Chapter 46

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"..." *Spacing out*

"..." *Looks at Nanako* <Nanako-san... W-What happened to Lysette-sama?>

"..." *Shakes heads* <I don't know, Atsuko-sama>

It was a pleasant noon, and Lysette, Atsuko, and Nanako were all having another of their usual meetings. But different from the previous ones, including the one from yesterday, Atsuko and Nanako were both concerned at how, ever since the morning, Lysette has been spacing out with a blank face.

"... Ehehehe... ... ..."

While she occasionally let out a weird laugh with a weird smile, before returning to a blank face as she stared at nothing.

Seeing her in that state, was of great concern to the two because that wasn't normal at all for someone like Lysette, who even after receiving a lot of embarrassment due to Edward, always managed to return to her usual self, even if her once prideful and confident image was quickly replaced by one of her many blushing and panicking images very regularly.

And even though the two, could guess that her current state was caused by something that Edward did, they couldn't quite nail what was the exact cause, especially because they were unable to peep into his bedroom last night, as after their bath, the two ended up crashing on their beds almost immediately, and had a very needed and deserved rest that night.

As the two were thinking of how to get a reaction from Lysette, neither of them noticed a figure approaching Atsuko from behind, and when it was too late for her to prepare herself...


"! Edwar-!?"

Before she could even finish saying this name, Atsuko had her lips sealed with a surprise kiss from Edward, which quickly caused her to start blushing.

"E-E-Edward-sama!? W-W-what are you doing!?"

"Hm? Just greeting you with a kiss, my dear wife Atsuko-sama"

"...!" *Twitch*

"Kuh! D-Don't think I'll l-let you off the h-hook, j-just because of t-that, Edward-sama! I-I've already t-told you to not d-do that!"

"But is it wrong for the husband to want to surprise his wife with a kiss, especially you, my beloved wife Atsuko-sama?"

"...!" *Twitch*

"Mmmggggrrrrrhhh! D-Don't think I-I-I'll f-f-fall t-to y-y-your t-t-tricks, E-E-Edward-sama!"

"... Hmmm... Then you won't even fall for this, my adorable wife Atsuko-sama?"

"...!" *Twitch*

"! D-Don't think I'm that ea- MMMMNNNNN!!!"

And then Edward began hugging Atsuko from behind, followed by another surprise kiss for her. As the two flirted with each other, Nanako could only look away as she felt a mix of jealousy and embarrassment at seeing Edward becoming more aggressive in his advances ever since he got married to all three of them, but as she looked away from him, Nanako noticed something.

"...Hm?... Hmmmmmm???"

"... ... ..."

And what she had noticed was Lysette, who until now had a blank face, blushing intensely as her eyes trembled and spun all over the place, until they met with Nanako's eyes, which appeared to cause a reaction from Lysette.

"... ... ... *Looks away*... ... ... *Gets up and bows down*"

After bowing down to Nanako, Lysette quickly began walking away from the table as if she was in a hurry, which only left Nanako more confused, but she was now sure that Lysette's current state was related to something that Edward did. And she wasn't sure whether she wanted to find out what was the cause, as she glanced back at Atsuko, just in time to see Edward stop kissing her.

"So? My cute wife Atsuko-sama, are you still going to refuse surprise kisses?"

"... ... ... N-No..."

Upon hearing Atsuko relenting to his request with a beet red face, Edward flashed a happy smile to her before giving Atsuko a third kiss, but this time, it was a simple one, instead of a deep kiss from before. After doing so, Edward noticed Nanako glancing in his direction, which caused her to panic a little from their eyes meeting. So, with his matter with Atsuko dealt with, Edward decided to see what Nanako wanted.

"Is something the matter, Nanako?"


"I see"

Since today was Atsuko's turn to have Edward all to herself, he patted Nanako's head as he talked to her, which was a blessing in disguise for her, since it meant she wouldn't end up like Atsuko right now, who was currently hiding her face with both hands due to the delay feeling of shame assaulting her. But as she talked with Edward, Nanako noticed one thing.

"... ... ... Edward-sama"

"Yes, Nanako?"

"... Why aren't you also calling me as... M-My d-d-dear w-wife, a-a-as well?"

"Oh! That? Well, it's mostly because I'm meant to solely pamper Atsuko today"

"I-I see..."

"But if you want, I can start calling all of you, my dear wives from now on as well, my dear wife Nanako"

"T-That's too much!"

"Is that so? Then how about... My dear Nanako?"

"I-It's still t-too much..."

"... Then what about, my Nanako?"

"... ... ... O-Only f-f-for w-when w-w-we're alone o-or w-with L-L-Lysette-sama a-a-and A-Atsuko-sama"

"Okay... My beloved Nanako"

"!? E-Edward-sama..."

"Sorry, sorry"

Seeing Nanako glaring at him as her cheeks were turning into a shade of pink, Edward gave a lighthearted apology to her as he continued patting her head.

"... Well, I need to get going now, My Nanako"

"Nn *Nods*"

As Nanako saw Edward walking away, she couldn't help but feel a bit sad from having him stop from head patting her. Then she sighed in relief, from the fact that she hadn't to endure any of Edward's flirts before picking up her teacup and taking a sip of its content. While Nanako took the opportunity to relax, she noticed Atsuko taking her hands out of her face, but her face was still somewhat red from before.

"... Nanako-san"

"Yes, Atsuko-sama?"

"We're now Edward-sama's wives, correct?"

"... Yes" *Blushing a little*

"And it's a wife's job to correct their husband when he does something wrong or breaks something, isn't it?"

"... ... ... I think so... Based on some of Camilla-san's... Mother-in-law actions towards Sir Oliver...Father-in-law"

"Fufufu... Then as Princess Atsuko Shimizu from the kingdom of Akeshi, and Edward-sama's wife. Today I shall teach my husband a lesson about his excessive flirting!"

"... Good luck with your endeavor, Atsuko-sama"

Seeing Atsuko getting rather fired up, as she occasionally would from time to time, Nanako couldn't help but simply give a simple tap on the back, as she intentionally avoided mentioning all the other times Atsuko said something similar, only for her to fail and get showered with kisses from Edward.

And so with a great bravado, Atsuko confidently shouted.

"Hehehe... This time, I will be able to do it! Yes! I can do it!"




"..." <I CAN'T DO IT!!!>

It was now evening, and just as Nanako had expected... Atsuko had utterly failed in trying to give Edward a sermon about his excessive advances, and each time she tried to confront him, she was greeted by the usual show of affection from him. And now of all times, Atsuko was currently inside the bathroom as she soaked herself inside the bathtub... Together with Edward, who was hugging her from behind, in a very similar fashion to Lysette yesterday.

And just like Lysette, Atsuko had a stupid beet-red face, as she received the same treatment as Lysette. No, rather, because she and Edward were the only ones inside the bathroom right now, she was receiving a worse treatment than Lysette, because Edward wasn't feeling her entire body, but also fondling and rubbing her in various places, alongside kiss after kiss on her neck and cheeks.

"..." <I-I can't do this!!! This feels too good!!! Ahn! No! I need to stop, Edward-sama from continuing d-doing this- Hyahn! Kind! Ahn! Of! Ahn! Stuff! Ahn!>

With great difficulty, Atsuko was able to gather the last bits of her remaining bravado from earlier to make one last attempt of trying to make Edward think about his actions, mostly regarding his excessive flirting.


"Yes, My beloved Atsuko?"

"..." < I CAN'T DO IT!!!>

And she immediately lost all of her willpower at being called 'my beloved Atsuko' by Edward, but then... She felt something.

"...?" <Huh?... ... ... Wah!?>

She felt something hard poking her lower back when just earlier there was nothing, she felt some confusion for a few seconds, before immediately realizing what it was.

"My dear Atsuko... Do you want to do it now?"



In a last desperate attempt to flee from this embarrassing yet pleasuring hell, Atsuko tried to get up, but due to that same desperate attempt her foot ended up slipping inside the bathtub, and all that she was able to do was accidentally accept Edward's invitation, and receive his warmth.





Atsuko was now walking down one of the Harding manor's hallways with a red face filled with shame after she was finally able to get out of the bath, though not after having her second time in there due to her carelessness.

"... ... ... A-At least, E-Edward-sama a-a-apologized f-f-for f-f-flirting too much now..."

Atsuko said that since Edward said that he would clean the mess that was caused by them it was his fault for going too far with his teasing. So she was taking that as a victory, even though that victory was currently causing her to feel like burying herself out of shame. But at the same time, she couldn't help but caress her belly, as she could still feel Edward's warmth inside her.

"... M-Maybe one more time w-w-will b-be fine..."

And just like Lysette, she was now being led by her desires, causing Atsuko to make her way to Edward's room.

Some time later

"I'll have to make sure to properly repay Nanako for the help tomorrow"

Edward was now the one walking down the hallway of the manor after he managed to finish cleaning the bathtub earlier than expected since he received the help of Nanako, who happened to be the next one that would be taking a bath and offered herself to assist him since she would be the one using the bathroom next.

"..." <Since I don't think that Atsuko will be coming to my bedroom tonight due to earlier, I guess I will just go to sleep>

As he had such a thought, Edward opened the door to his bedroom and found a certain white and black-haired beauty lying face down on his bed as she sniffed his pillows by burying her face in them.


"Ehehehe... Edward-sama's scent... Hm Ah!? E-E-Edward-sama!?"

"... *Gently smiles* Good evening, My Atsuko. Wouldn't you prefer to sniff me instead of my pillow?"

"Ah!?... Y-Yesh?!..."

Edward slowly approached his bed sat next to Atsuko, and then spread his arm wide open for a hug. With a bit of hesitation, from being caught like that, Atsuko hugged Edward as she buried her face on his chest and took deep breaths, while Edward began caressing her fluffy hair fresh out of the bath.

"So how is it, My Atsuko?"

"... Comforting and... Makes me feel safe..."

"I'm glad that how you find my scent"

"... Hm... E-Edward-sama..."

"Yes, My Atsuko?"

"E-Erm... I-Is y-y-your o-o-o-offer f-f-from e-earlier s-s-still up?"

"... For you, it always is, My Atsuko. So, do you want to do it now?"

"... ... ... *Embarrassedly nods*"


Without saying anything, Edward gently began to kiss Atsuko as they slowly fell onto the bed. At that moment, Atsuko felt ecstasy and blissfulness as Edward pinned her down, and undressed her out of her robes... ... ... And then she immediately regretted falling for her desires as Edward began going all out.




"..." <This should be fine, right? I'll just go there to ask for a simple reward for the help... Just a few head-pats should be alright for tonight>

This time, the one walking down the hallway, was Nanako fresh out of her bath, making her way to Edward's bedroom, as she was thinking of what she should ask as her reward for helping him clean the bathtub earlier. But the closer she got to his bedroom, the bigger of a bad feeling she got. But intent on getting a few head pats before sleeping, Nanako chose to ignore her bad premonition and stood in front of the door to Edward's bedroom.

*Knocks the door* "E-Edward-sama, may I have a moment of your time?"


"Hm?... ... ...?!"

But no response came from inside, this caused Nanako to feel that she had experienced something similar before, and when she remembered what that feeling was... It was too late, as the doorknob slowly began to turn, and the door was open... Revealing the sight of an Atsuko with ragged breaths as her face was completely red and her eyes looked clouded.

"!!!" *Grabs Nanako's wrist*


When Nanako's and Atsuko's eyes met, Atsuko's eyes showed surprise, before turning into desperate spirals, as she, without any warning, just grabbed Nanako's wrist and pulled her inside the room.

"Eh!? Wah! W-W-W-What're you d-d-d-doing, Atsuko-sama!?... Ah! E-E-E-Edward-sama? !? W-W-W-W-Wait! I-I-I-I n-n-n-need t-t-to p-p-p-prepare m-m-m-my h-h-h-heart f-f-fir- MMMMMMNNNNPPPPPPHHHHHH!!!"

And so, Nanako got her very unexpected reward, as she alongside Atsuko also got their very unforgettable night.




The next day

"..." *sips tea with concern*



As Always, Lysette, Atsuko, and Nanako were having their tea time together, but different from yesterday... Lysette was the only one who had a normal expression on her face, as both Atsuko and Nanako were looking just like her from yesterday, blank faces as they stared at nothing, with the occasional weird laugh and smile.

And different from the two, Lysette knew exactly what happened for both of them to end up like that, which made her cheeks turn pink as she could still remember that unforgettable night. But then, just as Lysette was trying to think of a way to to solve Atsuko's and Nanako's conditions, the very cause of the problem, quietly approached Nanako from behind.

"My dear Nanako!"

"!? HM!?"

And just like Atsuko yesterday, Nanako was hugged from behind and received a surprise kiss from Edward. Usually, she would respond with a somewhat angry response to him doing that, but this time...

"A!... A!... A!... Bleh..." *Turns unconcious*

All that Nanako could do was have her face turn bright red in an instant and then let out a steam explosion from her head, before passing out. While Atsuko just like Nanako also had her face turn bright red at seeing that scene as she began trembling with a horrified face.

"Hm? Do you know what's wrong with Nanako today, My cute Lysette?"

"I-I-I-I d-d-don't k-k-k-know, E-E-E-Edward-sama!..." *Looking away*

"Is that so? My dear Atsuko, do you have any ideas why?"

"..." *Desperately shakes head*

"Huh?... Well... Then, I guess I'll just take care of Nanako for today. See you two, another time"

"S-See you, E-Edward-sama..."

"..." *Desperately bowing down*

With that, Edward picked Nanako in a princess carry and began walking away.

"..." <I'm sorry, Nanako-san! But... But!... But! I still can't properly deal with Edward-sama right now!>

Lysette's mental apology was all that she could offer to Nanako, who on this day... She wished that she hadn't said those fateful words that night, caused by her foolishly listening to her desires.

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