Chapter 1: The Outsider's Arrival

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Life had a dark sense of humor. Things would be going good for you and then everything takes a turn for the worst, we try our best to avoid anything bad but sometimes things are unavoidable. Your life will take a turn for the worst and you can't do anything to change that. You could lose your loved ones and the people you care for in an instant and everything you've worked so hard to build will be reduced to rubble.

How would you feel about that? What emotion would you be experiencing after your life was ruined? Anger? Sadness? Pain? That's to be expected, you are human after all.

All these emotions were exactly what Emily was feeling right now. Emily Kaldwin, Empress of the Empire of the Isles, has lost everything. Standing in the ruins of her once powerful Empire, she stared at the body of her father. Losing the will to even stand anymore, Emily falls to her knees and cradles her father's corpse, mourning not just his death but the death of everyone in her empire.

Buildings lay in ruin and the people who lived in those buildings are dead, now reduced to nothing but food for the rats. What a feast the rats will have, one would be enough to feed them for the day but millions littering the streets were a buffet that would last them a lifetime.

Tears streamed down Emily's face as she buried her face in her father's chest, her wails echoing throughout the Empire and not a single soul responding to her. This went on for hours and soon the wails died down and the tears had stopped, Emily was now quiet. Silently holding onto her father as a form of comfort.

Time seemed to slow down around her and everything just stopped. No more crackles of the fires around her, no rats chewing through the flesh of corpses just the sound of wind as if was passing through a tunnel. Like a void.

Emily knew where they were, she'd been here before. Her father had been here before; this realm was the Void. A place where time had no power, a place where only one being was God. She could feel him; his presence was one she'd grown accustomed to. It was like that feeling you would get when you're being watched, except that feeling would soon fade but with him, it never did.

"Are you satisfied? Did these recent events entertain you?" Emily asked in spite, her voice was coarse from all the crying but it still managed to make her sound as dangerous as she was.

He soon appeared behind her, a plain-looking young man with short brown hair and black eyes. He wore a brown coat, blue-grey pants and black boots. This was The Outsider.

"They certainly were...interesting." The Outsider replied.

In a swift moment, Emily drew her pistol from the holster in her coat, whirled around and fired at The Outsider. Emily growled when she saw that The Outsider had already disappeared and the bullet flew off into the Void.

"Now Emily calm yourself, it wasn't I that destroyed everything you had." The Outsider said, his tone as emotionless as ever but she could tell he was amused.

She turned around and saw him standing in front of her and her father, she looked at him with tired eyes still wanting to be alone and mourn in peace.

"What do you want?" she asked as she tried to fix her father's hair.

"It's not what I want, it's what you want that interests me." He replied.

"Excuse me?" Emily asked in confusion, wanting him to elaborate.

He walked around her as he spoke "What are you Emily Kaldwin? Are you an Empress? ...No, all your loyal subjects are dead... A friend? ...No, the few you had are dead as well ...A daughter perhaps? No, you can't be a daughter to corpses now can you?"

Emily glared at him "Is there a point or is your goal driving me to suicide?"

"My point being, you Emily Kaldwin are nobody. You don't have any friends or family and everybody you know is dead."

"And you? I know you and in my experience the dead don't talk."

"I am The Outsider Emily. I am neither alive nor dead, I don't count." He replied with a ghost of a smirk.

"I'll ask again, what do you want?" Emily asked as she sighed.

"Few have bared my Mark and even fewer have managed to interest me as much as you and Corvo, you could say I've grown," The Outsider paused as he tried to elaborate "fond of you two and watching Corvo's death was saddening."

"So why didn't you do anything!?" Emily shouted in anger.

"It is not my place to interfere. I told you before that I am neither a hero or a villain, I simply observe. But there are moments were I interfere, only to make things more interesting." He explained.

"So saving my father's life wouldn't have been interesting?" Emily asked in anger.

"Death is inevitable." He answered as she clenched her fists in anger "My form of interfering is bestowing my Mark onto those I find interesting and seeing how they use my gifts in the world. Since one of my most interesting Mark bearers is dead, you are the best choice for what's to come."

"What are you planning?" Emily questioned in suspicion.

"I'm not planning anything only offering you a choice." The Outsider said as he stood in front of her and her father once again.

Emily gently laid her father on the ground and stood up, looking at The Outsider with a withering glare "What choice?"

"I am a being that is both everywhere and nowhere. This allows me to see beyond your world and into other worlds, some more interesting than others."

"Then why make yourself so prominent in my world if there are others more interesting than mine?" Emily asked.

"I already told you Emily. You and Corvo have interested me the most." He replied.

Emily rolled her eyes and sighed, already tired of him. They haven't spoken in a long time but the few times they've spoken have always been like this. Cryptic and emotionally draining, no wonder she'd have a headache whenever he returned her back to her world.

"What are the choices Outsider?" Emily asked.

"Simple, you can choose to either remain here with your fallen Empire or I can send you to another world. A place where you can have a fresh start, somewhere where your talents might be greatly appreciated." He offered.

"These choices sound one sided." Emily drawled out as she narrowed her eyes.

The Outsider gave her a tiny smirk "They are."

"Why?" she asked.

"I've given you enough time to mourn and have grown bored of it so now I want to see what would happen if you existed in this world."

Emily mulled over the options. She could choose to stay at home and have a proper burial for her father, maybe even rebuild her empire even if it would be a lifetime or she could choose to leave her father behind, leaving everything behind and take this opportunity. She would be lying if she said that entering a new world wouldn't be exciting but could she really do it? She would know nothing about the world. Maybe, just maybe this new world can help her in finding a way of resurrecting the dead, then maybe she can save her father but was it all worth it? Though after some consideration, the choice was clear to her and she would be willing to take the risk.

"I accept Outsider." Emily said.

The Outsider nodded and stretched out his left hand "Excellent."

Emily looked at the hand and then at him, she gripped it and shook hands. The mark on her left hand glowed with a dark blue light, the light grew brighter and brighter and it was soon engulfing them.

Emily looked at the Outsider with a sincere expression "Take care of my father."

The Outsider nodded and soon they were engulfed in the blinding light. When the light died down, Emily was gone and the Outsider remained with Corvo's body lying in front of him.

"What will you do now Emily..." The Outsider said as he disappeared with Corvo's body.


The city of New York was what you'd call crazy. Cars always littered the streets and there were buildings so tall, they seemed like they never stopped. Though those weren't the only crazy things, the people of New York were all different. You could refer to it as a jungle because when it came down to it, then it was literally survival of the fittest.

Emily groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, she saw a brick wall in front of her and could smell a horrendous odor around her. Looking around, she saw that she was lying on top of a pile of garbage bags that were next to a large dumpster.

She stood up but soon everything got blurry and she fell back on top of the garbage bags, the fatigue from the futile battle she had from before must've hit her. She stood up once again and stumbled towards the wall next to her, leaning against it and panting tiredly.

'Bastard could've at least rejuvenated me; some God he is.' Emily thought.

"C'mon Dale, we gotta go..." A younger voice said.

"Jesus! Calm the fuck down, I just gotta take a piss then we can...huh?" A second gruff voice said "Well look what we have here, you alone pretty lady?"

Emily's vision began to clear and in front of him were two men, one was a young adult in his early twenties and the other was an older man in his late forties but one thing was clear, both of them were drunk. She could smell the strong smell of alcohol from them and they seemed like the type to cause trouble.

"Why don't you have some fun with us?" the younger male said as he got closer to her and reached out to grab her.

Emily relied on pure instinct as she grabbed his arm bended it upwards, a snapping sound rang out as the arm broke. The male screamed as stumbled back and fell, cradling his broken arm. The older man glared at her and took out a pocket knife and threateningly pointed it at her.

"You're gonna pay for that you bitch!" he shouted as he moved closer to her.

Emily reached behind her back and took out her folded blade and tiredly glared at him. It was a short sword with a wooden hilt and metal railing.

"Mines bigger..." Emily said as she glared at him tiredly.

The man looked at the short sword in fear, he dropped his knife and ran out of the alley with his friend following him. She sighed and put her blade away, she dragged herself out of the alley and looked at the city in surprise and wonder. She would've kept admiring but her vision was getting darker, she needed to find a safe place to rest.

She walked along the pavement and ignored the cars that past by her, luckily it was late at night so there were barely any people on the streets. She reached a crossing road and saw an abandoned building across the dark streets, she could tell the building was falling apart but it was structurally stable because of her training. The first rule of being an assassin was location, know where you are and use your environment to you advantage.

She entered the building and began picking away through the rooms, attempting to find a tolerable one to rest her weary head. She eventually found a room on the top floor, it was mostly bare but it had an old bed, a ratty couch, a small dusty mirror with a few cracks in it and one small window.

Satisfied, Emily walked into the room and shut the door. She walked to the bed but stopped in front of the mirror and sighed at her appearance. She was a slim woman with brown eyes and short black hair, wearing her regular attire which consisted of a black shirt, black trousers, black boots with gold lines running across the front, a long blue coat and a golden-blue collar mask around her neck. She looked exhausted and her eyes were still red with bags under them.

Emily took off her jacket and threw it onto the couch, she took off her boots and put her gear on the ground near her as she crawled onto the bed and immediately passed out. Unknown to her, Emily's mark began changing and spreading along her arm.

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