Chapter 7

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It has been a few months since Edward received the surprise news that Nanako was now his second fiancée... And nothing had really changed since then, aside from...

"..." *Rubbing her cheek on Edward's arm*

The fact that Nanako was now a lot bolder than before, and unless necessary, didn't let go of Edward. Which was a bit annoying to Lysette... Who was now also getting the bad habit of Nanako wanting to cling onto Edward as much as possible. As for Edward on the other hand, he quite enjoyed his situation of having two beauties clinging onto him, but he also felt troubled that now he had to appease both of them, which cut down the time he could help his father in the daily work.

"... ... ... Lysette-sama, Nanako... I need to warn you two that, we won't be able to have our usual get-together next week"

"Eh? Why not, Edward-sama?"

"I have a scheduled meeting with some friends, that I really need to go for the sake of my family's territory and relationship with other nobles"

"I understand, I also have a scheduled tea party with some friends in a few weeks as well"

"I'm glad you understand, Lysette-sama"

"*Nods* So, Edward-sama, would mind bringing me along?"

Edward just smiled silently at Lysette's question, before giving his answer.

"Sorry, but you cannot, Lysette-sama. Because I am sure my friends will want to kill me for bringing my cute fiancée with me"

"Ah!... I-I see"

Because of Edward's smoothly and honestly calling her cute, Lysette started blushing as she looked away in embarrassment.

"Edward-sama, does that I can accompany you to that meeting as your personal maid?"

This time, it was Nanako who asked Edward if she could go with him, as she looked like a puppy who was just told that they would go on a walk.

"Sorry, but no. They will definitely ask your hand for marriage, and I do not want to see other guys trying to steal my adorable second fiancée in front of me"

"! I-I see..."

Just like Lysette, Nanako also began to blush and look away in embarrassment from Edward's natural smooth flirting.

"..." <Did I say something weird to them?>

And Edward was slightly oblivious to how embarrassing the stuff that he had said was, so he wasn't feeling any of the embarrassment.




The following week

Around a round table, a group of boys could be seen having a very civilized talk.

"Gentlemen, I believe we have a very important topic to discuss today"

"I agree, we have much to discuss today"

"That's right! We have a lotta of questions that needs a lot of answerin'!"

"Keheheheh... You better answer us truthfully, Edward"

"..." <I'm glad, I didn't bring Lysette-sama or Nanako with me today>

Let me rephrase it... Ahem... Edward's friends were starting his interrogation for breaking the code of noble bros. And of course, Edward could only do one thing when he was with his friends...

"... *Calmly sips his tea* So... What're we gonna talk about today?"

*Slams table* "Don't try to act innocent, Edward! We know that Lysette Neville picked you as her fiancé!"

"Yeah! How dare you pass the leg on us like that!? Does our friendship mean nothing to you!?"

"I also want to go on dates with a cute gal as well, dangit! *Slams table* I have muscles! I have a tan! So why am I not getting any gals!?"

"Keheheheheh... Heh... Heh... Haaaaaaa... Is it too much to ask for a girlfriend who'll gimme a lap pillow and headpats after a week's worth of research?"

"..." <... ... ... I'm glad, I'm having a headache right now>

Thanks to the pain caused by his headache, Edward was able to easily keep his smiling poker face and calmness as his friends were all becoming depressed men due to their maidenless state.

"... So, how have you guys been doing?"

"Don't try to switch topics, Edward. We want you to tell us what you and Lady Lysette have been doing so far"

"... I don't want to talk about that"

"So you admit that you've been living in heaven!"

"Well... ... ..."

Edward made a thinking expression as he thought about that, and on whether or not he should answer it honestly, and he easily remembered how he's now almost always being sandwiched by Lysette and Nanako, and how they always keep pressing their soft chests against his arms.

"... Maybe?..."

"..." (x4)

"I plead you guilty! Death penalty for breaking the bro code and enjoying your damned normie life!"


Edward could only say that, as his friends were having an outburst from the jealousy that they felt from him being engaged to a beauty like Lysette. So Edward just continued to sip his tea, as he waited for them to calm down.

"...So, did you calm down, Aron?"

"... ... ... Yes" *Fixing his clothes and posture*

"That's great! You see I found this-"

"Don't even try to change the subject, Edward. You must pay for your breaching of conduct regarding the bro code"

"Haa... Fine, what do you want me to do?"

In Aron's place, Jan spoke about what Edward's payment must be for getting a bride as he fixed his "smart" looking glasses.

"It's simple, Mr. Edward... You must find fitting girlfriends for us"

". . . What?"

For a moment Jan remained silent before his "cool diplomat" broke as he raged once again.

"I'm telling you to arrange a meeting with cute and beautiful girls so that we can get girlfriends!"

"Oh!... *Looks away for a moment*... And what if I refuse"

"Then we'll ask Isak to punch you"

"Alright! I'll see what I can do to find fitting fiancées for you all!"

Between the annoying task of finding girls willing to go out with his friends or getting punched by Isak, Edward was quick to pick the first option since he wasn't crazy enough to get into a fight with the muscle brain Isak.

"Great! Now!... How have you guys been lately?"

With the main issue resolved, the five friends started having a normal conversation about what they have been up to lately, with Edward omitting all of the parts regarding his weekly home dates with Lysette and Nanako.




Some days later

"Edward-sama, it is an honor to be received by you"

"The honor should be mine, Lysette-sama"

Lysette and Edward both greeted each other in front of the mansion's entrance, and Edward received Lysette as usual, after they did so, with natural movements, Lysette hugged one of Edward's arms as she gently smiled.

"Edward-sama, will escort me today as well?"

"Of course, Lysette-sama"

With that, the two made their way to their usual hang-out spot, and once they were by themselves, Lysette turned to Edward to ask him something.

"Edward-sama, is there something bothering you?"

"... Well..."

At her question, Edward made a troubled face, since he didn't know if she would feel offended by his question.

"... Lysette-sama... Do you... Have any girl friends, who are currently single and... Have cute or beautiful appearances?"


Lysette simply smiled at his question, which only made Edward feel more worried.

"... I do know some girls who are currently single, but... Can I ask why you want to know?"

The last words of Lysette came with a lower tone as her gaze stabbed right into Edward.

"... Ah! It's not for me! You see, I had to promise my friends, that I would introduce them to cute or beautiful girls so that they could ask them out, and, well... I only really know you and Nanako, who are currently about the same age as them"

"... ... ... I understand"

Hearing that, Lysette's mood immediately brightened.

"Then, do you want me to ask some of those girls to meet with your friends, Edward-sama?"

"Yes, four girls is enough, and if possible could they be people who don't mind my friend's 'colorful' personalities?"

"Hmm... I do know, four girls who should still be single and that probably won't mind meeting your friends, but..."


"But they would only agree if they can meet you as well"

"... ... ... Why do they want to meet me?"

"Because we are engaged, and... ... ... No... It's nothing"


"..." <I can't say to Edward-sama, that they only want to meet you because I keep bragging about you to them>

"Ahem... In any case, I will ask them if they do not mind meeting your friends, but... I'll have one... No, two conditions that you must fulfill"

"Okay, so... What do I have to do?"

"First, you cannot ask any of them to be engaged to you! I do not mind Nanako-san being your second fiancée, because I recognize her, but I will not recognize a third fiancée"

"Sure, I do not think that will be a problem, since I only like Nanako, and you Lysette-sama"

"... T-Thank you..."

Lysette's cheeks turned red from Edward saying that embarrassing line without any hesitation.

"A-Ahem... F-For my second condition... I want you to... ... I want you to... ... ... Y-You need to g-guess w-what I want you to do..."


Lysette timidly spread her forearms and closed her eyes, showing that she was expecting something specific from Edward, but that she was too embarrassed to ask. While Edward, just looked at her with a confused face, he kept looking at her as he racked his brain to find out what she wanted, but he wasn't getting any idea, and then...

"! I understand, Lysette-sama"


Lysette responded to Edward's voice without opening her eyes, since she felt too embarrassed to look at him right now, and for what she wanted...

"..." <I-I'm sure that Edward will see that I want a hug, anytime now...> "!?... !?!?!?!?"

Instead of feeling Edward's arms wrapping her, she felt him grabbing her shoulders, followed by a soft sensation on her lips, all of which caused her to open her eyes in a panic. Only for her to see Edward's face way too close to hers, and then after what felt like an eternity to her, Edward pulled away from her.

"Did I guess right?"

"E-Eh? A-Ah, n-no..."

With her face completely red and a panicking mind, Lysette said no as she was unable to process anything right now.

"..." <Huh? This wasn't what she wanted... But those white and black images that popped once in my mind, showed that this is how it was supposed to go... ... ... Ah! Did she mean that she wanted it with a hug as well?> "I see, then let me try again, Lysette-sama"

"Eh!? W-Wa- !?!?!?"

Once again, Lysette felt Edward's lips overlapping with hers, but this time, she also felt his arms wrapping around her in a hug, and forcing their bodies to touch each other. Unable to endure all this stimulation, Lysette's body couldn't help but jolt and twitch for each second longer they kept kissing, but her "suffering" would soon come to an end as...

"Edward-sama! Lysette-sama! I brought so-" *Freezes*

Nanako announced her arrival and witnessed the two kissing, because of the noise she made, the two stopped kissing and looked at her, Edward without any hint of embarrassment, and Lysette whose face was getting even redder than before.



"I-I-I-I! E-Erm! I-I-I-I r-r-r-reme-membered t-t-t-that... ... ... E-E-E-E-EXCUSE ME, E-E-EDWARD-SAMA!!!"

In one swift motion, Lysette moved away from Edward and dashed away with great speed, leaving a somewhat confused Edward, and a still-frozen Nanako. Lysette who was now already used to the layout of the Harding manor, skillfully made her way back to the carriage that had just brought her here and entered it with a jump, which caught the coach by surprise.


"Bring me back to my territory"

"... Yes?"

"I said for you to bring back to my territory! I can't possibly show my face to Edward-sama right now!"

"Y-Yes, ma'am!"

With that, the carriage started moving, and Lysette went back on covering her bright red face as she fell to the side, then she slowly moved her fingers down to her lips, as she could still remember the sensation of Edward's lips kissing her.

"... M-My f-first k-k-kiss... Uuuuuuhhh..."

All that Lysette could do was feel more embarrassed and tear up due to her inexperience in handling the emotions she was currently feeling.

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