Chapter 10

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It had been some months ever since that meeting between Edward's and Lysette's friends, and as usual, Lysette was visiting the Harding residence to have her tea time with Edward.

"Lysette-sama can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Edward-sama. What do you want to know?"

"I just wanted to know, how are things going with your friends"

"... Ah! You mean in regards to their new fiancés?"

"Yes, I and my friends don't usually contact each other, unless necessary, so I was worried if they were causing any problems for your friends"

"I understand your worries, Edward-sama. But, all I have to say is that they are all getting along"

"I see... Lysette-sama, thank you for listening to my request from that time"

"Edward-sama, I should be the one thanking you. Since it was thanks to you that my friends were able to find suitable partners who can attend to their tastes"

The two bowed to each other, and a few seconds later, they both lifted themselves back up. When they did so, their eyes met, and they both started chuckling, they didn't really understand why, but they found their current situation rather amusing. After their short and small laugh, they both went back on enjoying their teas, and each other's presence.

"... ... ... Ah! I was almost forgetting. Lysette-sama, can you excuse me for a moment?"

"Of course, Edward-sama"

With her permission, Edward got up from the chair he was using, and made his way toward his family's mansion, leaving Lysette by herself. Without much else to do, Lysette simply picked up her teacup in a gentle manner and took a sip of the warm tea. Nanako wasn't with them, as she was busy helping in taking care of the manor, the reason she was even brought to the manor in the first place, but she made sure to occasionally check on them, though in actuality it was simply her excuse so that she could hug Edward.

And so, without Nanako or Edward to keep her thoughts from drifting away, Lysette began to think about her relationship with Edward and Nanako, and all she could think of was... That she was happy with it. Edward would always make sure to listen to her and to give her attention whenever she wanted, while Nanako, even though she was her love rival, was also a great friend and a gentle girl, and even though they occasionally felt jealous of each other, Nanako never did anything to Lysette, or tricked her.

The two, differently from the many nobles who tried to get her to be engaged with their sons, didn't have much to offer to Lysette, aside from their honesty and attention, nor did they try to show off or act arrogantly, instead they always acted like themselves and allowed Lysette to be herself as well. And for Lysette that was more than what she could wish for in a relationship.

"... *Humming*"

As Lysette continued to wait for Edward's return, she began to hum, as she made a small smile from the happiness she was feeling.

*Door opening*


Then she heard the sound coming from the door, that Edward had passed through earlier, opening, and there, she saw him walking towards her with something in his hands... A Bouquet of yellow flowers.

"Lysette-sama, here for you"

"Eh?! T-Thank you, E-Edward-sama. B-But what for?"

"Well, you see... A few days ago, I was helping my father organize some documents, and I ended up passing by the document that legalized our engagement... And it just so happened that it was signed on this day, so I thought of giving you something to commemorate the one-year anniversary of our engagement"

"I-I see..."

Hearing that Lysette brought the flowers close to her face, to hide her embarrassment and smile, as she also felt really happy by Edward's small, but genuine, show of affection to her.

"Also, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to get something better"

"You don't need to be sorry, Edward-sama..."

Lysette shook her head sideways, as she denied Edward's word.

"Receiving these flowers from you is more than enough. In fact, they are the best gift I could ever receive from you, Edward-sama. Because I know that you picked them while thinking of me"

"A-Ahahaha... I-It wasn't r-really like that"

Edward tried to hide his embarrassment by making a forced laugh and downplaying the meaning of the flowers he had gifted to Lysette.

"Fufu, if you say so"

However, Lysette easily saw through him, causing her to amusedly giggle and happily smile.

"Edward-sama... Thank you for everything that you did for me... And for accepting me as I am... I'm really grateful for being engaged to you, and... Falling in love with you"

"... ... ... I should've been the one saying that to you, Lysette-sama"

Edward now could only scratch his head as he did his best to hide as much of his embarrassment as he could, while Lysette looked at him with a gentle gaze and smile.





Slightly away from them, Nanako stood silently hiding from view, close to the door, she had come to check on Edward and hug him, but seeing how he and Lysette were having an emotional moment together, she stopped herself from interrupting the two.

Instead, she simply decided to watch the two, but as she did so, she couldn't help but feel jealousy and regret. After all, it was clear that Edward and Lysette liked each other, so Nanako couldn't help but feel that she was getting in their way, by falling in love with Edward and by also having become his second fiancée.

Seeing and hearing Lysette being so open about her emotions, caused Nanako to feel her chest ache, as she felt angry with herself for falling in love with Edward and being in the way of his relationship with Lysette.

Not wanting to continue being in their way, Nanako was about to leave, but...

"Nanako-san, can you come here? I want to say something to you"


Surprised, Nanako left her hiding spot and revealed herself, then she approached Lysette with short and gloomy steps, as she also showed a pained expression from getting in between Lysette and Edward.

"... Nanako-san..."

"Yes, Lysette-sama?"

"... Thank you"

"?! W-Why?"

Seeing Nanako confused, Lysette just showed her a gentle smile before giving Nanako the answers she needed.

"For taking care of me and Edward-sama... And for also being such a great and gentle friend"

"B-But I-I j-just g-get I-in your w-way..."

"Fufu, yes you do, but you also give me some private time with Edward-sama. And it also thanks to you that I feel more enjoyment in visiting Edward-sama, and..."


"... And it's also thanks to you that... I'm... Able... To... ... ... Act more intimately with... Edward-sama... Than normal..."

"... ... ... Ah?... Aaaaaaaaahhhh???..."

When Lysette finished saying that, her face had become beet red from the embarrassment of saying that, while Nanako was initially confused, she slowly understood what Lysette meant by that, as all the memories of her overly bold actions on Edward came crashing in like a giant wave, causing Nanako's face to also turn beet red.


As for Edward, he had managed to achieve a perfect smiling poker face with the assistance of a headache, allowing him to hide his equally embarrassed state of mind from the two. It would take a good amount of time until the three of them recovered from their embarrassment, and after they did recover, the three sat down together and continued with their usual private tea party.




*Happily humming*

Lysette, now back to her family's residence, was still in a great mood as she made her way to the backyard garden of her manor so that the flowers gifted to her by Edward could be planted. But as she made her way there, she was stopped by her father.

"Lysette-chan, great timing. There's something I need to tell you"

"Hm? What is it, father?"

Lysette looked at her father, who differently from usual, had a rather serious expression as he talked to her.

"I received an invitation for the crown prince's coming of age ceremony, and it stated for me to bring you along as well"

"Oh! I understand, I will make sure to request Edward-sama to escort me on that day"

Lysette could already understand what her father meant with those words and tried to respond appropriately to his concerns.

"Lysette-chan... That is the problem, the invitation stated that you are not allowed to bring escorts on that day. They said it was for security reasons, but I believe you can see what the real reason is"

"! Yes, I can understand what the invitation is really for"

The father and daughter duo easily saw that the invitation to the crown prince's coming-of-age ceremony was just a facade to find a suitable partner for him, but for Lysette who was already engaged to someone else, it was meaningless. Even more so, since by the kingdom's rules, both families of the betrothed had to agree to break their current agreement to allow for a new engagement with someone else. But something was bugging her mind

"... Father, may I ask you why we were invited, even though I have been engaged with Edward-sama for a year now?"

"Well, to be honest, I am as unsure as you Lysette-chan. But I believe that either the documents about your current engagement haven't been made to the King yet, or they may be thinking that your meeting with the crown prince may cause you to prefer switching partners. After all, the royal family would definitely like to get us or any of the other great houses on their side with a political marriage"

"I see..."

Lysette closed her eyes as she processed her father's words, and the conclusion that she reached was... That she couldn't think of ever breaking up with Edward, even more so, after receiving the bouquet in her hands on this very same day. Yet, she couldn't help but make a slightly gloomy expression at the possibility of having to break her engagement with Edward.

"... Huff!"

"!? Wah, f-father?!"

Seeing his daughter make a saddened face, Hamilton, Lysette's father, couldn't help but rub her head, causing her hair to become messy. This action by him, took Lysette completely by surprise and made her feel bashful.

"You don't need to worry, Lysette-chan. I don't plan on making you break your engagement with little Edward unless you ask me to, and besides... Your engagement with him is very advantageous to our family. So if the king asks me to engage you with his son, I'll just refuse it"

"... Hehe, I understand... Thank you, father"

Feeling relieved, Lysette began smiling once again, and the sight of his daughter's smile was enough to cause Hamilton to rub her head once again, messing her hair even further, but Lysette simply laughed in delight as he did so.

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