Chapter 48

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*Fwish fwish fwish*

In front of a tall church on a sunny day, a young-looking woman wearing a simple nun uniform could be seen sweeping the floor in front of the church's main entrance with a broom. She had a rather fair look and average height for a woman her age, while her most eye-catching feature was her somewhat uncommon red hair.

The woman had a small smile on her face as she diligently did her task, but then she sensed something that caused her to look up, and on the street in front of the church she saw a carriage come to a stop, as it carried a certain family's crest on the door. The door was open and from inside stepped a certain boy that the woman was acquainted with to some extent.

She saw the boy then help someone else step out of the carriage, a blonde-haired girl, followed by a white and black-haired one, and finally a black-haired girl. Seeing the four, the woman's smiling face was replaced by a surprised one, as she wasn't expecting the son of the lord of the territory she lived in to come today.

The woman then let out an amused sigh at seeing Edward accompanied by his fiancées Lysette, Atsuko, and Nanako walking towards the church, with a nice atmosphere between them. The woman then put the broom to the side and checked herself to see if she was presentable.

"*Nods* Yosh!... Ahem, Lord Edward! It's a surprise to see you coming here today, but a welcome one, I'm glad to see you're doing fine today as well!"

"*Nods* I'm also glad to see that you're in good health, Sister. And also, thank you for taking care of Nanako for all those years"

"I Thank you for your kind word, Lord Edward. *Looks at Lysette* Lady Lysette, it's a pleasure to have you visit our humble church, and it's also a pleasure to be able to finally meet you"

"The pleasure is all mine to be able to meet the person who took care of Nanako-san when she was younger, Sister. And I also thank you for all the service you have been doing for the church"

"Thank you, Lady Lysette. It really warms my heart to hear such words from the esteemed daughter of the Neville Family *Looks at Atsuko*... And you, I don't believe we've met before, so would you be so kind as to enlighten me on your name, milady?"

"Of course, Sister. I am Atsuko Shimizu, daughter of King Yuudai from the Kingdom of Akeshi, and it's a pleasure to meet you today"

"... ... ... I see, it's an honor to be able to meet you, Princess Atsuko"

After a brief pause, the sister responded to Atsuko before closing her eyes and lifting her face towards the sky, then she lowered her face and looked at Edward with pitying eyes and a smile, almost as if she was both confused and impressed at how he managed to woo a foreign princess.

"*Sigh*... *Looks at Nanako* Nanako-chan... It's good to see you doing well"

"Ah! Thank you... I-I'm also happy at seeing as well, Sister"

The sister happily smiled at Nanako feeling bashful at greeting her, before letting out an amused chuckle at seeing Nanako being the same as always.

"Ahahaha... Haaa... Well, now that we've finished greeting and introducing each other. So, what brings the womanizer young lord and his fiancées here today?"

With their greetings finished, the Sister immediately threw her polite side aside and just talked in the way that she always did, and that was casual

"Well... You see, Sister. We would like to talk with you about our marriage ceremony"

"Marriage ceremony?...! *Gasp* Of course! Of course! Then let us all go inside so that we can properly discuss it! Oh! And don't worry, Lord Edward! I'll make sure to reserve the church for your and fiancée's marriage ceremony! Wahahahahaha!"

"..." (x4)





In a complete 180 from her previous boisterous and upbeat self from just a few minutes ago, the Sister was now making a depressed expression as she despaired from hearing Edward's plan for the marriage ceremony, or more correctly, the lack of it. While Edward could only scratch his cheek with a troubled expression, with Lysette and Atsuko making confused expressions at the Sister's rather excessive overreaction to the news, as for Nanako...

"Haa... Sister, as we said, due to... certain circumstances, we had to marry Edward-sama earlier than expected"

"I know, and even with Lord Edward's explanation of why we can't have a marriage ceremony so long after the official marriage..."

She was making a rather annoyed expression at the Sister not acting like a proper nun.

"But still, what would be so serious, that it would demand you all to get married this soon and without a ceremony at that!?"

"I-It's complicated..."

"... ... ... Why are you blushing, Nanako-chan?"


When the Sister saw Nanako responding to her qualms with blushing cheeks and a bashful expression, she could immediately see that there was more to Nanako's explanation.

"... Was it due to something naughty?"




With an unconvinced face, the Sister looked away from Nanako and towards Edward, who remained silent as he looked away with a troubled smile, then she looked at Lysette and Atsuko, who just like Nanako were both blushing at the prospect of having to answer the sister's question, but their reactions only made her even more sure that they did something naughty to cause them to get married so quickly.

"... ... ... Lord Edward..."

The sister carefully thought of all the possibilities that would make nobles get married in a hurry, and based on the girls' reactions, she was quite sure of what was the cause, especially when she compared to some of the stories of her acquaintances from other churches of nobles getting a shotgun marriage.

"Did you perhaps have sexual relations with your fiancées outside of marriage?"

"!" (X4)

With sharp eyes and a serious expression, the Sister questioned Edward, she was so sure of her guess that even a glint could be seen in her eye as she said those words. And her confidence wasn't coming out of nowhere, as the four all made surprised faces at her question.

"... ... ... *Sigh* Yes, Sister. I've ended up having a foursome with my fiancées before our marriage"

"Hah! I knew it!... ... ... Wait what?... What did you just say, Lord Edward?"

With a troubled tone, Edward seeing that the sister had managed to get the cat out of the bag, decided to honestly answer her question, which immediately caused the Sister to make a guts pose at guessing it right, before noticing that Edward had said something she wasn't expecting.

"Hm? That I had se-"

"No, no, no, after that. Did you just say foursome?"

"Yes, that's right, Sister"

"... So you're saying that you..."

"...That's correct"



"Tell me more about it" *Serious tone*


"Lord Edward... Please tell me everything about that foursome you had with your fiancées, in the most detailed way possible and without skipping anything" *Serious tone while holding a pencil and notepad*

"Huh? Sure? So... Erm... When I pushed down Ly-"

Just as Edward was about to openly talk about his first time with the Sister, both Lysette and Atsuko covered his mouth with their hands, as they had desperate faces, while Nanako...


"! Y-Yes, Nanako-chan"

"Let's go have a small talk at the back, shall we?"

"C-Can I refuse?"

"I said. Let's. Go. Have. A. Talk. Sister"


Was showing a smiling expression, but not how her tone and atmosphere were filled with anger and gave an extremely intimidating aura, which made the Sister unable to go against her. And thus the two went to the church's back, leaving Atsuko and Lysette to deal with Edward.




"Sister, what were you thinking when you made that question to Edward-sama while holding a notepad?"


Inside an empty room at the church, Nanako was standing with her arms crossed while making a rather demon-like face as she asked the Sister, who could only look away as she cold sweat while doing a dogeza towards Nanako.

"Sister. Answer me"

"... I... I thought that I could use the opportunity to get some ideas..."

"Ideas for what?"

"... ... ..."

"It was for an erotic novel, wasn't it?"

"It's not an erotic novel! Erotic novels are thin books meant to please men with kink fetishes, such as rape, NTR, and tentacles! What I do are wholesome true love stories with an overly detailed and hyper-focus on sexual scenes! It's not the same!"



"Sister, any last words before I punch some sense into your head?"

Nanako's anger towards her surrogate older sister was such, that her face appeared to be covered in a pitch-black shadow as she menacingly approached the sister one step at a time with her right hand raised in the shape of a fist.

"W-W-Wait! W-what I'm doing is just spreading the goddess words! You know what she said in the holy texts!

And thus she descended upon the earth and announced to all living beings: Marry and reproduce"

"Do you really think I'll fall for that stupidity?"

"... ... ..." <Dangit... I forgot that Nanako read the publicly accessible holy texts when she used to live at the orphanage> "Ah! T-That's right Nanako, we're in a church! And violence is a big no-no inside a church! And I'm a pacifist!"

"And the goddess also says that we must teach a lesson to those who break the rules!"

"Hey! Don't you dare use the Go-GYYYYYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

And those were the sister's last words before her mind was filled with pain from Nanako's very angry iron grip onto the sister's face.

"Go easy, Nanako! Go easy! My face is the only redeeming feature I still have!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

It's said to this day, that the echoes of a woman's painful scream can still be heard in the halls of the church.




Some minutes later

"Uuuuuuuuhhhh... Nanako-chan... You used to be such a good girl back then..."

"Shut up"

After giving the Sister a good lesson about using real people, especially her and Edward, as reference material for her erotic novels, the two were now making their way back to the main room of the currently empty church. And there still sitting in the same place as before, were Edward, Lysette, and Atsuko, with the last two snuggling onto Edward with embarrassed expressions, the evidence that the two receive a lot of affection from Edward.

"Ah! You're back, Nanako. Did you solve your matters with the Sister?"

"*Deeply breaths in* Yes, I did, Edward-sama. But now, I must have a conversation with you"

Just like with the Sister, showed an unhappy smile to Edward, but a much softer one, but as far as it appeared... Nanako's intimidating smile wasn't working on Edward.

"I see. Then what do you to talk with me, Nanako?"

"... Edward-sama, I need to warn you about not talking about the matters of our... Nightly activities, so blatantly like that... And especially to the Sister"

"Why so, Nanako?"

"B-Because it's embarrassing, Edward-sama..."

"But why should I feel embarrassed about talking about the most honest and deepest way that I can show my love to my beloved wives, my Dear Nanako?"

"..." *Blushing*

"But since you're requesting, I shall abide by your wish of not having me talk about our intense nightly activities, Nanako"

"... ... ... Y-You're r-really unfair, E-E-Edward-sama..."

Nanako's face was now completely red, just like those of Lysette and Atsuko, while the Sister could only the two with a dumbfounded face.

"..." <That boy sure knows how to smooth talk Nanako... Also, it's completely unfair for you to be so soft only towards Lord Edward, Nanako-chan!!!>

And that was all that the sister could do, especially because she was afraid of going through Nanako's iron grip again.

"! Ah! That's right, I forgot to talk about this earlier"

"?" (X4)

The girls all showed confusion at Edward's words, but not minding them, he simply looked at the Sister and asked a simple question.

"Sister, would it be possible for us to receive the church's blessing for our marriage?"

"... Erm... Lord Edward, I need to tell you this, but the priest is currently not present here, since he's attending to other matters right now"

"Ah, is that so?"

Edward showed a rather dejected expression at finding out that the priest wasn't available to bless his marriage with the girls. But, the sister instead of looking apologetic, was instead making a very large grin as she came up with a very ingenious plan.

"However, Lord Edward. If you don't mind, I could bless your marriage to Lady Lysette, Princess Atsuko, And Nanako-chan, instead!"

"Hm? You can do that, Sister?"

"Yes! After all, I'm something of a priest myself!"

"..." (x4)

The Sister declared so with a rather smug face, while Edward and the girls could only look at her in silence with varying expressions, Edward making a troubled smile, Lysette, and Atsuko making confused expressions at the Sister's statement, while Nanako could only sigh in disappointment at the person she once saw as a reliable older sister.

But the one feeling that they all shared, was that this blessing was the best replacement they could get for the marriage ceremony.

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