×××chapter two×××

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Natsuki POV
"Well are you going to stare at me all day, or are you going to say someting" I state rudely with a smirk (think of the uchiha smirk)
"Hey that is no way to speak to the hokage punk" 'Mr anbu' said to me while getting his fist ready to punch me I quickly touch the floor and whisper "wood style jutsu: wood growth" then the floor boards grew up protecting my face just in time to stop the fist hitting me the wood breaks sending wood particles flying everywhere everyone in the room gasp in shock I guess from me knowing that move I then break the chains by using chakra I then jump right behind the hokage and put a kunai at his throat of course I have no intention to hurt him I just need them to think that to get what I want now everyone is on high alert The Tension is so thick You think we are In the hidden mist they all get their hands ready to grab their weapons I Tighten my grip on the kunai "look I just want to make a deal but I know the only way you would listen is if I made it a little clear I mean business" I said with a little sassy "why would we make a deal with y-" the Anbu said but got cut off by the hokage himself "what are your terms" he said calmly but I could hear a hint of tension in his voice "tell your goons to leave I this information is top secret" I say with a serious tone he sighs and make a hand gesture to tell everyone to leave they look at him crazy but do as told I take a breath then pull my kunai way from his neck I can hear him sigh in relief I then make my way to the front of his desk and look at him in the eyes "okay my deal is ill do as you say if you keep my secret safe as for Natsuki hyūga is dead and it needs to stay that way" I say without taking my eyes off the hokage "I'm not going to ask why as I can see you wouldn't tell me so I can agree to your terms but you will have to stay here and be put in a genin group,but since you are pass that you will be an Anbu when ever I need you to but of course that will be a secret okay" he says sticking his hand out I think everything over in my head and I nod and shake his hand "you got yourself a deal" I say I let go and he throws me a sack of money a house key and an Abu mask of a fox with black and blue paint on it I put I all away in a scroll he calls a Abu to lead me home I start making my way out of his office "sora" I say "what" the hokage asks "my name is sora,hyūga sora" I say and look back at him he nods "welcome to the leaf village sora" was the last thing I heard from him as the door closed I trail behind the Abu 'everything is going as planned' I say to myself with a smirk 'everything as planned'....

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