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Joker was still unconscious during the whole so called kidnap. The others laid him down on the spare bed in one of the rooms in the Sky Joker and surrounded Joker "Do you think he's okay?" Asked Ace, worried about her cousin,"don't worry, he'll probably wake up soon" answered Shadow also for once concerned about Joker. "It's almost 10 years my Miracle Maker, and we thought you were dead" said Silver heart as his hand was moving to take off Joker's checkered hat but what he did shocked all of them, he took off the hat and revealed.........long silver hair! "Wait am I seeing things or did Joker's hair just grew too much?!" Asked Spade
(Author: or maybe he just wanted yo look like the blue peacock
Spade: you calling me a peacock?
Author: Maybe*insert a lenny face*
Spade: Why you-!
Author:Back To Da Story!)
They were all quite shocked to see Joker alive but now seeing him with long hair is just maybe even more."Come to think of it, h-Joker did sound a little....how do I not make this sound rude........feminine.." Queen pointed out"Well then Joker, we have a lot to ask" concluded Phoenix. Silver heart and Rose helped bandaged Joker's injuries and were surprised to see scars on Joker's back, like they were from a whip or sword of some sort. Silver came in Joker's room to check if he/she was alright, Silver sat on a stool that was conveniently placed next to the be and touched Joker's forehead, and suddenly Joker's eyes opened but what was weirder was that they weren't red but they were those crystal blue eyes that everybody knew, she gasped and called in the others"What's wrong?! Is Joker hurt?! Is-" but all questions stopped when they saw Joker sitting while staring at them with those once sparkling blue mischievous eyes that were now dull and emotionless ,"JOKER!" They shouted and came surrounding him but Joker's only reaction was that he scooted nearer to the wall and curled up into a ball but still looking at them with cautious eyes "Joker! It's us! You can't be afraid of us right?"asked Spade(Me:the blue peacock,Spade: really?) but he didn't answered but only looked at them.

Joker's POV:
I just looked at them still not fully in control of my body 'you can let me control right now' I said to her 'are you sure?' She asked back 'yes I'm sure' 'but if anything happens, I will not hesitate to control you again' so finally she let us transform fully into my gender,I closed my eyes while the others gave me a confused look and slowly her long hair changed to my sort of short silver hair. I opened my eyes again still not saying a word while sitting in the same position just now,"Wait how did your hair became that short?!"asked Shadow, the others just stared at me waiting for me to explain but for some odd reason, I just can't talk to them.
"Joker....can you please explain to us what is going on?" Rose asked softly, after a few seconds of silence I finally try to talk"You guys don't know what's going on" I paused" but neither do I" I finished,"What do you mean? You're just making us confused again" said Ace" What I'm saying is don't ask me, ask someone who really knows" I answered"but who else knows?" Asked Silver heart, that I just closed my eyes and slowly I feel myself getting numb"me" I said while opening my eyes revealing my right eye was red, while the other still blue.

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