Peko, the bad luck

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After class ended, Ryota and I decided to go eat while Shiro is with Kengo lecturing him after seeing his grades being low as always, I do feel bad for Kengo he never can't get a break fron Shiro. "Aaaaaahh!" suddenly a loud scream was heard as Ryota and I were startled from It.

Ryota: wh-what was that scream?

Protag: I don't know but it sounds like it came from outside *runs off*

Ryota: hey wait for me!

Without thinking I just ran outside as I know someone is danger there's no way anyone could just scream as loud as that, I hope I'm not late before someone gets injured

Few minutes later
At the school entrance

As I ran out I see Peko, the new student, being attacked by some thieves who seemed to attempt to kidnap her, I quickly shouted at them.

Protag: leave her alone!

The thieves quickly looked at me in anger already, I'm not surprised since apparently nobody has noticed them until now. Ryota finally caught up and saw what was going on.

Ryota: I finally caught...hey, isn't that the new classmate? What are they doing to her?

Thieve: that's none of your business, but since you caught us we won't let you get away now. Time to get rid of you two.

Protog: the ones that will be getting away are you two, once I teach you a lesson on who you're messing with!

I stayed focus and pulled out my sword as Ryota stayed behind me worry and wishing me luck even though he knows I can do this after many fights I been through. These thieves are already a no problem for me so I charged at them and started to fight them.

Time skip to the end of the fight

I defeated all of them as they got up and are weak to even fight back so they ran instead while leaving Peko on the ground and I quickly waled to her.

Protag: are you alright?

Peko: yes I am, just a bit hurt from the way they grab me so hard *shows the marks on her hands*

Ryota: let me help you with that.

Ryota used his sacred artifact to cures aways the marks on her as I then helped her get up, now that I see her up close she's barely taller than me.

Peko: thanks guys, I'm so lucky that you came to save.

Ryota: no problem, but the credit goes to Protag here who heard you and ran here as quickly as he could.

Peko: that's so cool. Here I thought it was some bad luck I caused to myself.

Protag: bad luck to yourself?

Ryota: oh yeah, that reminds me our teacher mentioned something about that of you and bad luck.

Peko: that's true. My sacred artifact, the bronze rings on both hands, lets me cause bad luck to anyone.

Ryota: wh-what? You can easily can give bad luck to anyone?

Peko: yeah, pretty much.

Protag: how many rings do you even have?

Peko: just three. Don't worry I don't give bad luck unless I used my sacred artifacts.

Ryota: that's a relief.

Peko: although it might happen on accident but it will be fine.

Ryota: no it's not! That's scary, you could be giving bad luck to anyone without even realizing it.

Peko: well even if it does happen, it will wear off for about an hour.

Protag: you're very carefree, I like it

Peko: y-you do? I mean, I do get told I'm carefree about it...

Ryota: maybe being carefree helps you not think badly about your bad luck

Peko: exactly that's the whole point as long as I don't worry to much about giving bad luck, I'll be as fine as ever.

Protag: but why were those guys attacking you earlier?

Peko: I don't know...all I heard from them was 'black jacket' and they attacked me.

Ryota: well you are wearing a black jacket

Peko: I know but I don't get it. I know there's someone wearing black jacket that attacks at night but I'm not that person everyone talks about at the news

Protag: so you heard about it

Peko: of course I did, who wouldn't after how much it is being talked about no matter where you go.

Ryota: this is bad, at this point if anyone wears a black jacket people would start assuming.

Peko: oh well, I can just wear my favorite dark pink jacket.

Protag: that wasn't really the point but that is still good. I feel like it gets worse each day just from that one mysterious attacker.

Ryota: we still need some clues.

Peko: mind if I help?

Ryota: but it's dangerous, I mean not that we go out finding clues at night but still.

Peko: I can take care of myself when I can. Plus I owe you guys for saving me.

Ryota: what do you think Protag?

Protag: we should let her help us, the more the merrier.

Peko: great, hopefully I can find some clues as I head off going to the store. Crap, is almost getting late I better go now before the store closes.

Ryota: stay safe, Peko.

Peko: before I actually go, can exchange phone numbers just to keep in contact with you guys in case anything happens?

Protag: sure

Ryota and I exchange our numbers to Peko, I trust that she will be helpful hopefully she doesn't cause bad luck to us.

Peko: thanks, I got to go. Bye!

Peko quickly ran off in a hurry while Ryota and I watched her until she was gone out of sight and headed back to our dorms to rest, although I got homework to do for sure, I don't want Shiro getting mad at me for not doing it even though I never miss a work.

Lil' Salaman: hey hey hey, it's your favorite cute partner, Lil' Sal!

Protag: took you so long to appear, where were you?

Lil' Salaman: no need to be mad at me, master. I was just looking into somethings about the attacker

Protag: did you find anything?

Lil' Salaman: sadly no.

Protag: how useless.

Lil' Salaman: no need to be so cold, master *sniff* I'll continue working and do my best to find some info

Protag: good.

Lil' Sal left as I continue finishing my homework. Although I still couldn't let somethings out of my head...

Author's note:
Phew this one took me awhile to get it out. I'm trying to improve by making this more sense and organize although it may be a bit confusing.

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