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Disclaimer:  All characters belong to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling but the plot is all mine.

I woke to Mrs Weasley knocking on my door and saying that there was breakfast down stairs. After that she went back to complaining about how Harry's hair was untameable and made it impossible to make him look presentable for the ministry hearing. Hearing that made me smile because it reminded me of my own hair and when my mum or Annabeth would comment on it. Shaking of that thought i got out of bed and pulled on some clothes before going downstairs to breakfast. Which I was looking forward to apart from the awkward atmosphere at dinner last night.

I was relieved when I got to the dining room because there was no one else there. That saved me from questions with awkward answers or just plain awkward silences. Deciding not to waste this rare opportunity of being alone I sat down at the table and stacked my plate with toast, eggs, bacon, pancakes and every thing and anything else you could probably think off for breakfast. I started to eat my pile of food and about half way through my pile when someone else walked in. Unfortunately it was Ron and Hermione, they both seemed slightly suspicious if me last night as well as Sirius. Brushing it off I continued eating and ignored, hoping they would do the same. Alas, I had no such luck. Almost as soon as they had food they came and sat next to me and started to try and make conversation. A conversation that involved them asking questions and me answering in a way that wouldn't seem suspicious but also wouldn't give anything away.

It went something like this, "So Perseus-" Hermione started.

"Percy," I corrected out of habit.

"- Percy,why do you have a black mark on your arm?" She continued.

" Umm, well, me and some of my friends go to a summer camp based and Greek and roman mythology so when we walked past a tattoo parlour we thought it would be fun to get an SPQR tattoo, which was Latin for the senate and people Rome and the symbol of the god we would like as our parent. I got a trident for Poseidon because I love swimming and water." I pulls up my sleeve just to show her that it wasn't re dark mark. She nodded, satisfied. "Why did Dumbledore claim you were an expert at wars and fights?" Dam, this ones hard to answer, I'll give it my best shot though.

" Well at my camp we learn sword fighting, archery and all sorts of melee and long range fighting so to practice out skills we have 'fake' fights and wars which I excel at so maybe that's what he meant," I hold my breath hoping she'd buy it. i was also wishing that what I said was true and that the wars and fighting for my life were fake but i knew better, and they were very, veey real. I sigh as she nods accepting my answer. I hope my interrogation is over but i have no such luck.

"One more question" Hermione says cheerily and I groan. These questions are getting harder to answer without being suspicious. " fire away," I respond with as much sarcasm as I can muster.

" Well, you said that hell was bloody like you'd been there, why?" She inquired. I froze memories flashing through my head before brushing it off. " Hermione, when you have seen something's that I have seen you get the feel you actually have seen an aspect of hell that has come to the surface," is my response before I leave the room, abandoning my half eaten breakfast.

When I get to my room I sit on my bed and try to find something to do. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything and end up awkwardly sitting there drumming my fingers against my leg. I was so bored and restless I was almost happy when Mrs Weasley called me down to go shopping. Almost.

Shopping wasn't exactly how I was planning on spending my day but apparently I had to. That is how I found myself in front of a fire place with a grey powder in my hand being taught how the flop network works. "Now you throw the powder into the fire and say where you want to go. remember to speak very clearly otherwise you will come out at the wrong fireplace," Mrs Weasley explained. I nodded and threw my handful of powder into the fireplace. All of a sudden a green flame burst to life and I said "Diagon Alley," which is apparently where we were going and stepped into the fire. I was surprised as the fire only felt slightly warm and it was quite pleasant. On the other hand travelling through the fire was less pleasant because I felt like I was spirally through nothing and the breath was ripped from my lungs.

Eventually the spirally stopped and was thrown out into a shop that lee into a crowded street. Not long after I was through Ron, Hermione and Mrs Weasley followed. Thy were all covered in a black ash and I realised I was too when mrs Weasley started brushing it off my clothes. I smiled and thanked her when she was finished before following them out the shop.

When we entered the street I couldn't help but be in awe at the sheer strangeness of the alley. There was the most unique assortment of the shops and people Which mixed with magic creates a, well, magical, for lack of a better word, scene.

First I followed them to a tall, white, marble building that sort or reminded me of the Zeus cabin back at camp. The difference it didn't actually have a massive statue if Zeus glaring down at everyone instead it had millions of little creatures. Who I think mrs Weasley called goblins, glaring down at everyone over tall counters. Our group moved down the middle of the floor to a goblin.

"Griphook," mrs Weasley addressed him " may we please go to the Weasley and the Granger vault."

"Do you have they keys mrs Weasley,"

He replied in a gravelly tone.

"Ah yes, here you," she said while placing two small golden keys on the counter. Griphook grabbed the keys and started leading us to a cart on a rickety looking track. I gulped and prayed to the gods that we weren't riding while I asked mrs Weasley what we were doing. I almost died when she said we were riding the cart but I steeled myself and got in the cart. I had enough time to take one calming breath before we sped of at exhilarating speeds that ripper the air from your lungs. Seconds later we screeched to a halt outside two large brown doors. " Vault 113, the Weasley vault,"the goblin announces. Mrs Weasley hurriedly passes the goblin a key which it inserts in a small hidden keyhole. He opens the vault and I see a few measles piles of coins scattered everywhere. There are many bronze ones slightly less silver ones and a couple of gold ones. From this I deduced that the Weasley's were a poor family.

After Mrs Weasley had scooped almost all the coins into a small brown pouch we hopped back on the death cart and went to another vault which I assumed was Hermione's. This vault had slightly more coins and seemed to be about an average wealth. She also grabbed a pouch full of coins before we were ushered back onto the cart. I was expecting to go back up to the surface but we seemed to go deeper into the bank. Both Mrs Weasley and Hermione looked like they wanted to question this but knew of they opened their mouths they would cause their tongues a lot of harm, so they wisely kept their mouths shut.

After another exhilarating and terrifying ride we pulled up indent of another vault. "Vault 600, the vault of Olympus," the goblin announced and I immediately knew that the gods had put in a few deposits for me. I waited for the vault to open and when it did I wasn't disappointed. There stacks of the gold coins, I think they were galleons, silver coins, sickles I remembered and bronze ones, knuts. The last pile was what made me really smile, the gods had put in a deposit of Drachmas so that I could Iris-message my friends while at Hogwarts. I could tell from the look on the others faces that were confused by the drachmas but I didn't mind I could pass it off as an American currency and hope they don't probe any further. Still smiling I packed a small brown leather pouch with a few of each coin. When I turned around I found them all still staring so I clapped my hands and said, " we'll I'm ready let get this over and done with," I said, heading back to the cart. That snapped them out of their musings and they followed me back to the carts and we shot of back to the surface.

Once we went back out into the alley we were temporarily blinded after the darkness of the bank, which I later learned was called Gringotts, and started shopping. First we went into Flourish and Blotts to buy our books, quills and parchment. We then went the apothercary for the others to stock up on porion ingredients and for me to buy some. We all went to Madame Malkin's robes for all occasions ti buy school robes that were extremely uncomfortable and Eyesops owl emporium which was not a fun experiences. We finally made it to the front if a shop with dark peeling paint and a sign saying 'Ollivanders; makers of fine wands since 332 BC. I quickly walked into this shop eager to buy a wand.

Once I was inside I took a look around. It was dark and musty but it didn't feel quite as sinister as if looked. Of course that was until a man who had crazy white hair and half moon glasses appeared from the back of the shop and said , "why hello Mr Jackson. Dumbledore informed me that I should be expecting you so come, come, let's try some wands as the wand chooses the wizard after all." After I got over my shock I realised this must be Mr. Ollivander so I followed him to a counter. " now if you could kindly hold out your wand arm I will measure you," he said. I hesitantly followed his instructions and held out my left arm which I hold my sword with. As soon as it was up a tape measure came flying around me taking all sorts of measurements all the while Ollivander was searching through long thin boxes. Once the tape measures duty seemed to be complete in immediately became inanimate once again.

Moments after the tape measure had fulfilled its duties Ollivander handed me a long thin box, " 10 inches birch wood with a dragon heart string core, rather whippy," he said. With that I picked it up and like with a sword I did what came naturally, I gave it a wave. I immediately had trend snatched out of my hands by Ollivander saying thrift wasn't right. He gave me another wand and the same thing happened. In fact it kept happening, me waving a wand and Ollivander snatching it back for almost half the store. " Tricky customer you are Mr Jackson," he said almost gleefully as if he was enjoying this. I, on the other hand was getting really bored, until he brought out why felt like my 100th wand. " coral with a scale of a hippocampus core, 12 inches rather good at water magic," Ollivander said handing the wand. I smiled and immediately knew this was the one. It felt right and when I picked it up a warm glow and the scent of the ocean filled the room. I smiled with glee as Ollivander gave out a triumphant shout. "That seems to be the wand that had bonded with you mister Jackson, care for it well after all the wand chooses the wizard Percy. Now that will be seven galleons," he said and I handed him seven of the large gold coins.

Once I left I was immediately swarmed by Ron, Hermione and Mrs Weasley. " bloody hell mate!" Ron exclaimed, " you took forever in there I bet Ollivander was enjoying himself."

"Your right Ron, I think I went through the whole shop before I got a wand," I chuckled in response.

"Come on then, lets see your wand," Hermione said.

"Coral with a hippocampus scale core 12 inches and good at water magic," I explained while pulling out my wand.

"It's beautiful," Hermione breathed before I put away again.

" come on Hermione and Percy lets go to Florean Fortesques ice cream parlour before we leave," Ron said before turning to his mum, "we can go right?" He asked her. Mrs Weasley jut chuckled and nodded her head in response, then we ran to a colourful shop with umbrellas and tables out the front. When we walked in I couldn't believe my eyes, wizards definitely don't do things halfway because I am pretty sure every ice cream flavour ever invented was there in that shop. I took a while to decide but ended up getting a blueberry swirl. We sat down outside and watched the busy foot traffic go along diagon alley and when we finished Mrs Weasley gave us some flop powder and we went to a fire place before heading back to the head quarters for the order of the Phoenix. 

 Hey guys, 

I am really sorry I haven't updated this story in a while but this term I am catching the bus less also I apologise again for grammar mistakes remember this is on my PHONE that I pretty much never use.


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