Chapter 22 ~ Coronation Day !

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The day was finally here, Ben's Coronation Evie had made Me and Mal's dress as the boys waited for us as Mal was off to go ride with Ben leaving me with the others.


"Your dress is beautiful" Evie told me as she applied lip gloss onto my lips.

"Thanks E" I told as I got up as I looked at Evie's royal blue dress.

"Your dress is fabulous" I told her as she blushed and said "Thank You" as I looked into the mirror at my very own dress.

"Come on the boys are waiting" Evie told me as I grabbed my spell book as I walked outside to see Jay and Carlos waiting as I looked at them both.

I had to say Carlos looked cute in his black, white and red suit as he smiled at me.

"Wow Madison You look beautiful" Carlos told me. I couldn't stop the side of my mouth from twitching because I wanted to smile baldy as my pale skin turned to a burning red. 

"T-Thanks" I mutter as I glanced at Jay.

"Nice's Red" I told him as he smirked at me.

"Come on the  Coronation about to start" Evie told us as we rushed towards the Auradon Cathedral.


{At the Auradon Cathedral}

Snow White was live on TV and it was being broadcasted all over Auradon.

"At last, here we are, broadcasting live from the coronation where Prince Benjamin will soon be crowned king! I'm Snow White, bringing you up to the second coverage of who's the fairest of them all."

""I'm snow white." Who are you kidding? She's definitely had work done." The Evil Queen mocked.

"Oh, Fairy Godmother is looking radiant. But what is happening with Jane's hair? And there is Fairy Godmother's wand."

"I want that wand!" Maleficent said at the Isle.

"Do you? Hadn't heard." Cruella said.

"Oh, and here comes Ben now." Snow White said as the crowd turned to Ben and Mal riding on a carriage waving to the people.

Mal's Dress :

Ben noticed how nervous Mal as he took her hand as he said "Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there."

"Thank You"

"Mal, would you wear my ring?" Ben asked Mal as she told him "Um... not now. I think it would probably just fall right off of me. I have something for you."

"For me ?"

"Yeah. It's just for later, you know, when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy."

"Always thinking. But I can't wait." Ben said as he ate it as Mal said "No!"

"Mm. Mm... Mm! This is really good."

"Uh, do you..."

"Mal ?"

"Do you feel okay?"  Mal asked Ben.

"You bet." Ben told her.

"Would you say that you're still in... that... that you have very strong feelings for me?" Mal asked him.

"I'm not sure. I mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect."

"Yeah... Okay. What? What? You knew?" Mal said in shock.

"That you spelled me? Yeah. Yeah, I knew."

"I'm... I can explain myself." Mal told him.

"No, look, It's fine. I mean, you had a crush on me. I was with Audrey. You didn't trust that it could happen on its own. Am I right?"

"Yes. You're so right. So, then, how long have you known?"

"Since our first date. Your spell washed away in the Enchanted Lake." Ben told her.

"So then what? You've just been... Faking it since then?"

"I haven't been faking anything." Ben said.

"Well, If it isn't..."

"My daughter. Looking like some kind of..."

"Princess! Now, let's see who this beauty is wearing. Evie."

"Evie! That's my dau... evie!"

"Someone named Evie designed her gown."

"That's my daughter!" The Evil Queen said.

"Oh, wow. She sewed a dress. Meanwhile, my girl duped a prince, and she's this close to grabbing the magic wand."  Maleficent said.

"Bitter, party of one. Bitter, party of one." The Evil Queen said.

"It's happening, people! It's happening! I say, gird your loins! Gird your loins! Villains, our revenge begins today."

Mal and Ben finally made it to front to be greeted by Beast and Belle.

"About the other day, I just..."

"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy." Beast said.

"You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy." Ben said.

"I did? I... how very wise of me."

"Ben, we are very proud of you. You keep listening to your heart."

"Thanks, mom."

"You're gonna make a fine king."

"Wish me luck."

"Don't blow it, kiddos ." Maleficent said.



On the inside it was beautiful there were little kids singing  as me and the others were standing on the side ready for when Mal took the wand and the villains rain began.

As you could see crystal clear images of some heroes and heroines images like  Snow White, Mulan or Aurora.

Ben was kneeling down as Fairy Godmother was about to crown him Prince of Auradon.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

"Oh, grab the thing already!" Maleficent said to Mal on the Isle.

"I do solemnly swear." Ben told her.

"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king."  as she place the crown on Ben's head.

Mal glanced at Fairy Godmother's wand that was being held in a glass case as she glanced at me and the others who were looking at her with a face that read "Were really doing this"

Fairy Godmother honored Ben like a Knight as the wand was out her hand.

Everybody gasped as the person with the wand in their hand pointed towards the Isle as the barrier broke.

"Yes!" Maleficent said.



"Yeah! Oh !"

"The barrier is broken! We're free!" The Evil Queen said.

My mother made her way towards the giant window as she said "Scepter! Now!" as my mother scepter went to her hand as she let out a evil laugh as she turned to green dust as she was on her way to Auradon.

Everyone backed away as they watched as the wand was out of control  as Fairy Godmother said "Child, what are you doing?!"

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" Jane told as the wand produce a lighting spark.

"Take cover!" Beast said as Ben shield Mal.

Mal hurried towards Jane as she was able to get the wand from Jane "Careful, Mal!" Belle told her.

The wand was now in Mal's hand as me and the other rushed to get down to her as Jane rushed away.

Ben took in front of Mal as he said "Mal, give me the wand." as she pointed it towards him and said "Stand back."

"It's okay." Ben told her.

"Ben, I said stand back!"

"I told you so!" Audrey said.

"Let's go!" Carlos told Mal.

"Revenge time."

"You really want to do this?" Ben asked Mal.

"We have no choice, Ben! Our parents..." Mal said.

"Your parents made their choice. Now you make yours." Ben told all of us.

"I think I want to be good." Mal said.

"You are good" Ben said as Mal retorted "How do you know that ?"

"Because... Because I'm listening to my heart." Ben told her.

"I want to listen to my heart, too." Mal said as she put the wand down as she said "And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents."

Mal turned to Jay as she said " I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy." as a boy in the crowd said "Yeah !"

"And you, scratching dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought?" she said to Carlos.

"And Evie... You do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." Mal said on the verge of tears as she finally turned to me.

"Mads, Your my goofy loving little sister who's loves strawberry and loves to see people happy" as she stepped closer to me as she said "Madison I'm so sorry for what I said the other day, I'm  so happy to have you as a sister"

"I love you" she told me.

Tears glimmer in my eyes me and Mal never  said "I love you" to each other.

Tears came down my cheeks and cleaned my face as I nodded with a smile and said "I love you too Mal" as she smiled at me as I hugged her tight as she hugged me back.

"And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school. And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really happy. Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things" as Ben smiled.

"I choose good, you guys." Mal said to us as she held out her fist as we all heisted as everybody got scare as Mal looked at us as Jay held out his fist as he said "I choose good, too." as Evie joined

"I choose good." Evie said.

"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad." Carlos said as Ben said "Your parents can't reach you here." as Carlos sighed and said "Okay, then. Good." as we smiled at him.

"Come on"Mal said to Ben to join as he walked towards us as he joined his hand as everyone clapped as Mal laid her head on his arm.

Suddenly everyone turned as they saw a green cloud of smoke as it came over as it landed it the middle as everyone was surprised to see who it was

"I'm back" My mother said as everyone backed away as I sighed and said "It can't be. Go away, mother." my mother laughed.

"She's funny. Oh! I'm so... you're very funny. Here. Wand me. Chop chop." as Mal throw the wand towards Fairy Godmother as she said "Bibbidi-bobbidi..."

"Boo" as she frozen everybody where they stood.

Psych. Ooh. Ooh, in another time, in another time. Evil like me, don't you wanna be mean... Ow! Oh. Oh, no. Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs." she said messing with everybody as she turned to us as she smiled.

"Where shall we begin? I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this? Perfect fit!" as she took the ring Ben gave her off her finger.

"Oh, excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. The horns, the horns! Aw... Falling in love is weak... And ridiculous. It's not what you want." as she messed with Ben.

"You don't know what I want!" Mal retorted as Mom glare at her.

"Mom, have you ever once asked me or Madison what we want? Were not you!"

"Oh, obviously. I've had years and years and years and... Years of practice being evil. You'll get there." Mom told Mal.

"No, I will not. And I really wish that you had never gotten there yourself. Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing." Mal told Mom

"I know one thing, young lady. Neither of you have no room for love in your life!"  as Mal lifted her hand as she said "I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your life!" as the wand went to her hand.

"Ha ! It worked" I said as Mom looked like she was going to blow a fuss "I hardly think so. Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!" as Carlos spoke up

"Hold on, Mal. Maybe good really is more powerful than evil."

"Oh, please! You're killing me. Arf! Oh! Oh, the breath! The breath! Get off me!" as Dug jumped on Mom.

Jay charged again as he put his hand on mom's scepter as she looked him in his eyes as she felt his muscles and said "Gaston should be jealous." as she use magic and made him drop to the ground.

"Enough! You all will regret this!" as green smoke surrounded her as she became a dragon as my mom blew fire as Jay duck as he went under people as we all ran.

My mother flew towards Jay as he hide behind a column as my mom flew towards him.

"Come on. Run, Jay, run!"

As my mother continued  to chase Jay.

"Hurry, Jay. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Jay! Watch it, Jay Jay, come on Please, Jay! Jay!"  I said as he ran towards us with our mom chasing him from behind.

"Aah!" as he hid behind us as Evie stepped up as she said "Magic mirror, show your bright light!" as it blinded my mother as she flew to the ground.

"Behind us, E !" I told Evie and the others as they stood behind me and Mal as me and Mal faced our mother.

"Leave our  friends alone! This is between us, mother." as our mother eye turned a glowing green along with mine as Mal's turn a bright purple.

"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one." as I grabbed Mal's hand as she glanced at me and smiled.

"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one!" as me and Mal looked deep into my mother's eyes as she looked deep into ours.

Then mom eyes went back to normal as she disappeared into green smoke as she vanished.  

Once she vanished so did the spell she put on everybody else they were know moving and were here again.

"Oh" Fairy Godmother said as she was able to move again along with everyone else.

"What just happened?" Evie asked me and Mal as Mal replied "I have no idea."  

"Did you to do it?" Evie asked Me and Mal.

"I don't know." Madison said as Fairy God mother walked over as she said "No, no, no, no. Your mother did. She shrank to the size of the love in her heart. That's why It's so itty-bitty." as we saw our mother as a tiny purple lizard.

"Is she gonna be like that forever?" I asked my mother.

"Well, forever is a long time. You learned to love. So can she." she told us.

"I believe this belongs to you." Mal said giving the wand to Fairy Godmother.

"And I believe this... Belongs to you." Fairy Godmother said handing Mal the ring.

"You all have earned yourselves an "a" in goodness class. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" as we smiled.

Then Ben came charging as we all stopped him as Mal said "Okay, okay! Oh! We kinda got this all wrapped up here."

"Oh... Yeah, let's go."


"Next time, I rescue you, okay?" Ben told Mal.

"Yeah. Let's not let there be a next time, okay? I will be right back." I said as I saw Jane and Fairy G as I walked over.

"I love you. But you are on a major time-out." Fairy Godmother told her.

"Don't be too hard on Jane. I was the one who put all that crazy stuff in her head. You are beautiful... Inside and out. Your mom got that right." I told her.

"I guess I did get pretty lucky in the mother department." Jane told me.

"Yeah, I guess so." as I saw a guard putting a cage over my mother.

"Hey!" I said as the guard looked up at me "Careful! That's my mom!" as he nodded as I walked back towards all the others as Jay said "Well, let's get this party started!"

Then we all smiled as we began to sing "Ohayohay, hey"


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

{Beast Castle}

We all were partying at Beast Castle as fireworks were going off as we all were dancing and signing.


"Set it off, set it off, set it off"

"Oh yeah"

"Oh yeah yeah"

"Let's set it off"

"Oh yeah"

"You can make it happen"

"You can make it happen"

"Kings and Queens, it's our time to rise"

"Write the book story of our lives"

"This is us taking back the night"

"Ohay, Ohay"

"Break the spell, we were born this way"

"Be yourself, forget the DNA"

"Everybody raise your hands and say"

"Ohay, Ohay, hey!"

"Sound the alarm, get on your feet"

"Let's set it off and rock this beat"

"Dance till your heart is wild and free"

"Ooh, Oh, Oh"

"Feeling the power, let it all out"

"Like what you see in the mirror, shout"

"We got the keys, the kingdom's ours"

"Ooh, Oh, Oh,"

"Ohay, Ohay Hey"

"Let's set it off! Oh yeah (oh, yeah)"

"Start a chain reaction"

"Never let it stop!"

"Let's set it off, oh yeah (oh, yeah)"

"You can make it happen"

"With everything you got !"

"Let's set it off!"

"Get ready, set it off"

"Come on"

"We got to set it off"

"On the right"

"Get ready, set it off"

"To the left"

"We got to set it off!"

"Ohay Ohay Hey!"


"It's time to set this thing off"

"Let's make it happen now"

"I'll make my own future, ignore the rumors"

"Show 'em my passion sound"

"They all told me I should back down"

"Judgin' me 'cause of my background"

"Thinking 'bout changing my path now"

" Nah, I ain't goin' out like that now"

"Feeling the power, let it all out"

"Like what you see in the mirror, shout"

"We got the keys, the kingdom's ours"

"Oh yeah!"

"Let's set it off!"

"Oh yeah"

"Let's set this off!"

"Start a chain reaction,Never let it stop!"

"Let's set it off!"

"Let's set this off!"

"Oh yeah"

"Let's set this off!"

"You can make it happen"

"With everything you got!"

"Let's set it off!"

"Get ready, set it off!"

"Come on"

"We got to set it off!"

"That's right!"

"Get ready, set it off!"

"(To the left!)"

"We got to set it off!"

"Get ready, set it off, We got to set it off,Get ready to set it off "

"Come on!"

"3, 2, 1, Uh!"

"Ooh yeah!"

" Let's set it off!"

"Oh yeah"

"Let's set this off!"

"Start a chain reaction"

"Oh. I was having so much fun, I almost forgot. You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?" I said with glowing green eyes and a smirk.


"You can make it happen"

"With everything you got!"

"Let's set it off!"

"Get ready, set it off"

"Come on"

"We got to set it off!"

"(To the left!)"

"Get ready, set it off!"

"(To the right!)"

"We got to set it off!!"


You really didn't think this was the end story did you ?

Because Auardon about to have a little pirate fun⚔️


I'll will be starting Descendants 2 soon !💖😃😁 Thank you guys for all of your reads I can't thank you guys enough.

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