5 Facts About Me

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So I got nominated for 5 Facts About Me. Without further adu, here they are...

1. My birthday is June 5

2. I stutter and have anxiety (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

3. I'm the quietist kid in the class

4. This may sound weird but I hate following sounds: Sneezing, coughing, throat clearing, nose blowing, and burping. I listen to loud music to block out these noises (currently listen to music as I'm typing this).

5. The greasers I relate to most are Ponyboy and Johnny with a hint of Sodapop. I relate Pony because I like movies and books. I relate to Johnny because, as said, I can be very quiet. I can also relate to Soda a little because I hate it when people argue.

(The people who I wish to tag have already done so therefore I'm not tagging anyone but if you haven't done it yet, feel free to.)

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