringly. Mary glared at them before she opened up the car door. She waited for Alice to walk up first. Mary stood behind the Cooper Couple. The door opened and there was Jules. 

She didn't look like a drug addict or a out of control thirty year old. She looked like Mary.

"Alice Cooper, I didn't think I would see you again." Jules hissed like a serpent. Mary looked over her Hal's shoulder to see Jules had a little serpent tattoo on her upper arm. 

"I wasn't planning on it." Alice retorted back and Mary coughed from the back, she tried to change the subject. "Someone wants to meet you." Alice sighed in defeat as she walked to the side. Jules was reunited with her daughter. Finally. Her hair was a brown as Mary's, before she died the bottom blonde, she had the same eyes and lips as Mary.

"Mars?" Jules asked in shock, she just knew it was her daughter. Jules names Mary, Mars, when she was born. Alice didn't like it so she changed it to Mary. Jules loved planets and space, her favourite planet was Mars because of the colour of it.

"Mary." Mary smiled and Jules nodded her head. "Mars is pretty rad though." Mary added and Jules smiled at her. 

"Come on in." Jules smiled and Mary walked into the trailer. Alice and Hal followed behind them. Mary was in awe of the trailer, it was so punk rock. "Can I get you guys anything?" Jules asked as she stood in the kitchen part.

"Nothing for us, we are only stopping for a few minutes." Alice explained, Mary wasn't having that though. She wanted to get to know her mom.

"Mom?" Mary asked and both Jules and Alice looked at her at the same time. "Sorry." Mary muttered before she turned to Alice. "Do you think Jules and I could speak, alone? You could come pick me up in an hour.  No later." Mary explained and Alice shook her head.

"Mary." Alice sighed as Mary gave her puppy dog eyes. Hal decided to step in. 

"Forty five minutes. No later." Hal smiled at Mary. Mary hugged them both.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Mary exclaimed with pure joy. Jules walked over to them. 

"Thank you." Jules mouthed to Alice. She just pursed her lips back. She didn't want Mary to get to know Jules, Mary was her daughter. Jules didn't know the first thing about Mary.

"We should go." Alice muttered before she hugged Mary one last time. Alice and Hal left and Mary turned to face Jules.

"Why Mars?" Mary asked and Jules couldn't stop looking at her beautiful daughter. She reminded her so much of her. 

"I love planets, see." Jules explained as she pointed to the roof. It was like outer space on her roof. "There is Mars. It's my favourite planet." Jules explained as she pointed up at it.

"Where's my dad?" Mary asked changing the subject. Jules placed her hands in her back pocket. It was an uncomfortable subject for her.

"He is gone, he left me after I stopped taking drugs." Jules explained as she sat down on the couch. Mary sat down beside her. "I started to clean myself up after I lost you." Jules added as she showed Mary her AA pin. Mary smiled at her.

"Congratulations." Mary replied.

"Enough about me. I want to know everything about you. We have forty three minutes left." Jules giggled and Mary laughed along.

"My life sucks right now." Mary sighed and Jules gave her a concerned look. Almost motherly. "My whole life I felt like an outsider. I felt like nobody wanted me. I mean they didn't. I found a guy, Archie. My sister Betty. She had a huge crush on him and he went for me. Then we broke up. He cheated on me with the music teacher." Mary explained and Jules slapped her knee.

"Get out." She said in shock. Jules was only about thirty three but she could pass off as twenty three. 

"Yep. He was sleeping with the music teacher. Then there was Reggie. We were dating up until last night. Archie kissed me and he saw. Last night I also got rejected by music producers." Mary explained and Jules hugged her. Once Mary had felt her touch she felt so at home. Like it was right for her. 

"Honey, I am sorry." Jules whispered as they pulled out of the hug. Mary shook her head.

"I just want out of Riverdale and away from my family. Polly is back and she practically hates me. I don't know why. Then there is Betty and Veronica. Veronica has replaced me as Betty's sister practically. I can't even look at Archie. Reggie hates me." Mary cried and Jules hugged onto Mary tighter. "What do I do Jules?" Mary asked, she needed advice. Alice couldn't give her the advice that she needed.

"Live with me." Jules stated and Mary pulled out of the hug. She was in shock. Jules was being serious. "Think about it, you don't belong in Riverdale." Jules explained as she stood up. "Okay, so I have been saving you a room for years. Hoping that you would come back." Jules continued as she walked down the trailer. Mary followed after her. Maybe she could fit in better if she stayed with Jules. Mary looked at the room, it was perfect. "Obviously we could change it." Jules began to say but Mary shook her head.

"It's perfect." Mary whispered with tearful eyes. It had wine colour walls and a black bed. She had a desk and drawers. It was everything she needed. "I want to live with you Jules." Mary smiled before she hugged Jules. It was perfect. Everything about it just excited Mary.


What do we think? I updated as well woohoo. I don't have that much chapters left then I will start on the next book. Don't forget to check out my other projects as well! Comment if you like this story line please. It would mean the world to me,

Mrs N O'Brien

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