Chapter 36

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(A/N Notes: Nah, let your intrusive thoughts win)

Under the gazebo at the back garden of the Neville Manor, two people could be seen underneath it, a boy and a girl sitting on the boy's lap, the boy was none other than Edward, but the girl... It was Nanako instead of Lysette, as the latter one had fled the scene after she came back to her senses after being pulled away from Edward a short while ago, as for Atsuko who had accompanied Nanako here, she was nowhere to be seen as well, and as the reason for that...


"Ah! Atsuko-sama! What are you doing!?"

"Sitting on Edward-sama's lap, of course"

"But you already did that yesterday night!"

"Yes, I did so, but that was last night, and not today"


"This is not fair, Atsuko-sama! You already had Edward-sama all to yourself earlier as well!"

"Yes... ... ... But I ended up having to leave his side sooner than intended"


Atsuko's cheeks flushed a pink color as she remembered the barrage of kisses she had received earlier from Edward.

"I-In any case, I-I'm just having what is rightfully mine for the time being"

"Mguuuuuh *Pouts in anger*"


Seeing herself yet again as the one who hasn't yet spent some time alone with Edward, caused Nanako to start angrily, and cutely, pouting towards Atsuko due to the jealousy she was feeling right now. Yet, as for the person who was the cause of this situation, he remained quiet as he looked at Atsuko with a quite curious gaze, and as Atsuko was distracted by arguing with Nanako, Edward sneakily wrapped his arms around her waist and then...

"Fuuuu *Blows close to Atsuko's right ear*"


Suddenly feeling the human-made breeze on her ear, caused Atsuko to make a somewhat unsightly and funny voice while she tried to get away, but was prevented from doing so due to Edward's embrace, then she covered her right ear with both hands as looked at the perpetrator of such a thing with a very shameful expression and surprise-filled eyes.

"E-E-Edward-sama!? W-W-Why d-d-did you do that!?"

"... I just felt the urge to do it"

"T-Then p-please d-don't it a-again! O-Or at least t-t-tell me beforehand!"

"... Okay..."

"Why are you looking so dejected!?"

With a sigh, Atsuko turned back to face Nanako, but all that she did was open herself to another move from Edward, who this time, was looking at the base of her neck, which was now more exposed, due to her desperately flailing her arms around when Edward blew her ear, which caused her clothes to become slightly messy.

"A-Ahem... S-So a-as I was Nanako-san, I-I'll be using m-my remaining time with E-Edward-sama to- "

"..." *Sneakily and gently moving Atsuko's hair out of the way* "... *Nom*"


This time, after feeling Edward softly nibble her neck, Atsuko jumped out of his lap with a crimson face, as she covered the area that he had just nibbled with her hands.


"... That I wanted to nibble you?"

"!?!?!?... ... ... E-E-Edward-sama, i-i-if you c-can excuse me... I-I n-need t-to t-t-take m-my leave!"

In a dash, Atsuko fled the scene in a similar way to Lysette, leaving only Edward with a slightly saddened face, and Nanako who was jealously and angrily pouting at him for doing such things to Atsuko... And not to her.



The two remained silent for a few moments before Edward decided to talk with Nanako.

"What's wrong, Nanako?"

"... It's nothing, Edward-sama..."

"You say that, but you're still cutely pouting"

"... *Looks away in Embarrassment*"



*Gestures for her to sit on his lap* "Do you also want to take a seat here?"

"... ... ... Yes"

With a slightly blushing face, Nanako accepted Edward's offer and walked closer to him, slowly sitting down sideways on his lap to not hurt Edward.

Once she was on his lap, Edward gently wrapped his arms around Nanako's waist and pulled her closer to him as he warmly embraced her, causing Nanako's face to turn slightly redder.

"Nanako, are you perhaps jealous of being the only one who didn't get to have some private time with me yet?"

"E-Edward-sama, p-please d-don't say it like that... ... ... But, yes... I wanted to have some time alone with you as well..."

"Then that makes the two of us because I also wanted to spend some time alone with you as well, Nanako"

"... *Looks away again*"

Again, the silence between the two returned, but in a much lighter mood than before, yet Nanako could be seen fidgeting as if she wasn't satisfied from just being hugged by Edward as she sat on his lap.

"H-Hmm... E-Edward-sama?"

"Yes, Nanako?"

"D-Do... Do you w-want t-to t-take a-a nibble of me?"

"... ... ... Now I do"

"I-I see..."

Hearing Edward's answer, Nanako shyly began to unbutton her maid uniform, but only enough for her to expose the base of her neck, however in doing so she also accidentally exposed a bit of her cleavage, which was visible from Edward's position.


"..." *Moves Nanako's hair out of the way*

"!..." *Twitching*

"... ... ... *Nom*"

Like Atsuko, Edward nibbled Nanako on the base of her neck, but her reaction to him doing so was completely different in comparison to Atsuko's reaction.




Hearing such a cute and lewd sound coming from her mouth, was enough to make the two fall silent again. Yet, for Nanako, making that sound was extremely embarrassing to the point that she felt like dying for doing so.

"E-E-Edward-sama! P-P-Please f-forg- Hyaaaahn!"

However, for Edward, hearing Nanako making such sounds only caused him to nibble on Nanako even more, causing her to make even more of such noises, which appeared to be growing more and more excited, as Edward slowly made his way closer to her chest.

"Ahn!... Ah... Hyan... Hahn... Haa-ahn... ... ... Edward-sama! This is enough already!"

Unable to endure her growing embarrassment, Nanako was finally able to make Edward stop trying to nibble on her chest, yet at the same time, she felt a tiny hint of dissatisfaction from stopping Edward.


"P-Please... D-Don't m-make s-such a face, E-Edward-sama..."




As Nanako held Edward's head with both of her hands, the two gazed at each other in silence, and then Nanako slowly brought Edward's face closer to hers. Nanako closed her eyes, and then she felt the soft sensation on her lips that she adored so very much. Slowly, Nanako moved her hands and arms to wrap behind Edward's neck, as if to not let go of him anytime soon.

Just like with Lysette, Edward kept on kissing Nanako for quite some time, almost as if the two were compensating for not having any time alone earlier.




"A-Ahem... E-Edward-sama, thank you for spending s-some time with me"

"Don't worry, Nanako. I always find it enjoying to spend time with you like this"

"... *Blushes* T-There you go s-saying such stuff again w-with a straight face..."

Nanako was currently standing next to Edward, after she had a bit over her fill of Edward and his kisses for today, and also from not wanting to get any more excited than she already was, due to Edward nibbling on her, and then a bit after they began kissing, from Edward rubbing his left hand on her thighs, which was also slowly moving deeper into her skirt as well.

And now, to hide the fact that she was feeling excited, Nanako had put on her working mask, as for Edward, he was still seated while looking at one of his beloved fiancées with his usual smile, but Nanako noticed that he appeared to be a little troubled.

"Is something the matter, Edward-sama?"

"Eh? Ah! No, there isn't. I'm just feeling lonely from not having anyone on my lap right now"

"I-I see..."

"Hmm... Now that I think about it, weren't you making a cake earlier?"

"That's is true, I think it should've rested enough by now... Edward-sama, I will return to the kitchen to finish the cake, so please come to the dining room later, so that we can all have it together"

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it, Nanako"

*Bows down*

Doing a respectable bow, Nanako turned around and walked away in a rather bubbly atmosphere now that she finally had her time alone with Edward filled with lots and lots of flirting and love. Then once Nanako was out of sight...

"... *Deeply breaths in*" <That was close!!! Way too close!!! Why did I do all that!?... Well, it was definitely because I wanted to do it with the three of them... But still! Why did I do all that, and risk them finding out!?!?!?>

Now that he was alone, Edward began cold sweating as he thought about all of his actions so far, which he was both satisfied with and angry with, and the reason for the latter could be found in the suspicious protrusion in between his now open legs.

<Thank god I was able to keep it from getting hard when the three were on my laps... But this was too close! What if they had all noticed that I was also thinking about them in such a way!?> "..."

Edward was mentally patting himself on the back for managing to not let his little guy be found out, even though it was a rather painful thing to do for all this time. Edward also began looking at his hand, as he opened and closed it, it wasn't because of something that he had done with it, rather it was about what he wanted to do with it.

"... ... ... I wanna grope their breasts"

Yes, Edward was now having a rather strong urge of wanting to grope Lysette, Atsuko, and Nanako's breasts, and the fact that he knew how soft their chests were because of how they would always hug his arms, and now that he had seen a glimpse of Nanako's cleavage in such a way, it only made him unable from suppressing that urge of his, which was also the cause of his troubled face just now.

"... ... ... I think I'll ask, father or father-in-law about how to deal with this... Or else, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from letting my intrusive thoughts win..."

Even though, deep inside him, he could see the girls embarrassedly agreeing to let him grope their breasts, he feared more about what he could end up doing right after if he ever asked for such a thing.



As she was making her way back to the kitchen, Nanako was making a rather unsatisfied expression, she like she had lost the chance for something, and as she could still remember the feeling of Edward rubbing her thigh, that mental itch of hers slowly kept growing.

"... ... ... *Whisper* Maybe I should've stayed on Edward-sama's lap for longer...

Nanako began blushing at such a thought, as she felt compelled to turn back and go back to Edward's lap in hopes that he would again rub her thighs and that this time, she would let him reach inside her skirt.

*Shakes head* <No, no, no, no... T-this wouldn't be proper of me! I-I agreed to let Lysette-sama have Edward-sama's first times... ... ... But... No, no, no, no, l-let's finish preparing the cake... A-And then I-I'll a-ask E-Edward-sama a-about t-that... M-Maybe...>

Nanako skillfully pushed such thoughts away for now, as she concentrated on paying attention to what she had to do at this moment.

Sometime later, Edward would once again make his way to the kitchen, this time accompanied by Lysette and Atsuko, where he found Nanako just as she had finished preparing the cake. The four all had the cake together, with Edward feeding the three much to their embarrassment.

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