Chapter 14

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Some time had passed ever since the arrival of Lysette and her father at the Harding family's manor, earlier that same evening. While the two parents went on to have a business meeting, they allowed Lysette and Edward to spend their evening together as they saw fit.

"..." *Slightly troubled face as he rubs Lysette's hair*

"..." *Burying her face on Edward's chest*

Right now, the two were by themselves inside a guest room, with Lysette pinning Edward down on the bed by tightly hugging him and burying her face in his chest covered by a simple shirt, and she showed no signs that she would be letting go of him anytime soon. As for Nanako, Edward had kindly asked her to go prepare some tea for Lysette.

"... Lysette-sama, isn't this enough already?"


"I see..."

Hearing Lysette's short response with a very informal tone, Edward was easily able to see that Lysette hadn't fully recovered from whatever had happened to her earlier, which he was too afraid to ask since he thought that it might only cause her mood to worsen, especially so as she was now looking very relaxed just by hugging him. So without any other options, Edward just continued patting Lysette's hair and hugging her back.

*Knock knock knock* "Edward-sama, Lysette-sama, I brought some tea"

After a short while, having knocked on the door to announce her arrival, Nanako returned to the room, with a tray containing a tea set to serve all three of them, seeing Nanako put down the tray on a table, and poured the tea into the teacups, as she also did her best to hide her complains about Lysette pinning down Edward in a way that she couldn't join them.

"Lysette-sama, Nanako brought some tea for us. Why don't you drink some to see if it helps you calm down?"

"... Okay..."

With an initial silence, as if she were considering her options, Lysette responded in agreement to Edward's suggestion. So with a slightly gloomy atmosphere, Lysette stopped hugging and pinning down Edward, as she sat up on the bed, allowing Edward to also sit up right next to her.

"Here's your tea, Lysette-sama"

"Thank you, Nanako-san"

*Nods and gently smiles* "Edward-sama, here's your tea"

"Thank you, Nanako"

"Ehehe" *Happily smiles*

After Nanako handed Edward his teacup, she also picked the last remaining teacup and carefully sat down next to him to not spill the tea in her hands, creating the very characteristic sight of the three whenever they were together, as they enjoyed the presence of each other in silence. After a short time appreciating their little evening tea, Edward once again asked Lysette a question.

"Are you feeling better now, Lysette-sama?"

"... Yes"

"That's great to hear... ... ... By the way, you and... Father-in-law, are going to be passing the night here, right?"


"... Erm... Lysette-sama, did you bring a set of nightwear with you by any chance?"

"... ... ... No, I didn't..."

Lysette took a few moments to think until she realized what Edward meant by that, which she answered while looking away from him.

"I see... ... ... Hm, well..."

Realizing the small, but still relevant problem at hand, Edward tried to find a solution to Lysette's situation, but since there weren't that many girls in the manor with the same physique as Lysette, Edward almost defaulted on offering her his clothes, but then when he looked to his other side and saw Nanako, he remembered that Nanako was almost the same size as Lysette, especially in the chest, waist and hips areas, as for how he knew that information... It was because he experienced the softness of his two fiancées on an almost weekly basis, so he was quite sure of his guesses about their three sizes... Not that it was something he liked to brag about, in fact, he promised himself to keep that information to himself until his death.


"Yes, Edward-sama?"

"... Would it be possible for you to let Lysette-sama borrow one of your night dresses just for today?"

"... Of course!"

Nanako initially showed a surprised face, before answering with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Nanako... Ah! That's right! Lysette-sama, do you want to take a bath as well before going to sleep?"

"Yes, I would like to"

"Nanako, can you help Lysette-sama with her bath?"


"Thank you, Nanako. You're always a lifesaver"



Once again, Nanako gave Edward a bright response to his request, and he thanked her by giving her a hug, which only made her even brighter, while Lysette on the other hand, looked at the two hugging in silence as she started to feel a certain desire within her growing.




After Edward hugged Nanako, she left the room to prepare a set of clothes for Lysette and the bath as well, leaving the two alone inside the guest room. Barely a minute had passed since Nanako left, and Lysette was already monopolizing Edward all to herself as she hugged his arm, and didn't show any signs that she would be letting go of him so easily, which was a problem for Edward, as he needed to finish some tasks for the day.

"... Edward-sama"

"Yes, Lysette-sama?"

"Hug me"

"? Okay?"

Edward felt a little confused at Lysette's sudden demand for a hug, but he still did as she requested and began gently hugging Lysette and she hugged him back as well. For a short time, the two simply hugged each other in silence, but that was soon broken by another request from Lysette.

"Edward-sama... Kiss me"

"Eh?... Erm, okay?..."

Slightly surprised at Lysette's boldness, Edward hesitated for a moment thinking that Lysette was just acting without thinking, but seeing her expectations gaze, he decided to simply do as she asked and kissed Lysette on the lips. The soft feeling of their lips touching only lasted for a few seconds before Edward parted his lips from Lysette's lips

"... Again"

"... *Nods*"

For a second time, Lysette asked for Edward to kiss her a second time, and again Edward responded by doing as she had asked, this time without hesitating, as he now thought that Lysette really, just wanted to be kissed by him. The two kept on hugging and kissing each other for many minutes, that was until...

*Knock knock knock*

" "!" "

The sound of knocks on the door, followed by the sound of it being open, surprised the two, causing them to stop from kissing, but not from hugging.

"Lysette-sama, the bath is rea- Ah!"

When Nanako saw Edward and Lysette hugging each other, she cutely pouted her cheeks to show her dissatisfaction with the two flirting in secret.

"... Ahaha... ... ... Lysette-sama, I think you should let go of me so that you can go take a bath with Nanako"

"... ... ... Can't you take a bath with us as well, Edward-sama?"

" "!?" "

Edward and Nanako both made shocked faces at Lysette's ludicrous request, but it would be a lie to say that Nanako didn't feel a lot of anticipation in Edward's response, especially one of agreement. As for Edward, he started screaming inside his mind as a way to keep himself away from dangerous thoughts, that might cause the two girls to start hating him, and destroy his social standing for the rest of his life.

"... Lysette-sama... I thank you for the very tempting invitation, but I will have to kindly turn it down. As I do not believe that right now is a good time for us three to share a bath just yet"

"... I see... Then if you excuse me, Edward-sama"

In the best, respectful, and most formal way that Edward could, he refused Lysette's invitation as he could hear both a little devil and angel on each of his shoulders screaming at him for not accepting the invitation. As for Lysette, she made a slightly dejected face at Edward's refusal, before getting up and bowing to him as she left the room to take a bath while Nanako accompanied her to assist Lysette with her bath.

Once the two left the room, Edward remained still for some time all by himself, leaving him alone with his thoughts.


When Edward remembered that Hamilton was also at the manor, he felt a chill running down his spine, as he couldn't even think what would happen to him if Hamilton had heard that he had just taken a bath with Lysette before their marriage. But the one thing he was sure of, was that he wouldn't come back alive from the consequences.

"... I better start finishing the last tasks for the day"

Concluding with his thoughts, Edward decided to just stop thinking about everything, and just do what he needed to do, so he got up from the bed and left the guest room.




After an hour or so, Lysette and Nanako left the bathroom with their bodies cleaned and wearing night dresses, their hairs were still a bit wet, but all it did was increase their charm, by giving their long and silky hairs a natural glow. And now both were making their way to their respective rooms for the night. But as they walked they stumbled on a certain someone.

" " "Ah!" " "

It was Edward, of course. As he carried a stack of papers in his hands, a clear piece of evidence that he was still working on the usual matters. The three were initially a bit surprised at seeing each other, but when Nanako noticed the stacks of papers, she made an angry pouty face as she began to re

"Edward-sama, We've told you many times already, for you to stop working at these hours"

"Sorry, Nanako. But I really needed to finish some tasks for today"

"No buts! You already helped and did too many things by yourself earlier today, so what you need to do now is rest!"

"... Sorry... But this is the last thing I had to do"

Edward couldn't do much to argue against Nanako, so all he did was apologize to her with a guilty expression. Lysette watched the two in silence with a small smile on her face, but inside she was a bit curious about what were the things Edward did during the days she didn't visit him.

"Edward-sama... What are you going to do afterward then?"

"Erm... Take a bath and go to sleep?"

"Is that true? Or are you just saying to appease me and let you continue working more?"



Nanako stared at Edward with suspicion as she was well aware that there were several times he said that, only for him to stay awake and keep working until very late into the night, which would become very obvious by the presence of very noticeable dark circles under his eyes in the next day, and an even more sluggish act than usual. Again, Lysette just watched in silence, but this time with worried eyes when she heard that Edward may try to work until late into the night. So with short steps, she approached Edward and gently held the hems of his shirt's sleeves.


"Hm? What is it, Lysette-sama?"

"... Can we sleep together today?"

" "!?" "

Hearing Lysette's unexpected request, both Edward and Nanako made shocked faces.

"... Erm... Lysette-sama, I... Don't think it yet... The right time for us to..."

"Is that a no?"


Lysette looked at Edward with saddened eyes at his roundabout way of saying no, and when he saw her making that expression, Edward shut his mouth and didn't say anything for a long moment, as his face cramped from guilt at making Lysette do a sad expression.

"... ... ... I'll sleep with you today, Lysette-sama"


Hearing Edward accept her request, caused Lysette to show a very bright and happy smile as she began to hug him as well due to the happiness she was feeling at that moment. At the same time, Edward was screaming inside his mind for listening to his desires instead of holding his ground. But there was someone else there who was also on the verge of shouting.

"... Edward-sama"

"! W-What is it, Nanako?"

"... C-Can I-I s-sleep with you as well?"

"Of course you can, Nanako"


Just like Lysette, Nanako also showed a very bright smile as she began to hug Edward as well, while he on the other hand, just began screaming internally even more than before for listening to his desires once again, and this time without even trying to deny Nanako's request.

"Edward-sama, I'll take care of those documents for you, so you can go take a bath and later meet us at the guest room"

"... Okay..."

Unable to refuse anymore, Edward meekly handed the documents he was holding to Nanako and went to prepare himself to take a bath.

Some time later

Around twenty or so minutes later, Edward after thanking a bath, and changing into simple clothes for sleeping, stood in front of the guest room where Lysette was staying. He was silent and unmoving almost as if he was hesitating on entering the room.

"..." <Keep cool, me. Keep cool, me. Keep it all cool, me. Whatever that I see inside, do not jump on either Lysette or Nanako, just act cool to not make them think you've only accepted to sleep with them because I want to feel their bodies... ... ... *Starts reciting verses of a certain religious book he doesn't even know the name of in a really fast speed*> "... Alright" *Knocks the door*

Keeping his manners, Edward knocked on the door, to announce his arrival to his two fiancées, and waited for them to open the door. Which was preceded by noticeable footsteps of someone hurrying themselves to the door.


And the one who happily greeted was Nanako, to which Edward just responded to her by nodding his head with his usual poker smile, before walking inside the room. At the same time, Nanako eagerly pulled his hand as she showed a lot of anticipation.

"Good night, Edward-sama"

"Ah! G-Good night, Lysette-sama"

Inside the room, Edward was greeted by Lysette who was sitting on the bed with a gentle smile on her face, but just like Nanako, he could also see that she was also feeling eager to sleep with him.

"Edward-sama, please sit here" *Taps on the spot right next to her*

"..." *Nods*

With a nod, Edward sat down on the spot gestured by Lysette, with Nanako sitting right next to him as she began to hug his arm and rub her cheek on his shoulder. Seeing that, Lysette pouted in a mild annoyance, as she also hugged Edward's other arm.

"Edward-sama... Can we... Hug each other while we sleep?"

"Of course, Lysette-sama"

"Fufu, then since you don't mind, Edward-sama..."

"? !...!?"


Hearing Edward's answer, Lysette let go of his arm, and gently held his head with of her hands, before pulling it towards her chest as she tightly hugged Edward's head. Of course, Edward and Nanako once again became surprised at Lysette's unexpected bold move, in response, Nanako also let go of Edward's arm and began hugging him around the chest from behind.

Being sandwiched unexpectedly by a hellish softness, Edward could only do one thing...

<UUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! DON'T GET HARD! DON'T GET HARD! DON'T. GET. HARD!!!... Oh my god! Lysette's chest is way softer than I thought! Is it because she's not wearing a bra and the dress cloth is looser? And Nanako's soft chest pressing against my back feels really nice too... ... ... Stop from getting harder, little me!!!... Calm down me! I can still escape! All I need to do is pull- Uwah!?>

While Edward was having a battle against himself, and also starting to have a headache, Lysette and Nanako both pulled him down to lay on the bed, with the two still flanking him from the front and back with their hugs, however he still had one way to escape.

<It's alright! IT'S ALRIGHT!!! I can still try to pull myself down with my legs!... Ah, Nanako's well-defined legs wrapping around my leg feel quite nice. And Lysette's equally well-defined and healthy legs also feel just as nice... No, her longer legs make it feel slightly softer and better to the touch... ... ... Wait... I can't move my legs anymore... ... ... UUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

With his last means of escape gone by his two fiancées competed on who was more touchy-feely with him, Edward began his internal life-or-death battle with his male instincts as he did everything that he could do, to avoid his little guy from growing... By the way, he was losing that battle... And hard.




"Puhaa!... Haa... Haa..."

"Haa!... ... ... Whew *Looks to the side for a brief moment*... Hm, Nanako do you want another kiss?"

"Eh!? Ah!? I-I-I-I-I gueh..." *Passes out from over-excitement and embarrassment*


After receiving a very long and French kiss from Edward, Nanako's face had turned crimson, but when she heard Edward's offer for a second kiss, her mind already going haywire went into overdrive, and it appeared that steam was coming from her head until her mind finally gave up on the overflow of feelings she was currently making it appear like her mind had just exploded as she passed out with a blissful and embarrassed expression.

"Ah!... Erm, L-Lysette-sama, do you mind looking out fo- Eh?"

When Edward turned his head to look at Lysette, all that he saw was the same situation as Nanako. A crimson red face with steam coming from her head, but different from Nanako who also had a passion-filled expression as well, Lysette had a more concern-filled expression as she put one of her hands, in a place between her thighs that she was now remembering about feeling something hard poking her around that area last night, while her vision slowly drifted lower and lower as she looked at Edward.

"! Ah..." *Passes out*


When she finally connected the dots about what was that feeling, Lysette's embarrassment finally reached her tipping point, and just like Nanako, her mind went on scram as she was unable to handle the amount of information she was getting, and she ended up passing out. Differently from Nanako who was being held by Edward due to their hug, Lysette fell back onto the bed, leaving only Edward to handle the situation as he was both confused and worried about their situation.

"... ... ... Ah! It's almost time for me to start preparing breakfast for Lysette-sama and Father-in-law!... ... ... I'm sorry, Lysette-sama, Nanako!"

Finally remembering about his schedule for today, Edward hurriedly put Lysette and Nanako in more comfortable sleeping positions, before leaving the guest room in a hurry as he desperately dashed towards his room to change his clothes and then to the kitchen.

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