Chapter 32

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It had been close to 4 weeks since Atsuko's arrival at the Neville Estate as she and her entourage patiently waited for their king to catch up to them. And a little over a week since the accidental kiss between Atsuko and Edward, as well as the moment that Atsuko finally decided to accept her feelings for Edward, born from the growing misunderstandings caused by him and his easy-to-confuse excuses.

However, even though Atsuko was now accepting of the fact that she had fallen in love with Edward in this short amount of time, all that changed about her interactions with Edward, was that she appeared visibly more amused and happy whenever she was with him, very similar to another noble girl who was also in love with Edward.

As for the reason why Atsuko hadn't attempted to make any sort of move on Edward, that was because he was already engaged to Lysette and Nanako, who were almost always hanging around with him. But there was also the fact that Edward didn't appear to want another fiancée, as he hadn't made any overt comment about wanting a new one, which made it harder for Atsuko to talk about her feelings to him, as well as talking about her desire to become his fiancée to Lysette, and Nanako.

"*Sigh*... I wanna go sightseeing... And I want to talk with Edward-sama..."

Atsuko who was looking outside from the window of her assigned room, said so as she slouched on it, although 4 weeks had passed already, never once she has been allowed to step the estate's premises due to Kenichi's, her personal bodyguard, stern refusal to let her walk at the city without a partner. Feeling the boredom taking over her, Atsuko got up and cleaned herself a little, as she went to do the second, but equally enjoyable, activity that she wanted to do, and that was spend time with Edward.

In a great spirit just from thinking about talking with Edward, Atsuko made her way to the places where Edward was most likely to be at this hour in the afternoon. However, this time as she was passing by the entrance hall of the Neville Estate, she noticed someone standing close to the entrance door, as if they were checking that they had everything they needed and that someone was the very person she was searching for.

"..." <Is Edward-sama going somewhere?>

Intrigued by seeing him there, and with her objective being to talk to him, Atsuko made her way towards Edward.


"Huh? Ah! Princess Atsuko, good Afternoon"

"Good afternoon to you too, Edward-sama. Nee, may I ask what you are going to do?"

"Sure, I will just be taking a stroll in the city, since it's on these days that I tend to go around my family's territory to see if everything is in order"

"Ah, I see. That is very admirable of you, Edward-sama"

"I do not deserve such praise, Princess Atsuko. After all, this always resumes in just me having a walk around the city"

"Fufu. If you say so... Hm?"

As Atsuko talked with Edward, she realized that if he was just going to take a stroll around the city, he could've called Lysette, Nanako, or both, to go with him, but they were visibly missing.

"Edward-sama, why did you not invite your fiancées to go with you?"

"Well... I did invite them, but they appear still to be a little traumatized from last week's strolling"


"Ahaha... That is just my way of saying, how they firmly refused today's invitation because of how all the people around us kept saying how much the two loved me"

"... I see... ... ..."

Atsuko couldn't help but feel a bit envious of the two at seeing Edward make such a gentle and happy face at the fact that Lysette and Nanako loved him dearly. But at the same time, she felt that the two were being rather wasteful at refusing to go on a date with Edward because they hadn't recovered from being reminded of how they looked to others whenever they snuggled onto Edward. However, that also meant that this was a chance for Atsuko.


"Yes, Princess Atsuko?"

"Can I go with you to take a stroll in the city as well?"

"? Of course. I would love to be your escort, Princess Atsuko"

"Fufu, And I am happy to have you as my escort, Edward-sama"

"Thank you for your words, do you want to change your clothes or need to pick something? Or are you ready to go already?"

"I am ready to go, Edward-sama"

"That is great to hear, now..."

Then just as Edward opened the front door, the loud stomps of someone running at full speed could be heard coming from deeper into the manor, and then the figure of Kenich could be seen making a mad dash towards the two.

"Hold right there! The Princess cannot go anywhere outside of the estate without a partner!"


"Haa... Not this again"

Seeing the old man who was Atsuko's guard appearing seemingly out of nowhere as he dashed towards them with a demon-like face, was enough to make Edward sweat coldly as he feared for his life, while Atsuko simply made an annoyed reaction.

"Haa... Kenichi, you do not have to worry about my safety to such an extent just because I will be having a walk around the city. Sir Hamilton said it is safe, and even Lady Lysette and Nanako-san take a walk there from time to time.

"Still Princess! You are a member of the Akeshian Royal Family! We do not know how many dangers lurk around each corner of the city! So we cannot let you walk around without a partner!"

Although those were the words that Kenichi shouted, what he meant was...

"Princess! Because of your beauty and status, we do not know how many men around each corner could try to hit on you! So you cannot go outside until you find yourself a worthy husband!"

In other words, Kenichi was acting as her father, both because he saw her as a daughter, and also because those were the orders of his king. Which Atsuko was keenly aware of and equally tired of as well.

"Kenichi, when I ask you to escort me, you always refuse to do so"

"Of course! Because you are safest in here! And I will never allow you go to a place filled with filthy men whose minds are filled with impure thoughts even when I am around to beat their asses!"

He meant everything that he said in the most literal way possible this time.

"... Haa... ... ... Hm? Kenichi, you said that I just needed a partner to accompany me to be able to have a stroll around the city, correct?"

"That is correct, Princess. You need to find a (marriage) partner before you can go outside"

"Then you have nothing to worry about anymore, Kenichi"

"Huh? What do you mean, Princess?"

"Hm? Is it not obvious?"

Atsuko then pulled Edward closer to her, and hugged his right arm, pressing her well-developed chest against it.

"Edward-sama will be my (marriage) partner from now"

"... ... ...WHAT!?"

Hearing Atsuko say those words, caused Kenichi to make an expression of utter shock, almost as if he was seeing the sky fall.

"W-W-W-Wha... Oi! You!"


"Are you going to be the Princess (marriage) partner!"

"Eh!? Erm... Well, if Princess Atsuko wants me to be her (strolling) partner, then I will gladly accept it"

"! Is that true, Edward-sama?"

"Eh... Hm, yeah. Since I don't have any reason to be your (strolling) partner, Princess Atsuko"

"But what about Lady Lysette and Nanako-san, would they agree to it as well?"

"Hm?" <Huh? Why is she asking about Lysette-sama and Nanako's permission to take a stroll with me?... Ah, I get it, Princess Atsuko is most likely trying to be considerate of the two, since Lysette-sama and Nanako are my fiancées, while she's still unengaged. Well, since it's just for strolling around the town, it should be fine> "Princess Atsuko, I think that Lysette-sama and Nanako would be in favor of it as well"



"... Fufu, if you say so, Edward-sama. Then I will believe in your words"


As Atsuko and Edward talked to each other, Kenichi fell to his knees as he gripped his chest on the area where his heart was located, after all, he never expected to see a man saying that he wanted to be Atsuko's partner without any evil, perverted, intentions on his eyes. But! He couldn't just accept it, just yet.

"Kuh... Sir Edward was it?"

"Hm? Ah! Y-Yes?"

"Do you really think you can be the Princess (Marriage) partner?"

"Huh?" <What's up with that question? If I can be Princess Atsuko (strolling) partner?... ... ... Oh! I see, I see, he's asking if I can keep con artists and pick-up artists away from her. Kenichi-san is just worried about Princess Atsuko being approached by strangers with bad intentions, just like how I feel nervous whenever Nanako goes to the city on her own or with her siblings>

Edward was spot-on on why Kenichi so firmly refused to let Atsuko the estate's premises, but he was wrong in the key problem, mainly on how each of them interpreted the word 'partner.'

"Kenichi-san, you do not have to worry, because I will make sure to keep any bad person away from Atsuko"

"... ... ... GAAAAAAHH!!! *Falls unconscious on the floor*"


At hearing and seeing Edward say such words, without any hint of deception or lies, Kenichi felt like he was stabbed by a very painful spear, as he started to think that Edward was a suitable partner for Atsuko, something that he utterly refused to accept, but with how honest and intent Edward was about being Atsuko's partner, it only made it even more painful for Kenichi to refuse to the point that it caused him to faint.

"... Edward-sama, shall we get going then?"

"Eh?... Hm... Sure, I guess"

"Mm! *Nods* Ah! Also, Edward-sama before I forget..."


"Please, refer to me in the same way as you do with Lady Lysette"

"? Hm?... Sure, Atsuko... sama?"


Atsuko felt a little bit of embarrassment at being called that way by Edward, but she felt way happier than flustered.

"Fufu, Edward-sama, I look forward to having you as my (marriage) partner from now on"

"Hm? Me too, Atsuko-sama... ... ..." <Weird... Why do I feel like she means something else?>

"Edward-sama, come on already, I wanna go sightseeing in the city!"

"Ah! Of course, Atsuko-sama"

For a moment, Edward felt that there might've been a misunderstanding between him and Atsuko, but before he could think further, his thoughts were interrupted by Atsuko as she began pulling him from the arm that she was still hugging.




It had been quite some time, since Edward and Atsuko left the Neville mansion, and began walking around the city that was located close to it. Atsuko who had been craving to have a walk around the city for many weeks, was making a really happy and excited face as she looked around with a lot of energy flowing in her.

Edward on the other hand, due to him already used to walking around the city, was simply showing a gentle smile at seeing Atsuko thoroughly enjoying their stroll. But if there was one thing he wanted to say and that was...


"Yes, Edward-sama?"

"It is quite hard to walk around like this, so would mind letting go of my arm?"

That he found it quite difficult to walk around with Atsuko hugging his arm so tightly. Atsuko made a somewhat sulky face at hearing that, but she still relented and stopped hugging Edward's arm.

"I am sorry for troubling you, Edward-sama"

"Do not worry, Atsuko-sama. it is not like I disliked it or anything, and besides... Here"


Atsuko looked confusedly at Edward's hand as he extended it towards her. Which Edward noticed, causing him to speak again.

"Atsuko-sama, please hold onto my hand, so that we don't end up separating from one another"

"Ah! A-Alright"

Atsuko's tone was a bit flustered, mostly from her not realizing sooner that Edward wanted her to hold his hand. But once they began to gently hold hands, Atsuko felt rather satisfied, just like how she felt while she had been hugging his arm.

"Now, Atsuko-sama. Is there any place you want to go first, or do want me to lead the way"

"Hmm... Today, I will let you guide me around, Edward-sama"

"Alright then, so let us start by going there"

With her permission, Edward pointed in a certain direction for them to go, as he made sure to match Atsuko's pace and show her any place along the way that happened to catch her interest, or that he thought would be to her liking. And so, the two continued to walk around at a gentle pace, the people around them who happened to look at the two, could only think of them as a couple who had just started dating.

Eventually, the two arrived at the commercial district, filled with stalls selling a variety of goods, just like before Atsuko and Edward both looked around at a calm pace, with Edward stopping at any stall that he thought Atsuko would like until he eventually passed by a merchant that he had some occasional conversations with.

"Oya? If it isn't the young lord Edward"

"Ah! It is good to see you as well, Mr. Bertrand"

"Polite as always, eh?... Hm? Oh-ho? Is that a new girl that I see with you today?"

"Ah, yes, this is Atsuko Shimizu, and I am escorting her around the city today"

"Hello, Mr. Bertrand. It is a pleasure to meet you"

"Another polite girl, eh? You sure are popular, Young lord"

"It's not like that really"

"You say that, but here you are on a date with another beauty of a girlfriend"

"Eh? We're not-!?"

Just as Edward was about to deny it, he felt a sharp pain in his hand that was currently holding onto Atsuko's hand, and when he looked at her face. He could see her happily smiling, but at the same time, he could feel that she was warning him to not say anything more, causing him to shut his mouth for the time being.

"Mr. Bertrand, thank you for those words. But if you excuse us, we shall continue with our date. See you another time"

"See you two around as well"

"Now, Edward-sama, shall we get going again?"

"Ah... Yes..." <W-Why did Atsuko do all that just now? Did she get angry at was Bertrand said? Or is it the opposite?... ... ... Well, for now, let's just try to improve Atsuko's mood, but what would be a good way to do so? Ah!>

As Edward thought about Atsuko's actions just now, he decided that the best course of action now, was to simply try to please her because then it would mean that if she was angry, she would go back to being happy, but if she wasn't angry, then everything would just remain good.

So as Atsuko once again urged him to walk, they happened to pass right in front of a stall selling accessories, and there, Edward noticed a pair of hairpins.



"Can you stand still for a moment?"

"Of course"

"Thank you, now..."


Edward went closer to Atsuko and gently touched her hair, which startled her, as she was reminded of when she had her first kiss. But fortunately, or not, there wasn't a kiss from Edward, instead...

"Done... *Nods* Yup, it really fits you"


Confused at what Edward was saying, Atsuko began checking on her hair, and on her left bang, she noticed something, a hairpin, when she looked at the stall she saw one with a shape similar to a flower of her homeland, which she could feel was the same one that Edward had put on her.

"Oi, chief! How much for that hairpin?"

"Usually it's twenty, but I'll give you a discount since it's for your girlfriend"

"Thank you, but there's no need for a discount. The hairpin is more than worth the full price since it's a present for Atsuko-sama"

"Oh my, you sure know how to be a charmer"


Edward made a small laugh at the short talk her had with the owner, who was an old, but nice, woman. Atsuko remained quiet, both from the embarrassment of receiving a present from Edward, but also from hearing Edward say such a thing with a smile, as she also felt happy from hearing such things from him.

"Atsuko-sama, shall we continue with our stroll?"

"! Yes, Edward-sama!"

Again Edward offered his hand to Atsuko, which he had let go to pay the old lady, and this time, Atsuko accepted it without any problems, as she flashed a beautiful smile.

The two continued to walk around the city for hours, as they passed through a variety of shops and stalls, as well as stopping by cafes to enjoy a meal together. Throughout their date, Atsuko kept flashing a peppy smile as she looked around, however, she would always become visibly happier whenever she looked at Edward accompanying her as they held hands.




Edward and Atsuko were now sitting right next to each other at one of the benches located near the fountain at the city's center, as they looked at the Neville Manor from a distance, as the sky was colored orange from the setting sun.

"... Edward-sama, thank you for accompanying me today"

"*Shakes head* I should be the one saying that, Atsuko-sama"

"Fufu, if you say so"

After hearing that, Atsuko moved to rest her head on Edward's shoulder, she had a beautiful smile on her face as her cheeks turned pink.



"... Edward-sama?"

"Yes, Atsuko-sama?"

"Can I make a selfish request from you?"

"Well, as long as it is something I can do, I will happily accept it"

"Hehe, I see. Then, Edward-sama, could you forgive me for what I am about to do?"

"Huh? !?"

Edward showed confusion at what Atsuko had just said, but then she gently held his head, and kissed him on the lips, completely surprising him as he didn't know why she was doing such a thing. The kiss was a short one, but it was enough to cause Atsuko's face to turn red.

"Edward-sama, this is my reward for you giving me such a great time today, but also... It is my payback for making me fall in love with you"

"..." <Eh? EEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!?!?!? She fell in love with me!? How!? Why!? I didn't even do all that much to make her fall in love with me!!!... ... ... Hm?... ... ... Huh?... ... ... Oh... Oh no... I did do a lot of things to cause her to fall in love with me, didn't I?>

After receiving such a confession from Atsuko, Edward's mind went on overdrive in trying to understand what was going on, and it was then and there, that he finally realized the potential connotations that all the things that he said and showed to Atsuko could be taken as. Realizing his mistakes, caused Edward to feel a whole lot of guilt towards Atsuko, after all, he accidentally caused her to fall in love with him, while he just thought of her as a nice girl whom he could spend some time with, but not as a love interest.

But now, here he was, having received a kiss and a confession from Atsuko, as she now warmly looked at him with the passionate gaze of a maiden in love. It was painful, and he didn't want to make her start hating him nor make her sad, both from a survival and emotional position, after all, Edward himself had grown fond of Atsuko, but he wasn't sure if it was as a romantic crush or just as a friend.

Well, at least for him. He was now leaning more toward having a romantic crush on Atsuko both because he already liked her, and also because of her actions and words just now.

"Fufu, surprised, Edward-sama?"

"Ah! Well... Yes..."

"Then now you know how I felt when you first said you liked me"

"Ah... Yes... Sorry for being inconsiderate back then"

"Don't worry, Edward-sama. you were just being honest about your feelings with me"

"I see... Hm... Atsuko-sama, about your confession"

"*Shakes head* You don't have to worry about answering it, Edward-sama. After all, I already know your answer"

"... Yes?..."

"*Nods* You said that you would gladly accept me as your fiancée if I chose you. And my confession just now, was just that, me choosing to be engaged with you, Edward-sama"

"I see..." <Although I'm quite happy at having someone like Atsuko-sama saying that she likes me and wants to be my fiancée... I can feel that Lysette-sama and Nanako are both going to kill me for this>

Edward could feel his stomach complaining of pain, just from imagining the scene of Lysette and Nanako looking at him with angry glares and intimidating smiles, and his headache wasn't helping in making that scene look any better.

"Edward-sama, shall we start returning to the manor?"

"Ah... Yes, of course..."

At Atsuko's question, Edward got up from the bench, and still wanting to be respectful to Atsuko, he offered his hand to help her get up and not let her wander away, which she happily accepted. And with that, the two began making their way back to the manor.

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