10. Percy

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Disclaimer: All these characters and majority of the plot belongs to J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan.

This school keeps getting weirder and weirder. First we run through a wall to get to the train. Then they have all these weird sweets, which were really nice. When we arrive I see carriages bring pulled by these weird skeletal horses. "My Lord," one of them calls.

"Hello," I say walking over to it, " what are you?"

"We are Thestrals, only those who have seen death can see us," it replied. Okay, I thought, horses of death, cheery. I quickly into one of the carriages which Harry, Ron and Hermione also happened to get on with their friends.

To say the ride to the school-which was a freaking castle by the way- was awkward would be an understatement. The carriage was filled with an awkward silence as I could tell they wanted to talk to each other, but about things that they didn't want me to hear. I almost wished I had just made my own way to the castle. Well that awkward silence was really only in the carriage because in my head I could constantly hear the Thestrals talking to me and asking me questions. Who knew horses that looked so scary could be so sociable and chatty.

When we reached Hogwarts the Thestrals told me to visit them anytime in the forbidden forest before continuing along the road. I walked into the large entry hall and couldn't stop thinking about how much Annabeth would love this place. Just as I was about to enter the large mahogany doors that as far as I could tell were where the food was I was stopped by a woman I recognised from the Order, Minerva McGonagall.

"Perseus, you will have to come with me to be given the proper instructions and be sorted to remain at Hogwarts," she told me before turning and walking back where she came from. I quickly followed after her not wanting to get lost straight away.

We walked for a bit before stopping on a stairwell where there were a lot of younger students, about 11, standing. I tried to blend into them but my height made me stand out really obviously. All the while Minerva was talking and the kids were staring at me like I was an enigma. While the states made me uncomfortable I tried not to squirm to much.

Eventually, after telling us the rules and how our house would be like our family, (much like our cabins at camp) while we were here we were lead to the doors. Professor McGonagall pushed them open effortlessly considering how heavy they looked, and stride into a room with four pong tables. All heads immediately turned but I didn't pay attention to the constant whispers obviously about me, no I was busy studying the room. I could smell the leftover scent from many previous meals all mixing together making my mouth water. I could feel the warmth from the candles creating a homely and safe feel. Finally I could see the four long tables with all sorts of people at them obviously excited for another year as well as the staff table where all the teachers sat. We stopped on front of a hat that suddenly split at the seam and sang a song.

After it sang the song about its origins and a warning names started to be called out. The number of kids around me slowly dwindled until I was the only one left. "As many of you may have noticed," Albus stood up and addressed everyone, "Peraeus here is not a first year however he is new to Hogwarts. He is an exchange student from America who will aid us in upcoming hardships now that the dark lord has risen again. Muttering a broke out everywhere. Some scared, some questioning him, some neither but I muted all this out as I walked towards the hat.

I got to the rickety, old, wooden stool and sat down. Professor McGonagall put the hat on my head and it slipped over my eyes. 'Hmmm, interesting, very interesting,' a voice said. " you are courageous yet cunning, cunning yet loyal and kind but kind and loyal yet smart and then back to the start smart but courageous. Which one is best?'

'Er, well you see I am here to protect Harry Potter so being in his house would be best,' I thought back.

'Very well then, you better be in GRIFFINDOR,' it bellowed to the whole hall. I heard cheers go up all around and take the hat of to see Albus looking at me knowingly as if he knew I'd asked for the house. I looked around and saw the table with Harry clapping and yelling so I walked over to them, and sat sown next to Harry, Hermione and the Weasley's.

"Blimey mate," Ron said to me, "that took forever!" I knew that telling them I requested this house would make them suspicious so I tried to play dumb, "I guess the sorting hat just had a hard time placing me," I replied unsure.

I could tell that they weren't quite convinced but the let it go as Dumbledore stood up. "Welcome to the new students and to the returning students welcome back, we hope you have a wonderful year at Hogwarts and I would just like to introduce you to the new staff member this year, professor Dolores Umbridge, who is a ministry representative. She will of course be filling the position defence against the dark arts professor dyer the unfortunate removal of Profeasor Alastor Moody..." I heard slight cheers go up around me,"... Now I know you have been told that the rumours of the dark lord voldemorts return are just the silly sayings of an attention seeking bray but I assure you they are true. He returned-"

"Ahem." A polite cough interrupted and I saw a toad like lady dressed in pink from head to toe stand and move towards Albus. After a little conversation between them Albus turn s back to the room and announces professor Umbridge.

"Hello students of Hogwarts, I am so glad to see your lovely smiling faces looking up at me," she said in an overly sweet voice. "I would just like to contradict what Dumbledore is telling you and assure these are still just rumours and haven't actually been found to be true so don't worry about them and ..." I slowly zoned out but I didn't feel bad considering I could see the rest of the students were doing so as well, except Hermione, but even she was having trouble.

Eventually she stopped and slowly everyone started clapping half heartedly and Dumbledore returned to the lectern. "Thank you Professor Umbridge for that riveting speech now please could you all enjoy dinner.," he said. Food filled plates quickly followed with all sorts of delicious and occasionally strange food. While we all reached across to fill out plates Hermione talked to Ton and Harry. Something to do with the ministry interfering etc. I disregarded them and dug into my overfilled plate with almost every food, except seafood, possible. After finishing that the food disappeared and was replaced by sweets and puddings of all sorts.

After everyone had finished all their food it disappears and Dumbledore stood up. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts please remember that the forbidden forest is out of bounds, now first years please look to your prefects to go to your dorms, goodnight," he finished. There was a rush of movement following that statement and I just followed the flow of students trying to keep my eye on any with gold and red on their robes.

After a few wrong turns I found a group of gryffindors standing on front of the portrait of a lady in a white , flowing robe. "... Password..." They say and the painting swings open to reveal a hole which they crawl through and I follow.

We came out in a common room with couches and a fireplace that had a cosy feeling. I saw Harry and Ton disappear up a set of stairs that I assumed led to the dorms. When I got there their were 6 beds and one of them has my trunk at the foot of it. I opened my trunk and found my pajamas to quickly get into bed to prepare for a day of classes. I vaguely heard an argument going on between Harry and Seamus something about articles an a lying woman named Rita Skita. They eventually parted ways and I jumped into bed prepared to face the classes tomorrow, not.

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