Chapter 24: Daddy Issues, Jughead's Birthday and Heartbreak

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"So can you tell me about my dad?" Mary asked Jules as they sat on the sofa watching reruns of Gilmore Girls. Jules shook her head as she drank her coffee. "Why not?" Mary asked sighing. 

"Cause I don't want to talk about it." Jules answered and Mary crossed her legs over.

"But I have a right to know." Mary replied quickly and Jules grabbed the remote and paused the TV. 

"I have told you everything that I know." Jules stated as she threw her head back all stressed out. 

"That he is a drug-obsessed man who does not love me nor you and never will." Mary mocked and Jules just stayed silent. "Where did you meet him?" Mary asked wanting more, she wanted this information. She wanted to know who she was and her dad was a big deal. 

"In high school." Jules answered holding back everything and telling nothing. Mary just sighed as she crossed her legs over. "He was in my class and I loved him but he loved an other." Jules explained and Mary shook her head.

"Was he like me? Is he in Riverdale?" Mary asked and Jules remained weirdly quiet. Then it all clicked. "He lives on the Southside." Mary laughed excitably.

"Mars, you will never know about your dad because he does not matter. He always was a drunk and loved his jingle jangle." Jules explained before she stood up. "I don't want to talk about him ever again!" Jules shouted and Mary rolled her eyes.

"I am sick of people lying to me, Jules, I want to know the truth." Mary stated.

"Mars Jules Prescott! I said no." Jules sighed and Mary shook her head.

"It's Mars Jules Cooper." Mary corrected and Mary could see that it really hurt Jules as tears began to stream out of her eyes. 

"I don't want to see you, I just don't. Just leave, please." Jules begged before she ran into her room and closed the door. Mary grabbed her bag and ran out angrily. She picked up her phone and dialed someone's number. 

"Hey Archie, where are you right now?" Mary smiled as she held back the tears. This was the first big fight they had had and it ended badly. 

"My house for Jughead's birthday, remember?" Archie asked chuckling and Mary completely forgot. 

"Be there in twenty minutes." Mary said as she jumped onto the bus and made her way to the back before she ended the phone call.


"God, Mars, we thought you were them." Veronica sighed as everyone jumped up. Mary just rolled her eyes as she took her jacket off.

"I guess I ruin everything then." Mary smiled at them sarcastically and everyone was taken back her attitude. "So where's the drink?" Mary asked them and Kevin pointed to the table in the back.

"In the kitchen." Kevin answered and Mary nodded her head as she walked into the kitchen. She poured whiskey into a cup and downed it straight away. As she did so all she could hear was 'surprise'. 

"Happy Birthday, Juggie." Mary smiled as she topped her drink off to him. 

"Thanks, Mars." Jughead replied and then he realised that Betty was missing. "Um, has anyone seen Betty?" Jughead asked and then Betty walked in holding a cake. 

"Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Jughead Happy birthday to you." Betty sang and even Mary could meet that she was freaked out. 

"That was haunting, Betty." Jughead commented and Betty smiled as she held out the birthday cake for Jughead. 

"Blow out the candles and make a wish." Betty smiled and all of Mary's sad emotions overcame here and the tears streamed out of her eyes. Mary walked into the kitchen as she wiped away her tears. Archie came up behind her. 

"Mary? Are you okay?" Archie asked and Mary shook her head as she turned to face Archie. Her eyes were becoming black with the eyeliner and mascara. 

"It's just the tip of the iceberg. I don't want to talk about it." Mary stated as she wiped away her tears but it was just making things worse. 

"Okay. You want a drink?" Archie asked as he grabbed a plastic cup and a bottle of vodka and coke. 

"Isn't it the bad girl from the wrong side of the tracks who's supposed to corrupt the sweet small-town boy?" Mary asked jokingly and Archie chuckled as he handed her the drink.  

 "My dad's visiting my mom. They're about to finalize the divorce." Archie explained and Mary placed her drink on the counter and hugged him. 

"Archie, I am sorry." Mary whispered in his ear and Archie pulled away quickly because Archie did not want to fall for Mary again. 

"My mom wanted to leave Riverdale, my dad wanted to stay. I had to choose, and I chose my dad." Archie explained and Mary smiled at him. Then he saw Mary getting more upset about the talk of parents. "Forget it. It's nothing compared to what you're going through." Archie replied and Mary just shrugged her shoulders. 

"My mom and I got into a massive fight. She told me to leave because she would not tell me about my dad." Mary explained before she drank her whiskey. "Nobody wants me, Archie, not even you." Mary cried. 

"Mary-" Archie began to say and Mary interrupted him. 

"What happened to us?" Mary asked and Archie shrugged his shoulders. Archie was feeling uncomfortable because he wanted to stay away from Mary, ignore her because it was hurting him. 

"Oh, sorry. Just coming to get ice cream, so Is everything okay?" Jughead asked because he noticed the tension between Archie and Mary. 

"Yeah, no, I'm just not in a party mood like I usually am." Mary smiled awkwardly as she poured herself another drink. 

"That makes two of us." Jughead replied and Mary knew things were going to get awkward so she decided to leave. 

"I am going to go back to the- yeah." Mary whispered awkwardly and then there was a knock on the door. Mary watched the door open and there was about fifty people standing outside maybe more. 

"Did you really think you could have a party without inviting moi?" Cheryl smirked and then Chuck appeared. He was back and Mary wanted to squash his face. 

"Or me?" Chuck smirked and then Mary diverted her eyes to Moose who was holding a keg on his shoulder. 

"Archie, where do you want the kegs?" Moose asked and Archie grinned happily. 

"Screw it! One in the kitchen, one in the backyard!" Archie exclaimed and everyone cheered happily. Mary crossed her legs over as she drank her drink. 

"Why are they doing this?" Kevin asked as everyone rushed past them to the party. 

"They're agents of chaos, Kevin. They don't need a reason." Mary answered and then Veronica joined in from behind. 

"But if I had to guess?  Payback." Veronica said chillingly. 

"As long as Reggie-" Mary whispered to herself but then Reggie appeared in front of her looking hotter than ever.

"It's been a while, Mars." Reggie said awkwardly as he looked down at the ground. He was wearing the jumper that Mary used to wear all the time. It gave her good memories of their relationship. 

"Are you still hating me?" Mary asked him and Reggie shrugged his shoulders. 

"I might be over it." Reggie answered and Mary nodded her head slowly. 

"Want a drink?" Mary asked him as she held up hers. It was almost finished and she needed a refill. Mary wasn't even in the party mood hence why she was only wearing jeans and a skimpy vest top. Her hair was in two pleats and she had no makeup on. 

"I'm good, Mary." Reggie stated and Mary tried to speak to him. Reggie shook his head. "Mary, we are over." Reggie insisted and Mary shook her head as she walked away from him. Everything was falling apart, she had no one. 


"I drunk-dialed my dad, Mars." Archie admitted as they sat in his room. Mary had already had about six drunks and she was drunk. 

"Archie. What did you say?" Mary asked intrigued. She was here for him. 

"I told him not to sign the divorce papers. I don't even know why, it's not like I even want them to get back together. Mary, why do I keep doing this? I keep wrecking things." Archie explained and Mary just tapped his nose jokingly. 

"Welcome to my life." Mary smirked and Archie chuckled. Mary then saw Reggie walking past and wanted to find him.  "Can you give me two seconds?" Mary asked and Archie nodded his head. Mary pushed herself off of the bed and saw Veronica at the door. "Oh hey Ronnie." Mary smiled before she ran out of the room and tapped on Reggie's shoulder. He turned around to see her. 

"Mars, what's wrong?" Reggie asked and Mary scoffed, as if he did not know. 

"I lost music. I found out I had new mom. I don't know what to do and you are no longer with me." Mary listed and Reggie shook his head. 

"You moved straight onto Archie. You kissed him. You cheated on me." Reggie croaked and Mary shook her head crying. She loved him. 

"I love you." Mary admitted and Reggie was taken back by it all. 

"What?" Reggie asked confused and Mary was shocked that he could not love her back but I guess that was what she deserved. 

"I love you, Reggie." Mary smiled at him and Reggie just shook his head almost immediately. 

"Mary I can't-" Reggie admitted and Mary shook her head. 

"You don't have to say anything but just know that I love you." Mary smiled at him and Reggie shook his head.

"You need to move on." Reggie insisted and Mary nodded her head as she wiped away her tears. It was obvious that she was upset by it all and Reggie could see it too. 

"Well bye." Mary whispered as she walked away. She was going to walk into Archie's room because she wanted to talk to Veronica about the whole situation but then saw that Veronica and Archie were a little busy. Kissing. That hurt Mary more and she ran away. Reggie was going to follow her but then realised that he could not see Mary anymore. 


"Mom." Mary whispered and Jules looked so upset but relieved that Mars was home where she belonged. 

"Mars." Jules cried as she hugged onto Mary. Mary hugged back as she broke down into tears. "Oh Mars." Jules whispered as she comforted her daughter. 

"I don't know what to do anymore." Mary sobbed. "I have no one. I have nothing. I don't have Archie and I don't have Reggie. What if Riverdale isn't for me?" Mary asked confused because Archie was kissing Veronica and Reggie would not even look at her. She had left her family to live with a stranger. "I don't belong anywhere." Mary whispered as she pulled out of the hug. 

"You belong here with me, I am never losing you again." Jules whispered  before she hugged onto a crying Mary. Mary had no idea what to do anymore. Her life was a mess the only thing certain was her mom. 

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