Chapter Four: Dilemmas

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Meanwhile in Petelburg castle, Princess May was keeping an eye on her fiancé. The couple didn't know when their wedding would be. They had decided not to make any plans until both parties were ready. King Norman of Hoenn took the news kindly and had arranged May's bedroom to be rearranged for her needs. Her little mattress on the floor was replaced by a gigantic king-sized bed. The room had been painted red and yellow.

A good rest was what they both needed. Queen Caroline had been arrested, but nobody explained why. Whenever she was mentioned, May was sent to her room. Max had not been himself either. Max did not go to church as often as he used do and often the priests would gather in his room for prayers. May was less religious than his brother, she was more interested in fashion and war. She knew of Ash's desires to become king, and of her future father-in-law's eccentric plots.

Giovanni Ketchum had a violent reputation. If it weren't for his high status, he would have been long gone. Princess Delia had been told many times to get rid of him, but she remained as faithful as ever. May couldn't trust Giovanni, even though he was Ash's father. Giovanni had been working hard to make sure that both of his sons got what they wanted, but he wasn't doing it for their own benefit. Giovanni wanted to rule the world, and his sons were merely pawns in his game.

The phrase like father like son could never have been so false. Ash did inherit his desire of the throne by his father, but he had a sweet and tender nature that was taken from his mother's side. His grandfather, Samuel Oak shamelessly named Ash as his favourite grandchild.

There were many rumours circulating from Kanto to Unova that Sir Ash Ketchum was a womanizer. The princess of Hoenn laughed the rumours off. Ash had always been fond of Misty, The Queen of Kanto, but their fondness only developed into a strong friendship. Ash and Misty had been friends since they were toddlers. She had nothing to suspect. Ash being a womanizer was nothing less than royal gossip.

As she knelt besides the bed, she curved away the creases of the bed with the back of her hand. To Hoenn, Ash was a prince. They may not have been married, but it was clear that King Norman took a liking to Ash. Even though it was Norman's younger son who was heir to the throne, Norman still encouraged his daughter and Ash to get married as soon as possible. Norman wanted his daughter to produce heirs to the throne, even though she wasn't next in line. Pikachu had recovered from his battle injuries whilst his trainer stayed in bed. It didn't take long until May hopped onto the bed.

"So how are you feeling?" May asked Ash. She cupped his cheek and her fingers twisted over to his nose.

"I'm feeling better," Ash replied. He chuckled and held his stomach in a tight grip. "I must admit that I am hungry."

"The maids will be coming with the food shortly," May assured him. "You do not have to worry."

"So did you go to Iris' wedding?"

"I did. But only for a short while."

"What was it like?"

"It was a wonderful service, everybody seemed really nervous but it was a great night."

"I wish I was there," Ash said. He forced himself to get up. "It would have been nice to have made it. Iris was probably annoyed that I wasn't there."

"Iris didn't seem to care. She was so happy with Cilan. She didn't really care about anyone else."

"May... do you think Iris would really cut my head off?" It had bothered Ash for many weeks. Iris and Ash had a quarrel about the poverty in Cinnabar Island. They had some disagreements and then Iris called him a child and that she threatened to execute him if she didn't listen to her. The words sent a earthquake in Ash's spine and mind. Ash and Iris had been great friends for a long time. He couldn't believe that such a good friend would say something like that.

"She'll have to go through me first," May roared. She clenched her fists and growled. "Iris should give you an apology."

"Maybe she'll write me a letter soon."

"I'll go there myself tomorrow morning."


"No buts Ash. We need to talk about it. Even a Queen shouldn't pick on people."

"You're right May."

Two plump chanseys came into the room with Ash's supper. Ash's eyes lit up as he snatched a handkerchief from the bedside table and sat up straight ready for his food. The tray rested firmly on his knees. One chansey passed May a knife and fork in case she wanted something to eat too. Ash quickly tucked into the pile of meat and noodles before him. May helped herself to some too.

"This is good stuff," Ash cried out with the gravy shining on his mouth. "Much better than the food I get at Unova. It's all vegetarian." Ash turned his face and saw May chewing on a meatball. "Hey! Why are you eating my food?"

"Cause it's my food too."

It was the closest that Ash and May had ever gotten into an argument. Although the mood of the evening was sincere, there was concerns still masked by their smiles. May was worried about the future of Hoenn. Her younger brother was technically the heir to the throne, but he was sick with a fever that had no cure. If they both die, Hoenn would be without a future king, and Norman would be in trouble.

Then it all made sense to her. The reason why Norman was so optimistic about her relationship with Ash was because she was next in line to the throne. It felt like a blow to May. She knew of the responsibilities that her father had to endure. It all seemed to be too much for her father to handle on top of his family emergencies.

That was why Giovanni was so kind to May. Giovanni wouldn't want Ash marrying just any old princess. Female monarchs were rare, and Giovanni Ketchum loved nothing more than obscurity. If she was next in line to the throne, then Ash's dream would come true. May pondered about the thought of being Queen. It wasn't all just jewel showers, luxorious fashion, parties and passion. There was also the dark side to it: war, violence and fighting criminals.

"ASH!" May screamed at the top of her voice. "I'm to become queen!"

Ash gasped. He had finished his food by the time May spoke. He passed his plate over a squirtle who happily took the plate away. "Really? But I thought Max was heir to the throne?"

"Not anymore," May replied. With every second, her voice became sweeter by the enthusiasm in her voice. "I can't believe it. I'm going to be Queen. That's why everybody's been so kind to us. That's why our fathers have been pressurizing us."

"If you become queen..." Ash mumbled. "When we get married, I'll become... king."

May nodded and bounced on the bed before kissing Ash's cheek. "Yes. You will become King Consort of Hoenn. Our reign will also be the beginning of the Ketchum Dynasty." She held onto Ash's hand and said, "Maybe someday we will rule more than Hoenn."

"I've dreamed about being the greatest king ever since I was born," Ash announced. Pikachu jumped on his shoulder with his fist in the air. "I've heard so many people say it won't happen. But now I know it will. My dream is about to come true." Ash's speech ended in a fit of laughter. Pikachu jumped on his head and pretended to be a crown.

"Together we're going to change the world," May cried. "Hoenn will be at peace once and for all."

Pope Mickey had spent the past three hours preparing speeches for an annual meeting between the monarchs and their spouses. Every year before Christmas, monarchs all over the world come to the Vatican to hold a special party. He had a feeling that the party to come will be unusual due to Iris' change of husband. Pope Mickey was not convinced that the marriage was lawful. Deep in his heart, he had a feeling that Arceus and Mew viewed Lance as her true husband and still the real king of Unova.

The complaints about Cilan's coronation make Pope Mickey believe that it was a sign from Arceus that Iris was running away from her destiny. There was a reason why the monarchs were crowned. It was not simply a matter of inheritance, it was their calling - their purpose. All the monarchs had a purpose. Drake and Drayden arranged Lance and Iris to be married at such a young age so when they were both adults, they could protect the dragon empire.

Iris' change of husband was bound to create tension for the other monarchs. Iris and Lance had faithfully came to the parties until their divorce. Pope Mickey wanted to annul to marriage, but he didn't think it would be fair. He had known Iris for a long time, but he hardly knew Cilan at all.

A man named Riku knocked on the door. Pope Mickey jumped out of his seat and marched around his table and opened the door. "Good morning Riku," Pope Mickey said. He greeted Riku and the lady behind her a warm smile.

"The Duchess of Blackthorn wishes to speak to you," Riku announced.

"Bring her in." A tall slender woman came into Pope Mickey's office. She removed her hood and bowed with her knees on the floor. Her blue hair swayed around her face.

"Lady Clair," Pope Mickey gasped. "What a surprise."

"Your Holiness," Clair whispered. "I am in desperate need of your assistance."

"Is this about Iris and Lance's divorce?"

"Yes," she replied. Riku closed the door and stayed in the room. "But it's worse than that. I tried everything I could, but she still married that..."

"I am not satisfied with it either," Pope Mickey interrupted. "I received many complaints about their divorce. In particular I've received a series of anonymous letters. Thirteen to be precise. I believe that they are all written by people who are close to Lord Xenmas."

"Why is that?" Lady Clair asked.

"Because they all seem to believe that Sora is a terrorist!" Pope Mickey confirmed. "It was Lord Xenmas who started that rumour and now it's spread all across Unova."

"Why would they believe that?" Clair asked. "I've met Sora myself. The elders of Blackthorn adored him."

"Let's put it this way, Lord Xenmas lacks a heart." Pope Mickey tiptoed over to the cabinet behind his chair. He examined the shelves and picked out a piece of paper and showed it to Clair. "This letter in particular that popped my eye."

"What letter is this?" Lady Clair asked. She pulled herself closer to the words as the details sent cruel shivers down her spine.

Your Holiness,

I am writing to you to urgently plea for you to annul Queen Iris' marriage to Cilan Dento. Cilan has brought nothing but trouble to Unova.

My two best friends were raped. One of the friends is a young man. I have reported this many times, but nobody has taken action. This deeply concerns me and I pray with them every day, but I hear that King Cilan takes part in many promiscuous adventures such as making love to his brothers. I do not know if it is true, and have prayed that it is false, but hearing these rumours makes me fear for my friends' welfare.

My peers say that he is an incubus. Many servants in the castle have died in their sleep. King Cilan claims that it is a plague. I know that the king has set a terrible plague on us. I do not want to lose my queen to this incubus.

If you could ask Arceus and Mew to send the legendary monsters to bless Unova, I will be eternally grateful. This may be too much to ask, but is it possible that Johto's King and Unova's Queen were reunited once more. Together they built an empire of peace and harmony. When driven apart, it promotes such poverty in our mist.

I thank you for your time. I cannot sign this letter and I hope you understand why I have to be confidential.

Lady Clair turned towards an empty wall and crossed her arms. "I knew that Cilan was trouble."

Pope Mickey lowered his head and frowned. "At first I thought it was you who wrote these letters. Until Celebi confirmed it wasn't you."

"What will you do?" Clair asked. "My cousin is heartbroken. The Queen has even tried to ban him from seeing his sons. His own flesh and blood."

"Queen Iris and Cilan will have to prove that their marriage is genuine," Pope Mickey announced. "If am not convinced, then I will declare it null and void. So far I am not convinced that this is a marriage based on love. But I have yet to meet Cilan. If it turns out that what on this letter is true, then Iris' divorce is invalid. From now on all divorces and remarriages from a monarch must be approved by me."

"Your Holiness." Clair turned her head around and smiled. To Clair, it was good news. It wasn't what she had hoped for, but she could understand the pope's point of view.

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