Funny Story That I Wanted To Share

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So this kinda has to do with The Outsiders, but it mostly has to do with Dirty Dancing.

In my art class, we're making these round 3D pictures that have four sides and we needed to come up with four pictures for it. I decided to do covers of 80s movies: Dirty Dancing, Karate Kid, The Outsiders, and The Breakfast Club.

I showed the rough draft to my art teacher and explained each picture. When I got to Dirty Dancing, he got all freaked out because he thought Dirty Dancing was an inappropriate movie for having the word "Dirty" in it (he had never seen any of the movies I just mentioned earlier. I will give you time to scream in utter shock).

I explained to my art teacher that Dirty Dancing isn't that inappropriate.

Later on, one of my friends was making one of her life (ex. being born, being a kid, being a teenager, and being dead). I pointed to the picture of her as a baby and said jokingly, "You should've drawn your mom pregnant with you."

Unfortunately, she had misunderstood me, and yelled out for the whole class to hear:


Then my art teacher, who sadly overheard, stood up and said, "See TJ?!? This is what happens when you watch Dirty Dancing!!!"


Anyway I just wanted to share that lil story lol.

~ TJ

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