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"So, this girl, Julie," I start, staring at Luke with furrowed brows, "she can see you?"

"Yup," He nodded, "and when we perform with her, everyone can see and hear us." Luke had spent the last 20 minutes or so explaining everything to me, how they went to some dark room when they died, how they landed suddenly in their old studio 25 years later, and about the girl who could make them visible. I had assumed the boys had special abilities, but I was not expecting this; somehow, the boys of sunset curve were capable of something only Caleb could do; it made sense why Caleb wanted them here as bad as he did; they were too powerful.

"Wow," I nod, looking forward again; it hadn't been long since Luke, and I came to the overlook of the club, but it felt like it had been hours; I just wanted this night to be over already, talking to him and acting as if I wasn't angry and bitter was the most tedious thing I've ever done.

"So, I've told you about us," He started; I closed my eyes; here it goes, I knew it would happen eventually, "How'd you end up here?"

"Maya found me," I shrug, "I didn't go to a dark room like you three; I instantly became a ghost," Luke nodded, "I was roaming the streets right after it happened, trying to find someone who would listen, and Maya was the only one." I shrug, memories of me yelling at my sister flash through my mind, but I quickly brush them off.

"How'd it happen?" He pried; I longed for the chance to yell at him, he did deserve it after all; I died because he broke my heart so bad, I couldn't dare to face him; so, I ran, like an idiot.

"Car accident," I said instead; it wasn't exactly a lie; it was technically a car accident, and I had just gotten my driver's license around that time, so it made sense. Silence fell over us, and I could tell Luke was thinking over what to say next.

"I have something I need to do for a minute," I finally say; it wasn't true, but I needed to leave; this entire conversation and seeing Luke again was too much for me. If I stayed for much longer, I'd 100% snap and say something that would ruin Caleb's plan, "you gonna be okay by yourself?" I added, trying my best to sound concerned and sweet; the opposite of who I actually was.

"Uh, yeah," I poofed out before he could say anything else, landing near Maya and Reggie, the anger that bubbled inside of me diffused slightly at the sight of them. Reggie was waving his arms around frantically, and Maya was trying her best to seem interested; I guess we both weren't have the best time tonight.

"Hey Reggie," I interrupted his rambling, "do you mind if I steal Maya for a bit, we have some work stuff to discuss," Maya sighed with relief, thankful I'd come to save her.

"Yes," Maya nodded rapidly, "very important work stuff."

"Luke's over there," I informed him, pointing to where I'd left the shaggy-haired boy, "we'll catch up with you in a bit." I dragged Maya away before he could respond, taking her to the back of the club, "so, I guess you're also not having a great time?"

"It was fine at first; he's really cute and all," She shrugs, "but Reggie talks, a lot; I feel like I know his entire life story, and it hasn't even been a whole night." That makes sense; Reggie was always very talkative, sometimes too talkative. "He said something kind of interesting actually," My heart sank; of course, he'd tell her about how we all really knew each other, "why didn't you tell me Luke was your Ex?"

"I didn't think it mattered," I shrug; it shouldn't at least; once we get the boys to stay in the club, I can go back to being bitter, I just need to get him to stay first; it's what Caleb wants, "plus, you know what Caleb says-"

"don't let your emotions get in the way of what's important." Maya and I say the motto Caleb had been saying since the moment I've joined the club, though most of the time, it was directed toward Willie, who led with his emotions far too often.

"Let me guess, Reggie also told you he ran out on me," I asked; I guess now was the time to get this conversation over with, as much as I didn't want to, it was better than being around the boys.

"Yup," She nodded, "how are you not freaking out right now? If he were my ex-boyfriend, I'd-"

"I don't wanna know," I held up my hands, when Maya's angry, she gets graphic, "plus, I'm working; I told him he's forgiven, but in reality, I'm holding back; if it were up to me I'd yell at him."

"Whenever the boys agree, then can we yell at him?" She asked; it was no question the boys would want to stay, the boys seemed to love it here, and who knows, maybe I was the push Luke needed to make the decision. As for yelling at him, I had been preparing in my head all night all the words I wished I'll say to him once he's a member, once I no longer have to fear him running out.

"Do you even need to ask?" I ask, chuckling, "thinking of that is the only thing that getting me through the night." I cannot wait for this night to be over; the fake forgiveness and kindness towards the boys can vanish, once they agree to join the club; I can easily avoid them.

"We should probably get back to them," Maya frowned, nodded towards Luke and Reggie, who was currently talking to a pair of lifers; Reggie's eyes were wide as if he was upset about something.

"Unfortunately," I mumbled, I linked my fingers through Maya's, "c'mon, the quicker we finish this, the quicker we can yell at him."

Bit of a filler chapter!
I am so excited for y'all to see what I have planned for this story tho:)

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