Chapter 3- Proud Mom, Performing and Closet Fun, with not one but two! ✔

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*I do not own any of the songs they are all Lucy Hale's from her album Road Between. I am not taking no credit * 

"Mary, come on!" Betty shouted from the front door. "We are going to go buy dresses, I have so much to tell!" Betty shouted. Mary grabbed her phone and purse and ran down the stairs.

"Okay, cool. I have news as well." Mary said hopping out of the door as she slipped her black converse on, they matched her red checked shirt, black jeans and black vest. They spoke in the car for ages but finally arrived at the dress shop. Mary was excited for this semi-formal, especially for Reggie. It was almost like Mary had a boyfriend. 

"So you are going with both Veronica and Archie?" Mary asked confused trying to hold in her laughter. Betty just looked at her and nodded. "Why?" Mary asked again admiring this pretty black dress with gold sequins covering it. 

"I don't know." Betty said laughing taking a peach dress off the rack.

"That is beautiful." They both said in unison admiring each other's dress. They giggled and went to the changing room to change. 

"So Reggie, huh?" Betty asked coming out of the changing room to see Mary looking at herself in awe.

"Yeah. Reggie." Mary breathed out smiling to herself. "I think I actually really like him." She continued to say as she turned around to face her sister. "But, you cannot tell anyone." Mary said sternly pointing her finger in Betty's face. Truth be told, Mary did not want Archie to know because she knew it would hurt him. 

"I promise, I won't." She said laughing at her twin sister. "But everyone knows, that both Reggie and Archie have a thing for you." Betty replied nudging Mary and laughing.

"Hardly." Mary stated slowly backing into the changing room while pulling the curtain slowly and making funny faces at Betty. Who just laughed at Mary's cuteness. They left the store and went home to get ready together. Mary looked at her phone to see a text from Reggie.

Reggie Mantle: So tonight? 

Mary: Are you going to pick me up? 

Reggie Mantle: I would love too but won't your mom not kill both of us?

Mary: Oh one hundred percent! 

Mary: Mom is just happy that I have a date and would love to meet you. I promise. 

Reggie Mantle: Okay, but if I die make sure to confess your love for me before. 

Mary: Not a chance! 

Reggie Mantle: A guy can try right? 

Mary: Come at 6 cause you are taking me to pop's. 

Reggie Mantle: You've got it. 

Mary: Thank you, my knight in shining armour. 

Reggie Mantle: No problem. 

Reggie Mantle: Also tell my cap I miss it, ;)

Mary:  You mean my cap? ;) 

Reggie Mantle: Keep it, maybe soon you can walk around with my jersey. 

Mary: Maybe. 

Then with that Mary switched off her phone she only had an hour to get ready. She quickly slipped off her clothes and ran into the shower. She got out and wrapped herself in a towel. She went into Betty's room to see if she was there, because if she was not Mary could get her red lipstick. She bent down forward facing the window to get the lipstick which was on the floor. She came up slowly to see Archie at the window smirking at her. She quickly gasped and ran out of Betty's room. Archie had just seen her pretty much naked because the towel wasn't covering that much. 

Mary dried herself off and slipped into her dress. 

"BETTY!" Mary shouted standing at her door, "I need you to zip me up." She shouted. Betty slowly opened up her door and rolled her eyes. She spun her finger around to indicate Mary to turn around. She zipped Mary up. "Thank you!" Mary said smiling and running into her room. She quickly did a gold and black smokey eye. She eye-lined it and had brushed the mascara on her eyes. She put on her foundation, concealer, powder, you name it it was on her face. Then she glided the red lipstick across her lips and pouted in the mirror. "MOM, can you straighten my hair?" Mary shouted and Alice came in smiling. Mary was not allowed to use anything hot because she had a habit of burning herself. She had a burn scar in the middle of her forehead because she hit her curlers off of it. 

"Can I hear you sing now?" Alice asked plugging in the straighteners. Mary looked at her hands and began to sing.

"I'm that girl you think that's got it figured out, but I walk around, with a head full of doubt. The cruelest words about me, come from my own mouth. La da de, la de da." Mary sang softly looking up at her vanity mirror to see her mother smiling.

"Your voice is just beautiful." She said looking down at Mary's hair while straightening it. 

"Thank you, I wrote in English once. I need to work on it." 'Mary replied smiling and blushing. Her mom had finished the last strand and unplugged the straighteners. There was not much straightening to do to Mary's hair because it was already pretty much straight. Which is surprising because it is normally a curly mess. 

"Who is the lucky boy taking you to the dance?" Alice asked as Mary grabbed her converse, she smirked as the doorbell rang,  and walked down the stairs. Alice was already down the stairs so she got the door first.  

"Mom, this is Reggie." Mary said looking at Reggie and smiling. Alice looked at Mary.

"So I have heard. You are on the football team, aren't you?" Alice asked Reggie as she walked over to get her camera.

"I am ma'am." Reggie replied nervously. Alice giggled along with Mary.

"Please, Alice. I like you. Keep this one." Alice sad pointing to Reggie and Mary just nodded slowly. "Now photos, get in Mary. Come on!" Alice exclaimed pulling them in together and smiling.

"Come on Mom, really?" Mary groaned as Reggie laughed and pulled her in closer. Mary felt like she really had a boyfriend and not just guys and flings. 

"Yes, now smile." She said excitably. The pair both smiled and posed for the photos.

"Well Mom, we better go he is taking me to Pop's." Mary replied grabbing her phone and smiling at mom and walking out of the house hand in hand with Reggie.

"Your mom likes me! Alice Cooper likes me! I mean!" Reggie shouted spinning Mary as they walked. That was an achievement because it was not everyday Alice Cooper admitted to liking someone. 

"That is an accomplishment, I must admit." Mary replied laughing. "But she is being different around me and I don't know why?" Mary said walking beside Reggie who still wasn't over the fact that Alice Cooper liked him. Mary leaned on her tippy toes and kissed him on the lips.

"Wow." Reggie breathed looking down at her, "that was way better than summer." He said smiling.

"You are going to have fun tonight aren't you?" Mary asked rhetorically as they walked into Pop's. They sat a booth together. 

"I am going to have fun, cause I have the best looking girl on my arm." Reggie said smiling at her, Mary began to blush.

"I want chips. I am not going to sit here and eat salad just to impress you." Mary retorted laughing. Reggie slid out of the booth and walked over to her side and slid in. Mary did not do well with compliments so she just let that one slide. 

"I wouldn't expect anything else." Reggie replied smiling down at his girl. "Hey Pop's can we get a big portion of chips please." Reggie shouted and Pop's nodded his head. "Thanks man." 

"I can not believe I am singing tonight. I am nervous." Mary said laughing. 

"You will be amazing, but it is really creepy what Jason did, he watched you sing?" Reggie replied staring down at Mary in her black sequin dress and her hair poker straight. 

"Yeah I know." Mary exclaimed sitting up. "I am freaked out to the max, that is one freaky ass family." Mary continued as she admired the chips that were being placed at the table. "Thank you Pop's." She said muttering while eating a chip. Reggie looked at her and smiled at her cuteness. "Even though I liked Jason, I have a twincest theory." Mary continued as she stuffed her face with chips.

"Yeah, Cheryl liked her brother more than a sister should." Reggie said laughing as did Mary. 


"Hey Reggie, I am going to see Archie two seconds." Mary shouted in Reggie's ear as she let go of his body as they were previously dancing. Reggie just nodded and walked over to Moose. 

"Hey guys, you look great." Mary stated smiling at Veronica and Betty. 

"Dark Twin you are stunning in that dress. It is goals!" Veronica exclaimed. Mary smiled as Archie stood there gawking at her. Mary also like the nickname 'dark twin' that one was a keeper. 

"Andrews, can I talk to you?" Mary asked smiling at him. Archie just stood there still gawking. The words couldn't physically come out of his mouth. "Archie?" Mary asked furrowing her brows. Archie just nodded and the pair walked into a corner. 

"Mary you look stunning." Archie said pulling her close.  Real close. Mary had goosebumps forming. But she was here to speak to him about something, Archie was not her date. 

"Archie about what you saw tonight, it was not intentional and do not tell anyone." Mary said sternly staring at him. He just laughed. 

"Of course, do you want to dance?" He asked grabbing his hand. "Do you want to know something?" Archie said away to pull her to the dance floor. "I really wanted to ask you to the dance." He whispered in her ear. 'No. No. No. Why did he say that to me?!' was all that Mary could think off as she sighed loudly. Stupid ginger stallion ruining everything. 

"Archie I am here with Reggie." Mary stated quickly before she ran off to Reggie. Reggie looked at her confused.

"Are you okay?" Reggie asked her, she gave him a sweet smile and kissed his cheek. Reggie was who she wanted but all she could think about was Archie. 

"Yeah, just nervous. I am away to go on stage, I better go." Mary replied smiling then she walked to the back of the stage. Cheryl walked on stage. 

"Good Evening, Friends. Hope you are all having a good time." Cheryl said into the mic as everyone cheered. Mary peered round the curtain to see Reggie standing there with his thumbs up smiling. "As honorary chairperson and de facto queen of tonight's semiformal, it is my great pleasure to introduce this evening's main entertainment. This is her first time on stage, I am sure she will be everybody new interest. She sure was JJ's. He would sneak in and listen to her sing. But anyway she will be singing JJ's favourite song of hers. So I give you Mary Cooper." And with that Cheryl pointed to Mary and Mary walked onto stage with cheers. She immediately locked eye-contact with Archie, little did anyone know the song was written about him. The music began to play and Mary sang the song. 

"The full moon is shining like a spotlight yeah, I could just sit and listen to you talkin' all night when you whisper yeah baby, when you lean in yeah, I get a crazy, crazy good kind of feelin' it's like Amen from the back of the choir sweet hum of freedom underneath the tires kicked back sittin' by a cracklin' fire strumming them guitar strings and like an old song on the radio that you grew up to and everybody knows pushin' through the water when the river rose winding wild and free. Baby, you sound good to me. Baby, you sound so good to me. Mm-m-mm like a melody. Baby, you sound good to me. Tell me.  All of your story And don't you leave nothin' out 'cause baby, I ain't in a hurry Every little thing you say Got a real nice ring to it The way it rolls off your lips And oh, when you give me that kiss it's like Amen from the back of the choir Sweet hum of freedom underneath the tires Kicked back sittin' by a cracklin' fire Strumming them guitar strings Like an old song on the radio That you grew up to and everybody knowsPushin' through the water when the river rose Baby, you sound good to me Baby, you sound so good to me Mm-m-mm like a melody Baby, you sound good to me Baby, you sound good to me Baby, you sound so good to me Mm-m-mm like a melody Baby, mm-mm Like an Amen from the back of the choir Sweet hum of freedom underneath the tires Kicked back sittin' by a cracklin' fire Strumming them guitar strings Like an old song on the radio That you grew up to and everybody knows Pushin' through the water when the river rose Winding wild and free Baby, you sound good to me Baby, you sound so good to me Mm-m-mm like a melody Baby, you sound so good Baby, you sound good to me Mm-m-mm like a melody Baby, you sound good to me." Mary sang with all of her heart. As she did she noticed the crowd of people dancing, cheering and enjoying the music. When Mary everyone began to cheer, she let out a nervous giggle. She walked off the stage and hugged Reggie.

"You are amazing!" He exclaimed lifting her up. Mary just smiled and kissed Reggie passionately, to get the idea of Archie out of her head. "Hey, you coming to Cheryl's after this." He said smirking, Mary looked at him confused. Reggie lifted up an eyebrow.


They were all at Cheryl's house and Mary was sitting in between Betty and Veronica whilst Reggie sat across from her smiling.  

"It's game time at Chez Blossom, kiddies. We're going old-school tonight. Seven Minutes in Heaven. Who wants to tryst in the Closet of Love first? My vote is A for Archie. Anyone care to second it?" Cheryl asked. Archie looked stunned, while the three looked at each other weary.

"Wait, actually." Archie said protesting meanwhile a drunk Reggie was hitting him and saying.

"Yes, Andrews! Yes. If you don't then I will." Reggie finished. That kind of hurt Mary but he was drunk so she expected nothing less. 

"Alright, Reggie let's see the lucky girl." Cheryl said as she spun the bottle. It landed on Mary. Archie's eyes filled with jealously. Reggie got up and walked over to Mary. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Mary looked at him and nodded. Everyone cheered as they went into the closet. Mary winked at everyone then shut the door. 

"Are we going to do this?" Mary asked but Reggie don't not answer with words he just placed kisses down her neck and onto her jaw. "I'm going to take that as a yes." Mary said as she giggled. She grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a big kiss. The both pulled back and laughed.

"Do you think they can hear us?" Reggie asked raising an eyebrow. Mary just shrugged and placed kisses on his neck. Before they knew it the door opened and it was Archie they both wiped there faces and walked out slowly. 

"Seems like you both had fun." Cheryl stated smiling, Archie looked at Mary with jealously. She quickly diverted her eyes to Betty and Veronica who were smiling.

"I vote a A for Archie next. Who seconds it?" Cheryl asked. Reggie just smirked.

"Archie go for it!" Reggie shouted as he smirked at Mary who laughed at him. Mary did enjoy the closet, a lot. 

"Gather around, kids." Cheryl said as she walked over to the bottle. "Let's see who's riding the ginger stallion tonight." Cheryl continued while she spun the bottle. Reggie raised his eyebrows flirtatiously looking at Mary who blushed. The bottle landed in between Betty and Mary. Betty looked at Archie sympathetically while Mary did the same to Reggie.

"Oh come on, I mean that is obvs at Mary." Cheryl said as she walked around everyone. Mary just shook her head because she did not want to lead Archie on. 

"Sorry Cheryl but I just went, shouldn't someone else not get a shot." Mary said declining. Cheryl just sighed and shook her head

"That's up to you and no. But, if you don't, house rules decree the hostess gets to take your turn." Cheryl said, Mary sighed and looked at Betty and Veronica she knew that she couldn't have Cheryl go in with Archie. Mary looked at Reggie sad and kissed his cheek to reassure him. He smiled and watched his date go into the closet with someone else. Archie closed the door behind Mary who stood there smiling up at him.

"So, you and Betty were having fun at the dance?" Mary asked to kill time. As they were both really close together. 

"Definitely." Archie said looking down at Mary. "As you know we've been friends forever." He said smiling. "My turn." Archie then added and Mary shook her head. 

"I didn't ask my question yet." Mary said looking down at the ground. "Is that all it is? Just friends?" Mary wanted to know for Betty's benefit and hers. 

"We're not just friends." Archie said taking a pause. "We're best friends." He said making his point clear. "My turn." He chuckles. That was going to kill Betty inside. 

"Are you and Reggie serious?" He asked interested. Mary sighed looking down at Archie's converse.

"I don't know." Mary muttered. "Could it ever possibly become something more?" Mary asked smiling up at Archie. 

"Are you asking for Betty or for yourself?" He asked smirking while taking a step closer to Mary.

"For Betty, and you never answered my question." Mary replied taking a step back. Archie took a step forward.

"I've never felt, whatever it is I'm supposed to feel with Betty." Archie stated.

"Have you felt it though? With anyone?" Mary asked as she looked at Archie's lips.

"Yeah, twice actually." Archie said laughing, "this summer and some amazing chick." He said walking closer to Mary smiling. "Have you?" He asked Mary.

"Yes and I wrote the song about the guy. He was my first love. Little did he know." Mary replied giggling nervously. "Ask me a question Archie." Mary breathed as Archie came closer to her. "Ask me anything you want." Mary said as Archie snaked both arms round her waist so he pulled her into him. "We shouldn't do this." Mary said as Archie leaned down to kiss her.

"We definitely shouldn't do this." He whispered before they embraced in a kiss. They slowly came out of the closet Archie looking nervous and Mary looking guilty. She felt like she had cheated on Reggie.

"Where is Betty?" Mary asked when she faced Cheryl. Mary looked around so upset because she needed to find her sister. 

"She spiraled and fled." Cheryl said. "Between us, she's a lot more high-strung than she looks." Cheryl finished with her arms crossed over."You shady bitch." Mary stated as she ran off.

"Crap." Archie muttered as he followed Mary. Reggie looked at the two run off, he wondered who's heart Mary wanted, Mary was unsure of that question herself.

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