Chapter 5: Chips, Jumpers and Ignorant AssHoles ✔

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"I still can't believe Jason got shot." Mary muttered lying down on Reggie's bed. She shot up and sat up on the bed. "I can't believe he was murdered, the cops probably think it was one of us." Mary exclaimed getting worried that there was a slight chance one of her friends could be the killer. Reggie got up out of the chair he was sitting on and moved over to the bed. He sat down and looked at Mary.

"Mary, I really hope it wasn't one of us but we just don't know." Reggie said giving her a hug. "But you know what is fun?" Reggie asked wiggling his eyebrows. Mary just laughed.

"What." Mary replied giggling. Reggie walked away and came back two minutes later with fries. Mary just laughed. "Fries?" Mary asked stunned. Reggie walked over to her. 

"You love fries, and I am hungry." He groaned laughing and Mary got up, moved over to him and snatched the fries from him. He laughed and followed her over to the bed.

Mary cuddled the fries like they were her baby and grabbed the TV remote. She switched on Netflix and started to watch Jane the Virgin. Reggie looked over at her.

"Really?" Reggie asked while grabbing a chip off of her. She just nodded.

"Telenovas are the best thing ever." She exclaimed turning it up so it would drown out the noise of Reggie groaning. They sat in silence and ate fries for a while until Mary looked up at Reggie.

"Your cute, you know that?" He asked rhetorically as he looked down and smiled at her. Mary blushed and continued to look at him. "You want a jumper, don't you?" Reggie asked and Mary nodded along and got of the bed and walked over to his closet. She picked up his navy blue and placed it over her head so it slid onto her. It was massive. She did a twirl.

"Don't I just look amazing." She exclaimed sarcastically as she walked back to the bed laughing. Reggie nodded and pulled her onto his lap. Mary just giggled and looked into his eyes.

"You are amazing." Reggie whispered into Mary's ear before he planted kissed down her neck. Mary giggled as it tickled her. Her phone buzzed so she picked it up.

Mother Cooper: I am outside, do not make me come up to the door. x

Mary just groaned as she enjoying herself, she felt safe and secure. She looked up at Reggie and pouted.

Mary: Coming. x

"Mother Dearest, is outside." Mary groaned as she planted a small kiss on Reggie's lip. He groaned.

"Don't leave." He moaned as Mary got up off the bed and walked to the door. She stood there with her hand on her hip.

"Aren't you not going to come down the stairs with me?" She asked rhetorically and with that Reggie quickly jumped off the bed and ran over to her. He kissed on the lips as Mary tried to leave the room. "Come on Reggie, I have to go." Mary moaned as she gave him one last peck and walked down the stairs and left to see her mom in the car. She gave a small wave to Reggie who waved back and smiled at Alice. Mary got into the car and sighed.

"How was it?" Alice asked curious. Mary looked at her and smiled with glee. 

"It was amazing." Mary exclaimed, "he is the best." Alice looked over at Mary seriously.

"Will he be a boyfriend, because he needs to come over for dinner first?" Alice stated as she pulled into the driveway. Mary just shrugged smiling. It would be great to have Reggie as her boyfriend but Archie still longed as a problem. 


Mary walked into the student lounge to see all of her friends there including Reggie. She was wearing his jumper, ripped jeans and black hightop converses. Reggie smirked as she walked in wearing his jumper. Veronica ushered her over to where she was sitting next to Chuck. Now as you all remember Chuck and Mary had a small fling, that didn't end well... but that is another story for later.

She gave a weary smile to Veronica. 

"So, how was last night?" Veronica asked smirking and wiggling her eyebrows, Mary just shrugged smirking. "So, it was good I take it?" Veronica asked. Mary couldn't hold in her excitement.

"It was like we were really an item, it annoys me sometimes. Like why can not be an official couple." Mary always pondered that in her head, why would Reggie not ask her that question.

"And Sheriff Keller's grilling me, Mantle the Magnificent." Reggie said really loud grabbing everyone's attention. "Cause I'd want Blossom dead. When he was, like, the only good quarterback we had." Reggie stated as Mary rolled her eyes and walked over to Kevin and Betty. She smiled as she sat down next to them. "And speaking of offensive tight-ends, I should've sent the cops to you, Moose." Reggie said playing with the football in his hands.  "Because here's another unsolved mystery. What exactly were you and Kevin doing at the river, huh? Or does being with the sheriff's son give you a free pass? Keller?" Reggie asked as he turned to face Kevin. Mary was glaring at him.

"Don't listen to that ignorant ass." Mary said looking directly at Reggie. He showed no emotion whatsoever and at the the same time Betty said. 

"Reggie's just being a blowhard, Kev." This was really hurting Mary and maybe the old Mary could deal with it but the new Mary was not going to. 

"I don't care what he says." Kevin muttered as Reggie turned around, probably to pick his next victim. 

"I mean, let's think about it." Reggie continued, despite Mary calling him an ignorant ass. "If a kid at Riverdale killed Jason, it's not gonna be a jock, right?" Reggie said as he chucked the ball at a team player smirking. "Now let's be honest." He continued as he rolled up his sleeves. "Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic Internet troll, too busy writing his manifestos to get laid? Some smug, moody, serial killer fanboy freak, like Jughead?" Reggie said as he turned around to face Jughead who was not impressed. Reggie laughed. Mary was going to kill him. 

"What was it like, Suicide Squad? When you shot Jason?" Reggie asked, Mary's blood was boiling. How dare he offend one of Mary's friends, even when he promised he wouldn't. "You didn't do stuff to the body, did you? Like After?" He asked sarcastically as the football team laughed excluding Archie.

 It's called necrophilia, Reggie, can you spell it?" Jughead retorted, Mary laughed at Jugheads comment, but Reggie was not impressed. Mary did not care because she was in a mood with him.

 "Come here, you little..." Reggie groaned pissed off as he jumped over the chairs to get to Jughead. Archie stopped him and pushed him back while saying.

"Hey shut the hell up, Reggie."

"Boys." Veronica said warning them as she stood up. Mary stood up as well and moved closer to them.

"Reggie just apologise for being an ass." Mary said from the back, Reggie looked at her. He was pissed at her. Everyone turned around to look at the boys at the vending machine.

"What do you care, Andrews?" Reggie asked getting all hyped up. Mary just rolled her eyes. Looking at the boys.

"Nothing, just leave him alone." Archie retorted.

"Holy crap." Reggie stated smirking. Archie looked nervous but he had a blank expression on his face. "Did you and Donnie Darko kill him together? Was it some sort of pervy, blood brother thing?" Reggie said moving forward after each question he got closer. Archie pushed him back then Reggie shoved him into the vending machine. Mary just gasped.

"Reggie stop it!" She shrieked moving closer towards them. Everyone stood up and the football team quickly grabbed the two and separated them while Reggie was punching Archie in the face, but Reggie managed to get away from them and he punched Archie so hard that he was knocked out. Mary stormed out and Reggie followed behind in a quick pursue. 

"Mary!" Reggie shouted, Mary ignored him and walked faster with every beg of her name she walked quicker until she ran away from him. But then she realised that she had a few things to say.

"No!" Mary shouted before she shoved him angrily, that definitely got people's attention. "You promised that you would stop making fun of my friends and then you decided to do that... punch Archie! I cannot believe you, Reggie." Mary explained and Reggie tried to hug her and apologise but Mary was not having it.

"Mary, I was just-" Reggie began to say but Mary cut him off.

"Just what?" Being an ass?" Mary asked him and Reggie stayed silent. He knew that he was wrong. "I can't be dealing with this right now, leave me alone Reggie." Mary spat before she walked off and Reggie just stood on the spot. He knew that he had ruined everything. There was nothing he could do. 


Mary walked up to the Andrew's front door. She was no longer wearing Reggie's jumper. She was wearing the clothes she would normally wear, out there and different, her edgy bohemian look. It was a short comic strip dress, a yellow leather jacket and her black hightop converse. She knocked on the door. Mr Andrews answered smiling.

"Mr Andrews, hi." Mary said smiling. He smiled back. Mary used to love being at the Andrew's because she felt like part of the family. 

"I take it, you are here to see Archie." Mr Andrews said nodding his head. Archie came round the corner with a black eye.

"Dad who is at the door?" He asked before realising it was Mary. "Mary, hey." He said as Mr Andrews let her past. She walked over to Archie.

"Archie I am so sorry about Reggie." Mary said hugging Archie. They slowly pulled away. "Can we talk?" Mary asked looking up at his black eye with guilt. Archie nodded and led her up the stairs.

"So." Archie said as he shut the door. Mary looked at him.

"I need you help." Mary stated softly not looking him in the eye. Archie walked up to her and held her arms.

"Whats wrong?" He whispered softly, Mary looked sad.

"I have made a mistake." She muttered gently. "What if I chose the wrong guy." Mary whispered looking at his lips. Archie looked down at hers.

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