Aliens Glossary

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Dedicated to Rick0277 & sdean60

Replin - A Replin is a sort of giant alligator. A Replin has the alligator hide and tail, but four arms with human hands and six fingers. A Replin's legs are exactly the same as an alligators, but stronger, with webbed feet. Replin's are fast swimmers, faster than the creature they take after, slow runners, and great at combat. With their tails it's an extra weapon. A Replin's head is a normal head as far as normal goes, basically a human head, but they have the sharp teeth to rip their enemies throats out, usually with a mob of green hair.

Language - Japian

Planet - Japlin: Swamp, dark, no light or sun, eclipses only. Occupants, reptiles and humans mixed


Twi's - Twi's are a group of vampires. Normal hair, human like. Regular teeth, when agitated or about to fight, fangs cap the smooth edges of their teeth. Crimson eyes, drink blood. When threatened, eyes dilate to black with a ring of red. Fast as lightning, hard stone like skin. One leader, black clothing. Leader wears dark cape. Human looking. Kill all that are not like them. Live mainly in forest. Regular child bearings or can be turned if are only fully in love, mutually. Before attacking as a group, they wait for their alpha to deem the threat dangerous. The leader first fights the threat and then allows the others if help is needed. Black oil for blood.

Language - Telepath throughout whole pack. Linked minds, main language: English.

Planet - Twizne: Earth structured, different colored areas


Zne's - Zne's are exactly like humans, but have no pupils. Their entire eye is filled with a blue color, whether it be sky blue or electric. Maybe navy or cerulean, it's blue. Then they have some sort of neon colored hair, never any blonde, brown, black, or red.

Language - English along with the Twi's

Planet - Twizne: Earth structured, different colored areas


Piran's - Fish humans, human body with fins on their forearms and back, webbed hands and feet. Scaled bodies, Amber yellow eyes. Able to use hellater without being harmed

Languages - Buboli, sounds of bubbles popping or clicks made with tongue and English

Planet - Letain: Mountin range with random platforms used by occupants of the planet. Cold temperature, wind, snow, hellater = burning liquid


Starwog - Giant wolf, when they die they turn into stars. Look like regular wolf, but humongous and use tails to use starfire. Starfire = energy from what stars are made of

Language - Gark, mix of growls and barks and English

Planet - Letain: Mountin range with random platforms used by occupants of the planet. Cold temperature, wind, snow, hellater = burning liquid


Humons - People from earth with animal companions tied to their life forces. If their humon companion dies, the animal companion does as well, if the animal companion dies the humon becomes weak and dies later suffering

Daemal - Animal companions of Humons

Language - English

Planet - Dusmon: Book; Golden Compass, old houses, old age structure, not modern, humons and daemals. Dusty, cloudy


Snaktors - Floats above ground. Robed in black, when hood is down gray skeleton face with gray skeleton hands appear. Deadly to adults and non-innocents. Can be conquered by pure

Language - Shadwiper, shadows snake out of hood to other snaktors sounding in a soft whisper

Planet - Dusmon: Book; Golden Compass, old houses, old age structure, not modern, humons and daemals. Dusty, cloudy


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