S2-Ep. 4.1 (R) - It's Good to Be Back

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A/N - I'm soooo sorry, guys! Posting late this time was totally on me. I don't know what happened. I was making great progress, but yesterday, I totally spaced out. It wasn't like I hit writer's block and I LOVE writing thist story. I LOVE hanging out with our gang. But my mind just kept drifting off and I couldn't concentrate.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter. :-) And don't forget about the poll at the end of the chapter.


Back from the mission, Farid is standing by his bed, unpacking his duffel bag when there's a knock at the door.

Without turning around, he calls out over his shoulder, "Come in!"

As the door creaks open, Farid turns to see Sebastian pop his head in. Their eyes meet for a long, tense moment, both reminded of the pain they caused each other arguing the night before Farid left.

Without saying a word, Farid turns back and resumes his unpacking.

Sebastian stands in the open doorway, hovering, not sure if he's welcome. Then deciding to ignore the awkward chill in the room, he makes his way inside.

He quietly heads to Farid's desk where he pulls out a chair, turns it around backwards, and sits on it to watch Farid unpack. After a while, he asks, "So, how was your trip?"

Farid's shoulders tense, and Sebastian's question is met with nothing more than stony silence. But after a few beats, Farid relents and replies flatly, "It wasn't a trip. It was a mission."

Sebastian throws his head back and laughs. "Okay then... how was your mission?" he corrects himself.

Farid grits his teeth. "It was fine," he grumbles, continuing to give Sebastian the cold shoulder; and instead, concentrating on sifting through his bag, pulling out his clothes, sniffing them, and trying to determine what needs washing and what can safely go back in the drawer.

As the silence grows unbearable, Sebastian shifts uncomfortably in his chair, then finally says, "Okay, so how long is this gonna last?"

Farid freezes. Swallowing his anger he asks, "How long is what going to last?"

"You ignoring me," Sebastian retorts. "You freezing me out like this."

Farid tosses a dirty pair of jeans into the corner of the room, then turns around, eyes narrowed, and says, "What do you want from me, Bash? Seriously, why are you here?"

"Oh, I don't know." Sebastian flips his hands up and shrugs. "Maybe I just wanna make sure my brother's doing okay. Is that a crime? I mean, you didn't return any of my texts. You didn't come see me when you got back from your trip—sorry, your mission. You didn't even—"

"I'm fine, Sebastian!" Farid huffs out a breath. "The mission went fine. We all got along fine. Everything's fine, okay?" He slides Sebastian an irritated glance as he turns back to his unpacking. "Now, you're up to speed. Are you happy?"

Sebastian scowls as he stands and pushes the chair aside. "Look, Farid, I'm here to apologize, okay? I realize that I crossed a line when I said the things I said to you and I'm really, really sorry."

Beyond frustrated, Farid whips around and throws his hands up in the air. "Okay, great, you're sorry. You're sorry! So what? You're always sorry, Bash. And yet nothing ever changes."

Sebastian lets his head fall back as he stares up at the ceiling. "What do you expect me to do, Farid?" He sighs, lowers his head, and then captures Farid's gaze. "You know me better than anyone else on the planet, right? So, you know that when I lash out like that, I'm far angrier at myself, than I am at you."

"Oh, joy!" Farid scoffs, holding up his hands and waving them in mock celebration. "Yea, me!" he says with a thick layer of scorn. "I'm so happy that you've finally come to this realization. Honestly, I am. But it doesn't matter because I'm still the one who ends up getting hurt whenever you act out like that. And you know what?" He shakes his head woefully, "I'm sick of it. I really am. I'm sick and tired of having to duck and cover to avoid your collateral damage. At some point, Bash, you're gonna have to learn to face your feelings and face..." he gestures vaguely at his brother, "...whatever demons you happen to be wrestling with at the moment. And you've got to learn to do it on your own and without hurting anyone else in the process."

A long silence settles between them. Then Sebastian puffs his cheeks out and blows a breath. He runs his fingers up through his hair and says, "Yeah, you're right. I know you're right. It's just... I don't know... not relying on my status and title doesn't come as naturally to me as it does to you."

"So?" Farid replies, nonplussed. "Just because it's hard, it doesn't mean you don't try."

"Yeah, yeah... I get it," Sebastian murmurs, more to himself, than to Farid. "I have to change. I know I can't keep going on like this."

Leaning back against the desk, Sebastian bites his bottom lip, contemplating the challenge ahead of him. He looks up. "But you'll still help me, right? You'll help to keep me on the straight and narrow?"

Farid tilts his head and looks at his brother for a long time. He hates that Sebastian sucks so tremendously at being a good guy, because deep down, he really is. He just doesn't know how to let that side of him out. He's too afraid of making himself vulnerable.

Farid laughs softly. "Of course, I'll help you." He shakes off the absurd thought that he wouldn't. And then his smile fades. "You know I'd never let you crash and burn, right?"

Sebastian chuckles softly. "Yeah, I know," he says.

Farid nods, then turns around and unceremoniously dumps the remaining contents of his bag out onto the bed and sighs. "But you have to help me out first."

"Sure," Sebastian replies. "With what?"

Farid turns around and smirks. "Well," He hooks his thumb over his shoulder. "I've got a shit-ton of laundry to do." He arches a brow.

"Uhhhh..." Sebastian stalls.

Farid picks up a particularly smelly t-shirt, balls it up, and tosses it into Sebastian's face.

"Ewww!" Sebastian cries as he instinctively bats it away in disgust.

Farid's smile widens. "You do my laundry for the next four weeks, and we'll call it even. Set the dial to zero, start from scratch."

Sebastian grimaces as he pushes Farid's sweaty shirt far away from him with his foot, then he sighs deeply. "Well, as much as I loathe the thought of dealing with your sticky t-shirts and sweaty undergarments, I suppose I deserve it." He lets out a beleaguered sigh as his frown deepens. "So, I hate to say it, but..." He sighs again. "You've got yourself a deal."


The sun shines brightly on the students, sprawled out on the lush green training field, stretching in preparation for an afternoon of Master Achebe's grueling conditioning exercises.

Having become far more comfortable in each other's company from their time spent together on the mission, Patrick, Aidan, and Farid sit next to each other on the grass, some distance apart from the others. Patrick stares blankly ahead, his brow furrowed, clearly lost in thought.

After giving him a moment, Farid speaks up gently. "So, Aidan and I were talking, and we figured maybe you should take the lead during the debriefing with Headmaster Pierce this afternoon. Since you seem to have the most insight into the Resistance, it makes sense for you to spearhead it. Does that work for you?"

Patrick distractedly responds, "Yeah, yeah. Sure."

"Cool," Farid says as he and Aidan exchange knowing glances.

"We were also wondering..." Farid continues hesitantly, "what exactly you want us to say about Stephen?"

At this, Patrick snaps to attention, his gaze sharpening. "What do you mean?"

"Well..." Farid rubs the back of his neck, choosing his words carefully, "you didn't seem to want to talk about it in the car yesterday--which is totally understandable," he rushes out. "But it just seems like, maybe, there's some history between you two?"

"Yeah..." Aidan pipes up. "Were you and Stephen... uh, you know... like, together at some point?"

Patrick's jaw tightens as he deepens his frown. "You mean together as in boyfriends, as in lovers?" He bites out sharply, not quite sure why he's suddenly so defensive. "Yes, we were," he insists, then he shakes his head violently. "I mean, yes, we are."

Holding his hands up, Aidan leans back in defense. "Okay, okay! I was just asking. I didn't mean anything by it," he pleads.

Letting out a slow breath, Patrick turns to gaze at the long line of trees on the other side of the field, staring at them as if recalling a distant memory. When he finally speaks, his voice is fragile. "He's not one of them, you know," he says quietly.

"Who? Stephen?" Farid asks.

"Yeah." Patrick turns to look over at both of them. "He's not a terrorist. He's just..." He turns back and looks out at the field again. "I don't know, he's just mixed up in some stuff I don't think he fully understands. I can tell he's in over his head, and I have to find a way to help him." He looks down as he plucks a blade of grass. "So, yeah, for the time being, let's leave Stephen out of this."

"Sure. No problem." Farid says supportively, with Aidan nodding his agreement as well.

The three of them exchange understanding looks just as Sebastian saunters over. "Well, well, well," he says. "Aren't we looking rather conspiratorial huddled over here, whispering to each other like this," he says lightly, although a thread of suspicion laces his voice. Idly, he claps his hands before him. "So, what are you boys up to, huh? Cooking up a grand conspiracy?" His smile widens.

Before anyone can respond, Sebastian plops down beside his brother, who laughs uncomfortably. "No, nothing like that..." Farid says.

"Okay then, seriously, what are you talking about?" Sebastian presses. "You all look so, I don't know... you all look so dour."

Farid gives his brother a sidelong glance. "Stuff, Sebastian. We were just talking about... stuff. Nothing important."

Sebastian's eyes narrow. He knows when Farid's lying to him. His lips purse into a frown. "Yeah, okay. Whatever..." he grumbles.

Sensing the tension mounting between the brothers and not particularly fond of Sebastian in the first place, Patrick jumps to his feet. "I'm gonna take a quick jog around the field before training starts," he says.

Aidan gawks up at him. "What? Are you mental?! You'll be dead on your feet by the time Master Achebe gets started with us!"

Patrick rolls his eyes and chuckles. "I do it all the time before our trainings. It warms me up. I'll be fine." He looks down at Aidan and smirks with amusement. "But thanks for your concern... mom," he says playfully before taking off on his run.


Later, Master Achebe arrives and like a Major General prepping his troops for war, he paces between the students as they stand at attention, hands clasped behind their backs.

"Combat takes many forms," Master Achebe begins, his voice deep and powerful.

"There's the raw intensity of hand-to-hand combat, the intellectual challenge of strategic warfare, and the refined technique of fighting your enemy, one on one, with weapons. Today we'll be focusing on the latter We'll be working on your swordsmanship in particular." He stops and straightens his back.

"Now, typically Master Liu would be teaching this class to you because, well quite frankly, she kicks ass with a katana sword." The students titter.

"However, she's been called away for the day. So, in her stead, I've asked your Vampyric classmates -- already quite skilled with weaponry -- to step in and help mentor the rest of you."

His gaze sweeps across the room while he points out which Vampyr student will mentor which team. "Farid, you work with Jake and Inez. Fiona, you work with Cameron and Ava. And Sebastian, I want you to help out Aidan and Patrick. Now," he claps enthusiastically. "While I don't anticipate any of you who haven't trained with weapons before will become experts by the end of the session, I do expect you to at least know how to hold your weapons competently enough so that you don't get yourselves killed or..." he frowns, "...lose a limb. Now, let's get to it!"

The students quickly gather in their assigned groups, murmuring as they figure out which team should work with which sword, based on their team leader's expertise.

Farid leads his group away from the crown and begins to instruct them on how to properly handle a rapier, while Fiona works with Cameron and Ava, teaching them how to lunge properly when working with a katana sword. Sebastian is in his corner of the training field showing Aidan and Patrick how to master fighting with a longsword.

But within minutes, everyone can her Sebastian's voice rising in irritation, complaining... very loudly.

"No, no, no!" he says as he plucks the longsword out of Patrick's hands. You're doing it all wrong!"

Patrick straightens and grunts in frustration. "What?! Dude! You said to hold the sword just like that only a second ago!"

"I did, that's true," Sebastian admits imperiously. "But I said not to do it until you're in the midst of a battle! You never approach your opponent holding a sword with only one hand. They'll just knock it out of your grip and the fight will be over before you know it. You must approach your opponent holding your sword with both hands for stability and balance before you attack, especially when working with a longsword. Longswords are very heavy, you know!"

"Maybe for you," Patrick scoffs, "with your skinny Vampyric arms," he adds as he crosses his own arms over his chest, intentionally showing off his bulging biceps.

They're less than five minutes into the training and already Patrick's fed up with Sebastian's haughtiness and condescension.

Farid sees the confrontation brewing between Patrick and his brother and he turns to Jake and Inez, holds up a finger, and proclaims, "I'll be right back!"

Rushing over to his brother's side, Farid tugs at Sebastian's shirt, and looking over at Aidan and Patrick asks apologetically, "Do you mind if I borrow my brother for just a second?"

"Oh, good gods, no!" Patrick rolls his eyes as he turns away. He's so over this training.

Farid pulls Seabstaian safely out of earshot and whispers angrily, "Bash! Seriously! What the hell?!"

Sebastian plucks his arms out of his brother's grasp. "What?" he says defensively. "I'm just trying to teach these amateurs how to properly handle a sword. It's not my fault that they're utterly incompetent!"

Farid closes his eyes and breathes in deeply, reaching for a modicum of calm. When he opens his eyes, he says, "Bash, what did we just talk about, not more than three hours ago?"

Sebastian stares at him blankly.

Farid grits his teeth. "You... making an effort... you know, to control your temper? Giving the other students a chance."

"Oh, that!" Sebastian scoffs. "C'mon, Farid! Seriously? Can you blame me? It's like teaching children now to use a knife, for goodness sakes! I mean Mateo's more skilled with a sword, and he's only six years old!"

"Sebastian," Farid grits his teeth. "Did you ever consider that perhaps Aidan and Patrick have never used a weapon like this before... like ever? Maybe working with these swords isn't a part of their culture? Not everyone grows up with the same kind of training that we had."

Sebastian pouts as he considers what his brother is saying. Then his shoulders relax. Frankly, he hadn't given that scenario the slightest bit of thought. "Okay, I see your point," he finally admits. "So, I should start from ground zero and focus on the very basics with them, give them some leeway to make mistakes."

"Yes!" Farid throws up his hands. "Exactly!"

"Okay," Sebastian nods, finally understanding his brother's approach. "I can do that. It's like working with Matty. I'll just treat them like the uneducated children they are, and make sure I always speak to them at their level when showing them what to do."

And with a nod of resolve, Sebastian goes back to his mentoring.

Farid blows out a breath and drags his hands down the sides of his face. He sighs. "Baby steps," he whispers to himself. "Baby steps."


Inez and Jake watch as the brotherly drama plays out.

"Sebastian really seems to know how to keep his brother busy." Inez observes.

Jake frowns. "Yeah, Sebastian's a handful. That's for sure."

"Well," Inez turns to face Jake. "I think we can continue practicing our lunges and strikes, even without our guide."

"Sure," Jake agrees.

"Okay, cool." Inez holds up her sword. "So, before Farid left, he was saying that the key to fighting with a rapier is to keep your stance open like this." She spreads her feet apart and bends her knees slightly . "And you keep your elbow close to your body, like this...," she tucks the sword it in at her side, "...until you're ready to strike, and then you do this..."

Without looking up, Inez holds her left hand above her head and lunges forward enthusiastically, thrusting the practice sword right into...

...Jake's chest.

"Ow!" He cries out as he doubles over. Even though the training weapon has a safety tip on the end, getting stabbed with it still hurts like hell! He rubs his wound before straightening up and looking at her.

Inez gasps, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Then without thinking, she immediately presses her hand over his wound. "I didn't mean to do that. Are you okay?"

Jake's gaze drifts down, and as he sees Inez's hand resting gently on his chest, his lips quirk up into a smile. "Well, I am now." The words spill out before he can stop himself.

Inez's gaze follows his and her eyes pop open wide as she realizes she's got her right hand lying flat against Jake's extremely well-defined left pec and...

Oh, good gods! She's practically groping him!

Inez squeaks, then snatches her hand back as if she'd just thrust it into a fire, "Oh my goodness! I am soooo sorry about that."

Her face goes beet red as she tries to casually laugh it off. But unfortunately her laugh sounds more like a demented whimper. She swallows hard, not daring to meet Jake's gaze.

"You see that was out of habit," she stutters. "Um... Enchanteds... well, some Enchanteds can sense pain. But we have to be touching the wound... and well, I... I wasn't thinking... so, I just sort of reached out and... oh, gods, I'm really, really sorry!"

Before Jake can tell her that, seriously -- like, SERIOUSLY -- he didn't mind at all, Inez starts to back away.

"I've got to go get some air," she mutters. Then she shakes her head vigorously. "No, that's not what I meant. There's air here. I meant some water. I have to get some water."

Jake's gaze drifts down to the water bottle she's about to trip over.

Inez looks down as well, just in time to see it. "Oh, Look! There's water!" she exclaims, stepping over it and continuing to back away, "But I uh... I need different water. Yeah, that's it. And I need different air. So, uh, I gotta go! Bye!"

Having now thoroughly humiliated herself, Inez whips around, so quickly and so awkwardly, her ponytail practically takes Farid's eye out as he returns to resume their training.

Confused, he looks over at Jake, who's just standing there, dumbfounded, as Inez races across the training field as fast as she can, back to the dormitory and as far, far away from the site of her latest mortification as she can.


So, I'm trying to get ahead by creating some social media assets, and I made this one with the hearts and everything, and I immediately thought of Jake & Inez.

Of course, this would be far in the future (cough, cough--Season 2--cough, cough) and I still have to clean up some of the random errors and loopy artifacts

But, I want to post this for Valentine's day (that is, if I don't space out, which I often do when it comes to social media.) 

So, my question to you all is, once I clean it up and make the guy look a bit more like Jake, which jacket should he be wearing? My instincts tell me the leather or the fancy jeans jacket, but they might make the image to busy? I want to be true to his character, but I also want it to look good at a smaller resolution.

If you have any imput, just vote or comment on the one you like best. You can just slap in an emoji or tell me your thoughts. I'll count up the votes at the end of the week. Thanks guys!

Which one do you think works best for Jake?

1. This ones's the original silk dort-of like jacket.


2. This one's a leather jacket.


3. This one's the jeans jacket.


4. This one's a cleaner, suede version of the jeans jacket (a bit less busy, but also less Jake-like)

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