Chapter 23

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It was the morning of the next day, and differently from the past few days, Lysette was still soundly asleep on her bed, as she tightly hugged Edward's head close to her chest, and with Nanako hugging Edward from behind, a very similar scene to when she first slept together with Edward. But there was one small difference from that time.

And that was the small glint of light reflecting from Lysette's left ring finger, the special gift she received in a very romantic manner from Edward last night.

"... ... ... Hm?"

Then Lysette slowly opened her eyes and began looking around, her eyes adjusting to the morning sunlight, soon after she noticed that she was hugging Edward's head onto her chest, but at the same time, she also saw the engagement ring that he had given to her glinting from the sun's light.


Seeing it, made Lysette smile as she further tightened her hug, as she felt her chest getting warmer from the happiness she felt.

"Edward-sama... I love you..."

With a soft tone, Lysette whispered those words close to Edward's ears, knowing he was asleep making it so that he couldn't hear her words.


Then Lysette noticed someone moving behind Edward, only to reveal to be a half-asleep Nanako lifting herself.

"Good morning, Nanako-san"

"Hm?... ... ... Good... Morning... Lysette-sama"

With a sleepy voice, Nanako responded to Lysette's greeting, but as she slowly woke up, she noticed what Lysette was doing with Edward, causing Nanako to start pouting.

"... That's unfair..."

"Fufu, that's because you're too slow and pure. Nanako-san"

"Muuuh... Like you're any different, Lysette-sama..."

"... I suppose, you're right, Nanako-san..."


Nanako feeling a little jealous at seeing Lysette hogging Edward all to herself, laid her down back on the bed and began hugging Edward again from behind. This helped her quell her jealousy, but in turn, she began to remember the events from the previous night, especially the part where Edward went to shield her from the crown prince's attack aimed at him.

"... ... ... Lysette-sama..."

"Yes, Nanako-san?"

"... Can... Can I ask you to... Teach me how to use magic?"

"Hm? Why do you want to learn magic, Nanako-san?"

"I... I just don't want to keep causing trouble to Edward-sama, and... And you as well, Lysette-sama, because... Because of my powerlessness..."

Nanako's voice was filled with remorse from all the trouble she caused to the two last night. Lysette turned quiet, as she began to think about what Nanako said.

"Nanako-san, did you ever test for your mana capacity?"


"... Then do you know if you have any affinity for magic?"


"I see..."

Again Lysette turned silent as she considered Nanako's request further, after all as far as she was taught, a commoner very rarely would show any meaningful talent for magic, and in the case of Nanako she wanted to be able to protect herself by using magic, which would require a rather considerable amount of talent and mana capacity to do so, that Nanako didn't know if she had any in the first place.


However, Lysette remembered how she and her family discovered her primary affinity for fire magic and her vast mana capacity.

"Nanako-san, if you don't mind, would you accompany me so that we can check on your talent for magic later"

"... Of course, Lysette-sama"

"Excellent, but I'll only go after Edward-sama wakes up"

"I was just thinking the same"

The two looked and smiled at each other before they closed their eyes to go back to sleep and they continued to snuggle onto Edward, who would only wake up an hour later due to how soft the bed, and his fiancées, were.




Some hours later

After waking up a second time, having breakfast, and changing their clothes, Lysette began making her way to her father's office while Nanako followed after her. As for Edward, he changed his clothes before the two and had already gone somewhere else.

*Knocks the door*

"... ... ... Come in"

Having received her father's permission, Lysette opened the door to his office, only to find Edward in there as well.

"Eh? Edward-sama, why are you here?"

"... Let's just say that I was apologizing to father-in-law"

"No need to be so scared, Little Edward. I'm not angry at the fact that you slept together with Lysette-chan, I'm just warning you of the problems that doing so can cause"

"... I can't deny what you're saying"

"It's good that we're on the same page, Little Edward. In any case, how can I help, Lysette-chan?"

Hamilton, Lysette's father, gently smiled at his daughter as he asked so.

"Father, I want your permission to use the magic measuring device"

"... Why do you want to use it, though?"

"... *Glances at Edward* Looks at Nanako*"

"... *Shyly nods*"

"Nanako-san, asked for me to teach her how to use magic, but since she doesn't know if she has any affinity or mana, I want to use the device to prepare a suitable training regime for her"

"I see..."

Hamilton, made a think face as he pondered about his daughter's request that was mostly for her friend, who was also Edward's fiancée.

"Very well, you can use it. But I'll be accompanying you two as an assurance"

"Thank you, father"

"What about you, Little Edward? Wanna accompany us as well?"

" "!" "


Edward who didn't plan on interfering with the plans of his two fiancées, showed surprise at Hamilton's words, but when he thought of refusing it, he looked at Lysette and Nanako, whose eyes were sparkling at the idea of getting to spend more time with Edward while they went to use the magic measuring device.

"... Hm, sure. I guess"

"Very well, then let us go to the magical device storage room"

With that, Hamilton got up from his chair and began guiding the three towards the device, while Lysette and Nanako followed him as they both hugged one of Edward's arms each.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the storage room, and once Hamilton opened the locked door, several magical devices not used so frequently around the house were laid bare in front of everyone. Lysette, who had already entered the room a few times in the past, didn't show any particular reaction, but Nanako and Edward, were the complete opposite. Nanako showed an amazed face at seeing all those devices, that had she never seen before.

Edward on the other hand, was having his face slowly turning pale at seeing all those very expensive tools in front of him, as he couldn't even fathom how many organs he would have to sell, just to pay for the repairs of one device if he accidentally broke one.

"Let's see... Not this one... Neither this one... Nuh-uh... Ah! This one"

Hamilton after looking at a few of the devices present, picked a rather unremarkable one, which had a crystal sphere on its center, and brought it to a table at the end of the room.

"Okay. Nanako-chan, to use this device all you have to do is put your hands here, and might feel a small shock, but that's from the device trying to have your mana run through it. Got it"


"Then please step ahead"

Nanako nodded at Hamilton's words, so she let go of Edward's arm, so that she could approach the device, and carefully touched the place pointed by Hamilton, to make sure that she wouldn't break it.


Then as he had said, Nanako felt a small shock running through her arms, rapidly followed by the crystal sphere beginning to shine brighter and brighter with a white light.


" "!" "

Hamilton, Lysette, and Edward all showed a form of surprise at the results the device showed. After some seconds of keeping her hands on the device, Nanako retreated them from the device and turned with a somewhat worried expression.

"Erm... S-So what's the result?"

"Nanako-chan... Not only does the device show that you may have as much mana as Lysette-chan, but I believe that you also may have an affinity to light magic"

"... E-Erm..."

"And what means? Well, light magic is usually known to be used for healing and defensive spells. So they're perfect for protecting oneself, or others"


Hearing that, Nanako's worried eyes began brimming with excitement as she finally began to think that she would be able to help Edward even more from now on.

"That's great to hear, is it not, Nanako-san?"

"! Yes, Lysette-sama!"

"Fufu! That's great, now shall we go start your magic training?"


"Perfect. Father, if you excuse us, we shall now take our leave. And thank you for the help as well"

"Of course, have a fun time you two"

"*Nods* Ah! Edward-sama, do you want to accompany us?"

"Can I?"

" "Of course!" "

"Well, then I suppose I can only happily accept it"

Lysette and Nanako both smiled at his answer, and once again, they hugged his arms, while this time with Lysette guiding the way, the three left the storage room with an excited atmosphere around them.


Hamilton was the only one who remained in the storage room, he approached the device and touched the crystal sphere that was now turned off, as he made a serious expression.

"... Although it's not so different from light magic... To think that Nanako-chan would be the one possessing the blessing of the saint is really surprising... And for it to already be this powerful, it also means she found her true love... ... ... Little Edward, I don't know if you're lucky or unlucky to have the saint as your fiancée *sigh*"

With his sigh, Hamilton then made a rather tired expression at the prospects of all the troubles having the saint this close to him would cause. Then he picked up the device again and put it back in its original place. Before he left the storage room and locked its door.

"..." <Well, at least the other half of the prophecy about an increase of demons starting last year hasn't manifested itself yet... Even though the king said that the Church swore that demons were supposed to be increasing in numbers for quite some time, and not decreasing... Oh well, as long as I don't have more work to do and keep having enough time for Lysette, all is good I think>




"Now Nanako-san, you will do like this to feel the mana..."

"G-Got it"


Edward was currently watching Lysette teaching Nanako the very basics of magic, and that was all that he could do since, most of his knowledge of magic was self-taught, and he also wasn't the most talented when it came to it as well. So between him, trying to help teach Nanako without any proper knowledge, and Lysette, who received very in-depth lessons about magic, it was better for him to not disturb Lysette as she diligently and perfectly taught Nanako everything that she knew about how to use magic.

But as he watched the two, he began to feel a headache, a normal occurrence nowadays, but that still bothered him, because of how much of a pain they were. And just like a few of his headaches that came out of nowhere, he saw what appeared to be images, or visions, of Nanako, surrounded by very handsome men, who he didn't know, saved for one... The Crown prince, as they all appeared to be defiantly standing between two girls

One was Nanako, who appeared to have grown dragon-looking horns alongside a white and thin dragon-like tail, as she made a serious expression very fitting for a hero.

The other was Lysette who had grown thin black horns and demonic wings as she had a face filled with rage and envy.

As for himself, he was nowhere to be seen, which was something he had gotten used to with the weird knowledge and visions that his headaches always brought to him, but also it was not like he would even want to be in a battlefield in the first place.

"..." <Whatever that thing was... It felt like that was supposed to be some sort of final battle between Nanako and Lysette... ... ... And for some reason, it feels way too cliched as well>

When Edward began to think about what he just saw inside his mind with his eyes closed, he couldn't help, but look at his two fiancées who were getting along perfectly well, to the point that they both felt like sisters, and due to their equally matched beauty, it wasn't too far-fetched for someone to think that Nanako and Lysette were real siblings.

"... ... ..."

Seeing the two like that, was enough to make Edward dismiss all those images that he had just seen, as he made a small smile at seeing the two girls he loved getting along, and when they both noticed Edward looking at them, they both smiled happily back to him.

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