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Joker/P's POV

(Btw P' name isn't actually P it's just a nickname cause she doesn't like her real name)

"Why don't I just show you?!"

'P are you sure that's okay?"
'I'm sure it's fiine..."

I closed my eyes, I can sense the others confused looks on me, I was nervous and excited to show them this, one this can either bring back memories that I hate, or just get funny reactions from Jack's-I mean Joker's friends.

I opened my eyes and......

Spade's POV(cause IDK who's POV it's supposed to be)

We saw them closed their eyes,'this is getting super weird' I thought Joker has SO many secrets, I don't know how much I can handle.

Suddenly a few pieces of paper that was on the tables started to fly and swirl around us like a tornado, I covered my eyes as to not let any debris hit me.

They opened their eyes again and the last thing I see before everything got warped away was purple and blue glowing eyes.

Mini-mini Time skip brought to you by mini mini king(IDK where that came from)

(Still Spade POV)

I reopened my eyes finding myself in a dark void along with the others. We were confused as all hell, where are P and Joker? Where are we? Why are we here? WhT did P mean when she said she wanted to show us? What was P and Joker going to show us?

Spade shut up please.... you're killing my head...

That voice.....P! "P! Where are you?"
I asked instead of thinking, apparently thinking too much gives them pain...

You're in our memories....P didn't know how to explain so...

I feel like showing things are better than saying, now can we not argue? Their thoughts are already getting me nauseous... know you can exit their thoughts right?

Oh yeah!.....I'm ok now

Suddenly specks of silver and purple glitter form in front of us which slowly creates two figures, one of them I know as Joker but the other.....

She had black hair that reached her back, who is wearing a tux like Joker but in purple and black, and instead of a J pin she had this spade pin that's half purple and the other half black.

I'm guessing that's P.

And you guessed correctly Spade

P...I thought you wanted to exit their minds..

I can't help it hearing my name in others mind makes me cautious

Spade: are you able to read our minds?
Joker: you see....ugh..why not just show it...
P: SEE! It's way more easier!
Phoenix: what are you gonna show us?
P: well what do you expect in a space of memories?
Hacchi: Memories?
Joker: yup

Suddenly silver and purple sparkles start to fill the void, I see we're in a mansion of some sort, it was beautiful you could see the green trees out the window and a light breeze blowing some of the leaves away.

(No ones's POV)

Two kids came running in the dining room decide on the chair waiting for the parents to come in.

Once their parents come in the room they were happy to see the children safe after playing outside.

"Hi kids"said the father,"did you have fun at play outside?"he continued.

"We did mama papa!"said Little Jack.
"that's good now it's time for lunch are you ready for curry?"ask the mother.

Both the kids made excited expressions and nodded. "The spring in the servants to serve the food" said the father.

"No need dad, look what we found out when we were playing outside"Little P said. Both the kids raised their arms, glowing little purple specks of glitter start showing in their hands, P having purple and Little Jack having silver.

The foodcame flying in from the kitchen neatly placed on the table. The kids grinned towards their parents expecting complements, but instead saw horror and disgust the parents disgusted by the children ran away while murmuring the words,"disgusting witches"The children sad and confused ate in silence.

Tine seemed to fast forward to night, the parents came in the children's room and drugged them to forget about the parents. But unfortunately little Jack had to much and forgot about his powers and his sister, the parents brought them to the airport and took a flight to Japan where they separated them, one in a big mansion, the other in a dark unnamed village.

The parents left and the children grew, each year passed P got stronger with her powers and her mentality,  but Jack becomes a Phantom thief while not knowing that he's using his powers unconsciously.

It was about when P was 6 that the village got attacked by Clover. Unknown by Joker it was not only Rose that got kidnapped. When joker reach the village he could feel a connection to someone but he ignored it thinking it was just his worry that silver heart would find him here. But when he saw it before he went unconscious he saw clover bringing to little girls with him.

Time seemed to passed quickly again as it turn to 10 years ago when joker was taken. Clover and joker were having a conversation in a fight.

"Clover I know you didn't only took Rose..."

"I see you saw me that day"

"Who was that?"

"I will tell you, anyways they can take that treasure, all I came here for was YOU!"

Clover threw a can that  was filled with sleeping gas. Joker coughed and try not to breathe in the gas but failed to do so as he went unconscious and others didn't see him going out the building but instead getting carried with by Clover into Clover's ship.

Clover seem to bring him to another place another, country. He was brought in the test lab filled with torture devices that could bring you to the brink of sanity. Every day the scientists their test on him, question him. Each time he tried to lie or didn't answer he was tortured which usually happened for 24 hours, which happened every day of the week.

One day one of the scientists had an idea.

"Why don't we show him to, her?"

The other scientists agree and opened the chains that bounded Joker.
Joker was too tired to fight so he let himself be dragged into a cell that contains a girl about his age that have purple eyes who was shocked to see him, after a while of just seeing memories start to flood back to him,"P?"

"Jack?!"she shouted.

Joker was change it next to P, do you locked in there for quite some time so it gave them a chance to catch up with each other. But after days of waiting there, the door opened and came in Professor clover in all his glory. P whimpered as joker growled.

"I see that the twins met"

"Let us go Clover!"

"Let test 101 start"

The surrounding started to fade away and turned back to Joker's room.

Joker who was sitting had tears glistening his/her red and blue eyes. In them you can see sadness, anger and......pain. The others left shock still in them, even Phoenix.

"What do you think happened?" Queen asked, knowing well no one can answer."Silver Heart held her shoulder and shook his head. Spade was upset to and didn't know what to say except for"I know something bad happened to them, but I didn't know it was horrible"


Hello and finally a chapter, look I've been having difficulties with my phone and my dad's gonna bring it somewhere to fix it. So that means I can't update next month.

P: as if you update anyways

J: yeah...

Well I can't lie they are telling the truth, I'm lazy ok? And I'm also writing a new story which I plan to publish soon....

Oh and you will notice that characters are getting less, well that's because I'm not good when stories that I write have to many characters

P: and that's it for this chapter


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