Chapter 50

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It was late into the afternoon, almost evening, and a certain someone was walking down the hallway of the Harding manor, as her quite notable red hair and nun clothes made her stand out. The reason why she was here at this time, was to inform Nanako about the fact that she had found some information about what happened to her.

The sounds of her footsteps came to an end, as she stood in front of a certain door, and then knocked on it.

*Door opening*

"Ah! Sister, it's good to see you again"

"It's also good to see you again, Lord Edward. I've found some stuff about Nanako-chan's condition, and came to share my findings"

"I see, then please come on in, Sister"

"Thank you... Hm?... What happened here? Did I disturb something?"

"No, you didn't, Sister. In fact, you arrived at a perfect time"

In front of the guest room, the church's Sister was looking at the rather confusing scene behind Edward who had a satisfied smile, while a little away from him she could see Nanako, Lysette, and Atsuko, all fallen on the floor in a defeated pose as they all covered their faces with both hands, while at the same time, their new body parts could be seen flapping and wagging in a very wild manner.

"Well, if you say so. Then excuse my intrusion, Lord Edward"

"Don't worry about it, Sister"

Without much worry, the Sister simply waltzed into the guest room and took a seat at one of the sofas, followed by helping herself with some of the available tea and snacks.

"*Sips the tea* Whew... So how was your day like today, Lord Edward?"

"Quite well, Sister. Though, I think I've awakened to something new as well as learning new things today"

"Ah! I understand that feeling, I've also had my fair share of similar epiphanies as well"


"Yup" *confidently nodding* "But if you don't mind, could you share about what you learned today?"

The Sister had a notepad on her hands, that she had taken from seemingly nowhere, as she asked such a question to Edward with a serious face.

"Of course! So today, I found out that even though dragon scales may give the feeling that they'll feel rough and hard to the touch, they are actually quite smooth and soft that you can't help but rub them on your cheek"

"Oh-hoh? Is that so? *Scribbling intensely* That is really interesting, Lord Edward. But don't you have something more... Spicy? Like... Nanako-chan's weak point?"

"Ah! I do have it! You see, Sister. Probably because Nanako is not yet used to having a tail, she let out all sorts of cute sounds and yelps when I began stroking her tail. And when she began to beg me to stop stroking it, I felt like being a little rougher with Nanako by squeezing her tail a bit more, and causing her to do even cuter sounds"

"... *Intently nodding and scribbling* Yes, yes. Please keep going..."

"Then when I saw her tearing up with her cheeks red as she called me 'you meanie' I couldn't help but start kissing her, as I did so, I touched her horns causing Nanako to twitch each I stroked her horns..."

*Excitedly nodding and scribbling* "Yes, yes, and then? And then?"

"And then Nanako finally let out such a cute mo-"

Before Edward could finish speaking, he was pushed down onto the sofa. At the same time, his mouth was covered by one of Nanako's hands, who was now pinning him down while her face was burning bright red as she pouted her cheeks from a mixture of shame, embarrassment, anger, and desperation, as she was also tearing up from embarrassment.


"*Muffled noises*"

"I know that you're saying something about me being just too cute, but that's not an excuse for you to keep doing this!!!"

"*Muffled noise*"

"I don't care if that's what you think!!! You just can't go saying these types of things just because you love us!!!"

"... *Intensely and excitedly scribbling*"

"And you Sister!"


"You better stop scribbling everything that Edward-sama just said and tear apart what you already wrote!!!"

"... Kuhuhuhu... *Shakes head* Nevah!"

The Sister in a very confident tone openly refused to obey Nanako's orders, as she made an equally overconfident smile... And then Nanako just raised a fist in the Sister's direction.

"Ah?!" *Starts scurrying behind the sofa* *Thud* "Oooowww... My rear..."

"Don't think you can escape, Sister... Kya!"

Nanako who had her attention diverted towards the sister, ended up forgetting that she was pinning Edward in place and keeping him in check so that he wouldn't try anything funny, so then just as she was about to get up from the sofa. Edward found an opening in Nanako's defenses and sat up in one go as he tightly hugged Nanako at the same time.

"E-E-Edward-sama!? S-Stop ri-!?... Ahn! Hyahn! Ahn! E-Edward-sama..."

Before Nanako could put some form of resistance, Edward kissed her on the neck, causing her to freeze for a moment, opening Nanako for more kisses that slowly moved up her neck and onto her cheeks, and to gentle strokes on her tail.

*Whisper to Nanako's ear* "I really love you, Nanako"

"?!... Y-You're unfair, E-Edward-sama... Mmmmmnnnnnn... MN!? *Twitches*... Mmmmnnnnn..."

Then as she was weakened enough after that sneaky whisper close to her ear, Edward began deeply kissing her on the lips as he kept stroking her tail, and at each moment Nanako felt Edward's hand rubbing on her tail, she couldn't help but let out a sound as her body twitched. Because of all that stimulation, and rising embarrassment, Nanako completely forgot about her anger towards the Sister, who of course was writing down everything the two were doing in her notepad in great detail.

As for Lysette and Atsuko, the two had long shown no signs of movement ever since Edward began saying all those embarrassing things about Nanako, as steam appeared to be coming out from their heads due to the secondhand embarrassment they got.




After receiving a very intense kissing session from Edward for quite some time, Nanako was finally set free from Edward's embrace and allowed to get some respite as she sat down on an armchair with a pillow on her lap, that she was currently using to bury her burning red face into as she was currently curled down in an attempt to hide her embarrassment, as he head was now the one releasing a whole lot of steam, while her tail betrayed her as it kept wildly wagging from side to side, in a clear show that she had really enjoyed her kissing session with Edward.

Meaning that the Sister could now go back to sitting on the sofa without any fears of receiving any reprisals from Nanako, due to her not so holy hobbies, and that also meant that her notepad was safe and allowed to live another day.

"*Sips tea* Whew... Thank you for giving such a good scene, Lord Edward"

"No, no, no, Sister. You shouldn't thank me, after all, if I hadn't fallen for my desires, I would've been able to continue our talk"

"Oh no, no, no. You don't need to apologize, Lord Edward. After all, you really saved my skin by going all out with your desires on Nanako-chan"

"Well, if you say so. Then I'll accept your thanks"

"Much appreciated... ... ... Now... What did I come here again for?"

"Hmm... Ah! I think it was about you finding out about why Nanako turned into such an adorably cute dragon girl!"

"Oh right! It was about that. Ah! I just remembered, I also found some information about what happened to Lady Lysette as well"

"Hm? You did?"

"Yup, so I'm sure she'll want to hear it as well"

When the Sister said so, she looked towards Lysette who was... Currently sitting on Edward's lap while being hugged by him, as he also occasionally rubbed their cheeks together, needless to say, her entire face was red as her eyes were spinning from the embarrassment, but her stupid trembling smile and flapping wings showed that she was really happy at the same time.

As for why she was in such an envious spot, it was because right after Nanako had managed to free herself from Edward's embrace, which made him feel a little lonely and thus caused him to look at Lysette and Atsuko as his next targets for pampering. And with neither of them wanting to be on the receiving end of his currently overly excessive affection right now, the two hurriedly made a rock-paper-scissors game, which Lysette lost.

And thus she was the one forced to sit on Edward's lap and receive his tight embrace, while Atsuko sat down on the other armchair, as she kept looking away from Edward and Lysette, to avoid getting unnecessary attention from either of the two.

*Put the teacup down* "Ahem... So Lord Edward, about what happened to Nanako-chan. From what one of the holy texts said...

The great saint after vowing to protect everyone that she loved in front of a church's altar, was granted, through the goddess holy light, the powers of the holy dragon itself, characterized by their marble white horns and platinum white tail. And thus the great saint became the Holy Dragon Saint.

And end, dot, dot, dot"

"... Eh? Then you're saying that Nanako is..."

"Yes, Lord Edward. Nanako-chan is undoubtedly the reincarnation of the Holy Dragon Saint mentioned in the holy texts. She got those horns and tail from a holy light after vowing to protect you, so she hits all those criteria boxes done by the previous saint *Sips tea*"

"... ... ... *Looks to the side*... *Looks back to the Sister* Hmm... Is the fact that I'm Nanako's husband a problem for the church?"

"Perhaps, I don't know, I've never really paid attention to what my higher-ups were doing... But, from what I heard from an oracle friend of mine when I visited her to... Do some business, she told me that the higher-ups in the Church decided to lay low for the time being due to their prophecy not going as expected"


"Yes, the oracle had predicted that the demon lord would be coming back soon, and with that, there would be an increase in the number of monsters and demons over the next years leading to its return.

But what happened was the opposite, with the number of monsters decreasing, to the point that even the adventurers' guilds were becoming worried, about the lack of requests and monster materials. And because of that, the various nobles, including the king, who had spent quite the money on increasing their forces, aren't happy with the church right now for making them waste money like that.

So, if the church now suddenly started meddling with a count family, like yours, Lord Edward, I'm sure the other nobles would immediately use their enlarged armies against the church"

"Oh yeah... Father had talked about our lack of money to increase our military a few years ago"

"Really? You guys always looked well off to us commoners"

"We just know how to scrape by just enough to look good and spare some change for any emergencies"

"I see"

The Sister then looked at the still steaming Nanako, who wasn't hearing anything due to her still sky-high embarrassment, before remembering about something, thus causing her to look back at Edward.

"Oh! And on that topic... *Sips tea* It appears that Lady Lysette is the reincarnation of the demon lord"




At the Sister's rather casual reveal of the fact that Lysette was the demon lord, both she and Atsuko showed surprise at that fact, with Nanako still not listening to anything being said right now, leaving only Edward to show a reaction which was!...

"Oh, is that so?"

A very weak reaction to a pretty concerning information.

"By the way, Sister"

"Yes, Lord Edward? *Sips tea*"

"Was it okay for you to share that information about the prophecy and stuff with us?"

"Hm?... ... ... *Confused math calculation noises* Huh?... ... ... *Shocked gasp* ?!"

And then he immediately changed to another subject, which caused the Sister to turn pale at her carelessness by sharing secret information with people she wasn't supposed to, causing her to start imagining all sorts of torture she could end up receiving from doing so.


Only for Lysette to immediately bring the two back to the fact that she was the demon lord, mostly from the feeling of anger about Edward treating that concern without much worry.

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