My Best Friend

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For Tuff_Greaser

A sky glowed an ominous shade of cool colors. Darkness surrounding the sun. A single drop of rain fell down from a cumulonimbus storm cloud, as some thunder rippled through the air.
The battle had ended. Thousands if not millions of changelings lay dead on what they called the battlefield. However their king had fled. Coward, thought the golden eyed girl. A captain goes down with his ship.
Somehow she thought this battle was all her fault. She remembered those memories with Dallas. How they used to fight side by side, not on opposite ends of the field. How the laughed together, not arguing. He was her first love after all. She gulped down a mouthful of saliva and swallowed it. It tastes bitter and it felt rough going down her throat. Guilt.

She had turned him into the monster he was. And not only that-he tried to kill her husband. And her sister-in-law's children. Her friend...

          The multi-colored eyed girl ran over and tackled the golden eyed girl into a hug. Kaylila shuddered at the feeling of warmth, and let out an inaudible sigh. She glanced down at her wondering why she was hugging her. What had she done to deserve this? Almost gotten her children killed? Her own husband even killed? Yet why was she hugging her?!
         "Thank you..", Luna breathed out. She was still injured from the previous battle. But not too severally.
        Kaylila blinked in confused,"F-for what?", she mumbled as her bangs brushed over her glowing eyes.
Luna was bewildered at this action and stared blankly up at her idol,"You kinda saved my kids...", she glanced at Johnny who was crying to calm down Wolf.
Kaylila shrugged,"I mean it was the least I could do, honest,"she replied calmly, and blushed a bit as Darry wrapped his strong yet gentle arms around her.
Luna didn't say anything and looked down at the ground feeling like a child. Her best friend-whom she looked up to had just fought by her side-and they could've died! Yet they walked off the battlefield, hurt yet strong warriors.

A cold sweat ran across Kaylila's forehead, as she jolted awake and started panting. A.J.. she had yet another dream. Darrel was still asleep and snoring softly, thank god. Sometimes he always turns things into a big deal when they really aren't, she thought silently to herself.
She gasped as she saw a flicker of the candle that was still glowing on the dresser. The light spread and reflected off of Willow's cradle. She slid over to the edge of the bed, it made a creaking sound. She eyed Darry out of the corner of his eyes. His snoring stopped but he breathed deeply into a pillow. She smiled softly and pecked his cheek.

       She crept over to her daughter's cradle and gentle swooned her hand in and stroked her soft cheeks. She looked like her. Same hair and eyes. But she had a mix of a personality. It was similar to Darry's but had a hint of Pony and Soda somewhere.
Kaylila bent down and sweetly kissed her forehead. Willow smiled in her sleep and curled up with her stuffed animal wolf and snuggled it close. Her mother smiled then it soon faded as a shadow crossed the window. A growl rumbled in her throat. She knew who it was. Dallas.

Grabbing her switchblade she slammed it out of its case and snuck outside quickly,"Where are you-you coward?", she mumbled in a growl under her breath. She could see her breath in the air. It was freezing. Yet somehow she wasn't cold. Only wearing a white tank and ripped shorts. But she had been used to it.
She heard a flutter of wings and charged at it, jumping on top of the figure and pinned it down. She raised her blade. But to her surprise the creature let out a yelp and started to cry. Dallas? Crying? Since when? She blinked in confused,"I-I don't understand..", she whispered, her voice was trembling.
The creature backed up into the moonlight. To reveal itself. Two massive wings shrank as the creature morphed back into a human form. Two set of eyes stared into her golden ones. And it turns out the supposed two set was actually one.
"L-L-Luna?", Kaylila gulped down some more guilt building up in her stomach.
    Luna wiped her eyes and calmed down a bit and ran to greet her,"Oh its you.. sorry I thought you were Dallas-"
"I thought YOU were Dallas!", Kaylila snapped in her face-but didn't mean to. She just needed to get this out.
     Luna cautiously backed up."I-I'm sorry-"
"All you do is get yourself into more trouble! By doing what? Helping others?! That's not going to get you anywhere in life! You get-tough like me and nothing can touch you. Nothing!", Kaylila declared.
        Luna bit her lip and then eyed her coldly."Don't you see?! I'm not like you! If you're tough then I'm a crybaby! If I'm the moon your the sun!", she paused and looked down."Kay... you've been the only thing I've known to a sister.. I've never had any friends that are girls before..."
         Kaylila tried to deny the fuzzy feeling in her, what as this kid trying to say?
"I.. I've always looked up to you..."
       Finally, she spit it out. Kaylila was dumbfounded by this. Me? Out of everyone? No. She has to be crazy to look up to me! Well I mean she is.. can be.. reckless at times. But I'm the worst idol ever!
       Then it hit her. She looked up to her like Johnny admired Dallas. She nearly facepalmed herself.
    Kaylila sighed and rustled her hair,"Sorry for yellin' kiddo.."
     Luna shrugged and smiled softly,"Nah it's alright... uh.. we're still friends.. correct?"
   Kaylila laughed a bit and nodded,"Of course."

        This is for my best friend. She is amazing and a very talented writer. And my OC looks up to her OC but in other words-I admire her work. And if you ever hurt my friends you'll regret it. Sure, we've been through good times and bad ones. But true friends always stick together.

~Your friend,

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