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Dyl above^


"Darry, somethings wrong. I can feel it. Nix isn't telling us something." I told Darry once we were at the bottom of the steps. "I know but I'm not gonna bother her. It might have just been a fight at school." Darry responded. He walked to the kitchen and started making dinner. "What's for dinner?!" Soda asked excitedly coming home from work. "Lower ya voice,Soda. Phoenix ain't feeling good." Johnny said. "Sorry." He apologized.


I skipped dinner and when the gang showed up, I was surprised to hear Johnny yell 'shut up. Phoenix don't feel good.' Everybody quieted down then.

"Hey." Sal said, sitting on her bed across from me. "Is it okay if the girls come up?" She asked. I nodded. She went to the door a waved them to come up. "Hey, you feeling okay?" Ginger asked. "Yep. Just fine." I responded. "You ran into a locker?" Dyl snickered. Ginger slapped her arm. "Yea..." I said weakly. "So, how's things with Kent?" Dyl asked. Bad timing dude. "Fine..." I lied. Sal stared at me.

We talked about what we should do tomorrow and we chose to go to the drive-in. I was happy to do something with the girls.

That morning my plans with the girls were ruined. I opened the door this morning to see Kent. "Hey. Get dressed. We're hanging out today." Kent demanded. "I'm kinda busy. I'm hangin out with the girls." I told him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the porch. "Ouch. Geez, Kent." I whispered. "Your hanging out with me today, Nixie. I said so and your coming. Get. Dressed!" He demanded. I walked back into the house and got dressed into ripped jeans, black shirt, dark blue leather jacket, and my brown combat boots. I wrote a note for Sal when she woke up.

Kent came and wanted me to hang out with him today. You know how it is. Tell the girls I'm sorry that I had to go to work today. Don't let anyone see this. Johnny can but that's it. Have to go.

I ran back down stairs. "Hey." Pony said. I didn't say anything. I ran out the door before he could say anything else. I hopped in Kent's car and we drove off.

We met some of the his friends at the drive-in. I was bored stiff. Kent wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged it off. "What's your deal?!" He barked. I had my arms crossed over my chest. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from his friends. We went into an alley. This was not going to end good. "Stop it." He barked at me. Then he punched me in the jaw. I turned and spat blood.

"Kent. I'm not accepting this no more. I'm breaking up with you." I said calmly. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm. He picked me up by one arm and through me at a brick wall. "AAAUGH!" I screamed. I tried to pick myself up from the ground but he repeatedly kicked me when I tried to stand. He kicked me in the head. I heard sirens then blacked out.

~~~time laps~~~


Johnny and I should have told them. Now we're back at the hospital. Waiting for Phoenix to wake up. I was scared to death when Darry yelled, "let's go!" Then we were all piling in cars and heading God knows where. We stopped at the hospital and Darry explained everything while we were walking through the hall.



The phone rang and I  picked it up. "Hello?" I asked. "This is the local police department. Is this Darrel Curtis?" Somebody asked. "Speaking." I said concerned. Dally was in the room so I didn't have the slightest clue what is going on.  "Do you know a Kent Dean?" Someone from the other line asked. "Yes. It's my sister's boyfriend." I answered. I saw Johnny and Sal's eyes go wider than dinner plates. "We have arrested him for the harm and abuse of a teenaged female named Phoenix Curtis. She has been transported to the local hospital, with various cuts and bruises and was found with a concussion and unconscious." The man said. "Thank you." I said then slammed the phone down.

"Let's go!" I demanded the gang. They piled in mine and Dally's car. Dally followed me to the hospital. We ran down the hall and I explained everything.

We got in the room and saw a cut up, beaten Phoenix. Sal started bawling into Johnny's shoulder. Ponyboy and Sodapop  ran to her and held her hand. Ginger and Dyl started crying and petting Nix's hair. Dally was beating the wall and Two-Bit tried to calm him down.

Flash back ended


I tightened my hand to let the person who was holding it know I was waking up. "Phoenix?" I heard Pony ask. I opened my eyes and blinked to focus my eyes. I could tell they were bloodshot. "Hey." I barely even heard myself. "Why didn't you tell us?" Soda asked. "I was threatened. I couldn't." I said still not really able to hear myself. "It's my fault. She told me and I should have told y'all." Sal sniffled. "No. No, it wasn't. I told you not to tell." I said groggily. She came over and hugged me. "Why didn't you tell me and Ginger?" Dyl asked. "I was threatened. Sal was just their when I was crying and I just did. Pleases stop interrogating me." I begged putting my hand over my eyes to keep the light from making my head from hurting worse.

"I'm glad your okay." Ginger said rubbing my arm. I nodded. "Can we leave?" I asked irritated. "Tomorrow morning your released. Your not goin no where outside the house till your better." Darry said. I opened my eyes again. I looked at the IV needle in my hand, taped over with a bandage. I hate the hospital. I hate needles. I want out of here. "Next time you better tell us." Dally said out of the blue. I looked at him and saw tears in his eyes. "Okay." I nodded.

I closed my eyes and went back to sleep so time would go by faster.

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