Chapter 34

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It was now late into the night, just some minutes before the time that Atsuko usually went to sleep as she right now was standing in front of the room that Edward had been given at the Neville Estate.


Her face was red at the thought of having her first night together with a boy, who she had also officially engaged herself to, just a few hours ago, and not considering the time just before now, that she spent with Edward alongside Lysette and Nanako, as the three tried to treat him as nicely as possible since it was his birthday as well.

But, they all "failed" at that, since it either ended with Edward giving them headpats, or when they tried to make a dessert for him, that he had to intervene and salvage their mess, only to end up giving the three the salvaged remains of their dessert, while he got nothing, not that he was angry at not having any.

And for Atsuko, who not only had practically forced Edward to be engaged with her but also received a present from him in the form of a hairpin he bought for her during their date at the city earlier today, it felt really painful for her as she was unable to give anything back to him.

As such thoughts and feelings gripped her mind, Atsuko was only able to stand in front of the door of Edward's room, unable to knock it to announce her arrival. But then, the door knob began turning by itself, allowing the door to be open.

"Ah, Atsuko-sama. Why didn't you knock on the door?"


Atsuko simply looked away as her cheeks flushed red even more, as she only became more aware of what she would be doing that night.

"... I see, in any case, Atsuko-sama. Please come in"

"... *Nods*"

Edward at seeing Atsuko acting shy, simply showed his usual gentle smile to her and invited her inside this room, which she entered without any resistance. But once inside, she saw that she and Edward were the only ones in the room.

"E-Edward-sama, W-where are Lysette-sama and N-Nanako-san a-at?"

"Hmm... Probably steeling themselves in their rooms, I suppose?"

"I-I see..."


As Edward sat down on his bed, he looked at Atsuko who was still acting shy just from being alone with him inside his room. And the more he kept looking at her, he couldn't help but...

"Pfft! Hehehe..."

"W-What's so funny, E-Edward-sama?"

Atsuko's embarrassed voice also had a hint of annoyance in as well as she asked Edward why he started to laugh.

"I just thought that it was quite cute and funny, how you're acting now, compared to our date earlier"

"Eh? D-Date?"

"Yes? Although I only noticed a little while ago, but when you think about it. If a boy and girl have a stroll around the city while holding hands, isn't that a date?"

"... ... ...!!!"

Hearing him say such a thing, caused Atsuko's embarrassment to grow even more as her face became bright red, as she also puffed her cheeks, from a bit of anger due to her also being teased by Edward. And so, because of that, she stepped forward and sat right next to Edward, as she hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Now that's more like the Atsuko-sama from this afternoon"

At seeing Atsuko act a bit spoiled, Edward began patting her hair, even though they just got engaged a few hours ago, the two still spent almost an entire month interacting with each other. In other words, that meant that even though Edward wasn't sure if he was really in love with Atsuko yet, he still quite liked her to be able to flirt with her, and now that they were going to be together until Atsuko decided to break their engagement, Edward would do his best to love Atsuko just as he loves Lysette and Nanako.

As for Atsuko, who had never been treated in such a way before, could only blush even more as she felt happy from receiving headpats only for acting selfish, yet she also felt a bit angry at being treated like a little girl when she was an actual princess. So in the brief moment that her annoyance and anger got just a bit higher than her embarrassment, Atsuko pushed Edward down and pinned him between her and the bed.

"Heeeh... So do you prefer the confident me from this afternoon, is it?"

"... Yeah"

Edward showed an initial surprise at being pushed down, but thanks to his great defenses to this type of thing, he just answered Atsuko with a gentle smile.

"I-I see... *Gulp*..."

Seeing Edward not showing any sort of embarrassment caused Atsuko to realize the type of situation she accidentally put themselves in, which was slowly causing her embarrassment to rise again. But while she was still on the offensive, she decided to keep going forward, especially since her pride didn't allow her to stop to run away from this situation.

Atsuko slowly brought her face closer to Edward's, as she closed her eyes to try to delay her rising embarrassment for as long as possible, then just as their lips were just a few moments from touching.

*Knock knock* "E-Edward-sama? I-It's me, Lysette..."

"... A-And me, Nanako"


A knocking on the door followed by the two familiar voices caused Atsuko to stop as well as make her return to her senses, creating a big opening that caused her embarrassment to rise way too much as she saw Edward's face way too close to hers.

"... ... ... *Chu*"


Due to how close their face was, all that Edward had to do to kiss Atsuko was simply raise his head a little to have their lips touch, which was exactly what he did when Atsuko stopped moving as they were about to kiss. Due to his sudden kiss, Atsuko pulled away as fast as she could, with her face painted beet red, as all of her bravado from earlier disappeared.

"Ahaha... Sorry, Atsuko-sama. For some reason, I just felt like kissing you then and there"

"... E-Edward-sama... Y-You meanie..."


Seeing Atsuko's teary eyes and embarrassed face as she said such words, all that Edward could do was remain silent as he patted Atsuko's head, before moving on to attend the door to not leave Lysette and Nanako waiting any longer, or else end up making the two become sulky from being ignored for too long.

"Sorry for the wait, Lysette-sama, Nanako"

"Ah! D-Don't worry about it, E-Edward-sama"

"Yes, w-we didn't wait for long, Edward-sama"

Just like Atsuko both Lysette and Nanako were also embarrassed from coming to Edward's room this late into the night, but of the two, Lysette was the more flustered one, after all, different from Nanako who on the three times they slept together, did so mostly to not let Lysette have Edward all to herself, Lysette only slept with him when was feeling overly emotional from either too much anger or happiness.

This means that this would be the first time that Lysette would be spending a night with Edward, in a state of mind where she is concerned about doing such a thing, not that she could bring herself to say no to spending more with Edward.

And so, just like with Atsuko before, Edward invited the two inside his room, where they immediately saw Atsuko sitting on the edge of his bed with an embarrassed face. A clear evidence that something happened between the two earlier, yet neither said anything, instead, just like the other times the three of them slept together, Lysette and Nanako monopolized each of his arms as they sat down on the bed.

Seeing no space left for her, Atsuko began to feel a bit jealous and angry from being left out, and just like before, with those feelings getting slightly stronger than her embarrassment, Atsuko once again made another bold move.


" "!?" "

Atsuko got up from the bed, and moved right in front of Edward, where she then sat down on his lap, surprising him as well as Lysette and Nanako, who looked way more surprised than Edward himself, because...

" "..." " < <Why didn't I think of doing that!!!... But it's still too embarrassing!!!> >

They were feeling both regretful and jealous of Atsuko doing something, yet they also couldn't bring themselves to do such a shameful thing either. Which was further corroborated by Atsuko's cheeks turning into a deep crimson color, just from sitting on his lap.

"... !?"

Then she felt something touching her waist, it was Edward's hands, as he did his best to hug Atsuko while both of his arms were locked in place by the other two. Feeling his hands touching her in a place she wasn't used to, caused Atsuko's embarrassment to peak again.

As for Edward, he remained quiet as he felt Atsuko's slim yet soft waist for the first time, which was now only covered by a single robe, instead of the double or triple layers of her daytime kimonos, and that also meant that Atsuko's figure was more noticeable as well, that was on par with Lysette's beautiful curves.

Needless to say, Edward had to do his best to prevent his little one from getting too excited, now that Atsuko was sitting on his lap, so as his mind drifted to two different places, he didn't notice Atsuko's growing restlessness until it was too late.

"! E-Enough already, E-Edward-sama!"

"! Uwaah!"



Before any of the other three could prepare themselves, Atsuko pushed Edward backward with her body, making everyone lay on the bed, with Atsuko once again being on top of Edward, but different from the first time, where she tried to kiss him. This time, Atsuko turned to bury her face on Edward's chest and hugged him around the waist, and like him before, she began to feel his waist with her hand.

"... ... ... D-Do y-you n-now h-how I-I felt j-just n-now, E-Edward-sama?"

"... ... ... M-Maybe..."

Edward looked away not with a red face, but with a worried one as he was cold sweating since he wasn't feeling embarrassed from sensing Atsuko's hands feeling his waist, instead, he was feeling quite excited, and the soft sensation of her loosened chest being pressed against his body didn't help either, in trying to keep his little one small.

"Muuuguuu... Edward-sama, aren't you paying too much attention to Atsuko-sama?"

"Eh? Erm... N-No, Lysette-sama?"


Lysette simply pouted her cheeks as she looked at Atsuko hugging while being on top of him, practically monopolizing him all to herself, not wanting to be ignored, Lysette went to do the same thigh she did to Edward all the other times they slept together... Hug his head in-between her cleavage, as her possessiveness was now taking over her feeling of embarrassment.

"!? T-That's not fair, Lysette-sama! Now you're having Edward all to yourself!"

Nanako seeing that she was being left behind, she also joined in, by tightening her hug around his arm, while also pecking kisses on the nape of his neck as well. As the three competed amongst each other, Edward's woes were only getting more difficult.

"..." <Please, hang in there me!!!>

Surrounded by the pleasing hell of softness from all directions, he did his best to keep himself from completely falling into his desires throughout the night. And so the four had their first night together, and luckily, nothing too serious happened during its entire duration, much to Edward's relief, and a bit of disappointment as well.




It was the morning of the next, and the sunlight illuminated the hallways of the Neville Estate, as soft footsteps could be heard. The owner of the boots that were making such sounds was Mako, as she walked down the hallways towards a certain room.

"They said it would be this one... *Knock the door*"

Mako stopped in front of a certain door and then knocked on it, however as the seconds passed no response came, so she knocked again on the door only for silence to remain. Mako made a pensive face at what she should do, and after a few moments, she came to a decision.

Since the princess was inside this room, and as her attendant, Mako decided to pick the option that it was more important to check if everything was alright, meaning that she would be entering the room even though no response was coming.

She carefully turned the doorknob to make as little sound as possible, and slowly opened the door, allowing for her to take a look inside the room.

"Ah!... *Sigh* That's quite an interesting sight for sure"

What Mako saw, was Edward practically pinned down on the bed, with Lysette soundly asleep as she continued to hug his head right into her bosom, then on his left side, Nanako was sleeping with a smile on her face as she hugged his entire left arm with both of her arms and legs, and finally there was Atsuko who was also asleep with a peaceful face as she continued to hug Edward while laying right on top of him. The common feature of the three was how satisfied their face looked.

However, when Mako looked at Edward after seeing how happy the sleeping girls appeared, the first thing that she noticed was his somewhat pained expression, and she could see why.

His head was in a weird position because of Lysette, alongside his face occasionally being fully covered by Lysette's assets, which made it harder for him to breathe, his left arm was in an uncomfortable position because of Nanako, and finally, with Atsuko sleeping on top of him, he also had to endure the weight of a well-developed girl on top of him who was also tightly hugging him as they slept.

No matter, how Mako tried to look at that scene, all that she could see was a boy facing the consequences of his actions, even though that consequence, would be considered way more as a reward for many men. Still, a small happy smile formed on Mako's face at seeing the peaceful expression on Atsuko's face as she soundly slept on top of her new fiancé.

"Maa... They don't need to wake up this early anyway"

Mako left the room and closed the door without making a sound as she whispered those words. Back in the hallway, Mako once again made a pensive expression, as she thought about what she could do with her newly found free time until Atsuko woke up.

"Hmm... Ah. If I'm not wrong, the Princess said that she would be wearing a maid uniform today as a present for Sir Edward as per his request last night... Though that is quite a strange request for a present... Hmm... I guess, I'll finish the final touches on the uniform that the Princess will be wearing today"

Nodding to herself, Mako began walking away with a rather pumped-up feeling around her, this early in the morning.

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