12. Percy

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Disclaimer:  All characters belong to J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan

Why am I so stupid? I thought to myself as I sped through the confusing hallways of Hogwarts. I had to be at Umbridge's soon so that I could stop her from going looking for Harry. I tried to negotiate with her at dinner but it didn't go to plan therefore I am going to try and use the mist to convince her that she is punishing Harry while he is safely working in his dorm.

As I navigate through the hallway I start to manipulate the mist. First, I make myself a few inches shorter, before getting rid of some of my muscle. I made my eyes a light shade, making them more emerald than sea green. Finally I put the famous scar on my face and shortened my hair so that when I looked in the mirror I was a spitting image of the one and only Harry Potter. I slide some of his glasses that I burrowed on my face to complete the look. I skid to a stop outside Umbridge's door and with my cheeks slightly flushed from running through the castle. I knock and hear a high pitched, "Come in."

My first thought when I enter is Pink. It's everywhere. The walls, floors, desks and of course on the great toad herself. "Ah, Mr Potter, you are 30 seconds late," she chastises me as she scrutinises my appearance. I am hoping it is more my scruffy appearance from running the castle rather than one detail I missed.

"Well, come now, sit sit. You'll be doing lines for me tonight.," she informs me. I nod, sceptical that it would be something so mundane as lines... And I was right for as soon as I reached for my quill she stopped me. "Oh no dear, you won't be using your quill, I'll give you a rather special one of mine," Umbridge says. I return mine to my bag and hesitantly reach for hers. It stands out against the room as it is black with red streaks through it and a large plume contrasting with the pinks of the room.

I hesitantly reach for it, knowing there was going to be a twist. I grab the quill and wait for her to give me the ink but it never comes. "You will write out, l must not tell lies," she told me. As I have received a few detentions like this at other schools I was confused.

"How many times?" Was my first question.

"Until it sinks in," was her reply.

"What about ink?"

"Don't worry, you won't need it."

I sigh and begin. I press the quill to the page and write, 'I must not tell lies.' It cones out in a bright red colour as i feel a small discomfort in my hand holding the quill. It's almost unnoticeable and only an annoyance in comparison to other injuries so I continue. 'I must not tell lies,' the feelings thee again, slightly stronger but still not too bad.

Again and again, I write down what I was told. Time and time again I feel the slight pain getting stronger until I figure out something.

The red ink looked familiar but I thought nothing of it however, now I feel something trickle down the back of my hand I see the words, I must not tell lies, carved into the back of my hand. That hag! I'm glad I took Harry's place as I'm sure he wouldn't be as accustomed to ignoring the pain which would give Umbridge satisfaction. I steal a quick glance at the witch and see her looking slightly puzzled as she was most likely expecting Harry to break quickly.

I continue writing for another hour until she comes over to me. "Alright Mr Potter," she says and I almost forget that's me, "show me tour hand and I do, by this point there are deep cuts in the back of my hand in the shape of the words, I must not tell lies. "Very well, you may go." I nod and pick up my bag to make my way back to the Gryffindor common room.

As I make my way back I remove the illusion on myself and pray that Harry hasn't stayed up waiting for me. Of course though, when I enter through the portrait hole, Harry is waiting with Hermione and Ron. I hide my hands behind my back and walk towards them.

"Hey Percy," Harry says, "where did you go?"

"Nowhere," I replied quickly, " I just had to talk to Dumbledore about something, you know, order stuff." I continue trying to act casual as I edge around them. The all narrow there eyes at me suspicious but I just flash them a lopsided grin and make my way up the stairs. I drop my bag onto my bunk and quickly open a water bottle I had. Pouring it over my cuts thy healed and washed away the blood leaving only the whisper of a scar. I quickly discarded the water out the window as I hear Harry and Ron coming up to the dorms. I pull on a shirt and climb into bed to the sounds of owls hooting, leaves rusting and Harry and Ron's hushed voices a couple of beds over from me.

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