The Guild Master and new Friends

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This is it we made it to the door that leads to the guild master.

Shiro: are you guys ready? We don't know what could the guild master do but we're not gonna let ourselves down.

Kengo: don't worry, I been waiting for this moment. I can't wait to see the strength of this person.

Shiro: don't be so careless and let yourself in a bad situation.

Kengo: sheesh, I know that.

Licht: are you ready, Melusime?

Melusime: yes, master. I'll fight alongside you until this is over.

Protag: let's go in then.

I opened the door as I saw that we are at the roof and walked out with everyone and looked around, but I saw no one.

Shiro: where's the guild master?

Kengo: did those guys liked to us the whole time and let us get up here for nothing?

Suddenly the door we came out of shut itself as we were caught by surprise.

Melusime: ! Up there, at the sky.

Melusime pointed at what she was looking at as we looked up, we see a woman who seems to be a teenager wearing a short dressed and holding an umbrella slowly coming down as she then landed on the roof. She looked at us with a small smile but quickly change to a serious expression.

Protag: are you the guild master?

Dressed girl: yes

Kengo: what? This lady is the guild master?

Dressed girl: is there a problem with that?

Kengo: ! N-no, I'm just surprised that it's- ow!!

Shiro: it's best if you stop talking and let us take of it.

Protag: who are you?

Dressed girl: I'm Marie, the guild master of Incognitive Breakers.

Licht: we got a lot of questions to ask.

Marie: sure, ask away.

Licht: why did you attack my guild?

Marie: because I hate how rich people like your guild members look down on others because of how much they have in there life and businesses of course. Especially to those that seems hopeless to gain as much as them.

Licht: that's your reason for attacking my guild? But not everyone in Roppongi Tycoons is like that.

Marie: I don't think words alone are enough to convince me.

Licht: she's already hard to talk through.

Shiro: then can you explain why you attack many lives at night?

Marie: to defeat evil

Shiro: to defeat evil?

Protag: what are you talking about?

Marie: there's always evil at night like thieves, assassins, and kidnappers.

Kengo: that's a bit of a stretch. Just because people are out at night doesn't mean they are automatically evil.

Shiro: I'm guessing that's the same reason for the attack at the park during the day.

Marie: yes. People can't live in peace if they get hurt by evil, so I'll do anything to stop it from happening further. Just like how I will stop you!

Without warning she starting attacking with a strong wind trying to push us off the building. Although she got attacked by Melusime in which stopped the strong wind.

Kengo: what the heck? How did she just summon a strong wind like that?

Marie: I live by the rule of happiness.

Shiro: what exactly is that?

Marie: I get stronger for those who smile and believe for me. Thankfully I have Unknown and Kurogame who are smiling for me.

Kengo: they are?

Shiro: ! That explains it all.

Protag: something in your mind, Shiro?

Shiro: yes, it all makes sense on why Unknown and Kurogame let us pass through without being unconscious and knock out. It's because they needed to still be up to smile for their guild master.

Licht: they strategically planned this before the fight too, knowing that we wouldn't see through the plan of just giving up before getting completely defeated.

Kengo: so do we go back and stop them from giving her strength?

Shiro: I'm afraid it's impossible, the door is shut. Protag?

Licht: he's fighting against the guild master since few seconds ago

Shiro: huh?...why did he just suddenly went to fight the guild master without saying anything?

Licht: he probably has a idea in his mind.

Kengo: knowing Protag, he will figure something out.

Marie and I continue fighting as I tried to talk to her but she seems to be in stressed than angry. I could tell by looking at her face and seeing how she's swinging her umbrella rapidly and wreckles.

Protag: why are you doing this?

Marie: why are you asking me that, I already told you why I'm doing this!

Protag: but hurting and hating on certain people for certain reasoning isn't the solution.

Marie: you don't know what you are talking about!

Protag: you're hurting everyone blindly from hatred and stressed.

Marie: shut don't know what I been through that gave me this idea to get rid of evil.

Protag: what?

Marie, the belief of joy, has been through a serious of danger in her life. Nothing but getting attacked and ignore because of her difference around her. Although her appearance was one thing that everyone likes, nobody really likes Marie herself until the day she disappeared out of existence and presume to be dead. Her anger and stressed was fill with her horrible past and those that she lost that she felt the will to hurt anything that she sees as evil changing her view.

Marie: I don't want anyone to go through a horrible life as I did because of evil!

Protag: all of this is because of your past?

Marie: yes, nobody cares about me because I was different from them.

Protag: why does that matter to you?

Marie: because nobody talk to me or wanted to be friends with me. Nobody was around to save anyone besides just me.

Protag: there's no point thinking about the past anymore. That was before and this is now.

Marie: prove it to me by fighting me and try to defeat me.

Protag: if that's what it takes then I will do it.

And so we both battle, she's a strong one as she seems to have some sort of power that comes from her umbrella, which I'm assuming is her Sacred Srtifact. She can call strong wind and fight close range with her umbrella that's like a sword and spear combined. Nevermind of the details as the battle continue on, Marie was starting to get tired and got on her knees.

Marie: *pants* why won't you go down?

Protag: I'm tired too, but I still fight because I know you can change and stop all this.

Marie: what do you mean?

Protag: I once had no friends when I came here, I was lost with no memories. I was a bit scared at first but after making friends on that night and fighting, things have changed for me.

Marie: but that's different from me.

Protag: sure but we both started with no friends didn't we?

Marie: you make no sense at all.

Protag: what I mean is stop thinking about the bad stuff and think about the good stuff. Just because you experience something doesn't mean you can attack those that are the same in Tokyo.

Marie: I'm guessing that you want me to stop assuming and give everyone including the Roppongi Tycoons a chance.

Protag: yes. You can start right now, with us being your friends.

Marie: !... really?

Protag: *nods*

Marie: it has been so, so long since anyone wanted me as a friend. This feels new and refreshing, it's a strange feeling but it makes me feel...happy...yeah that's how I feel right now.

Protag: so will you end all of this?

Marie: of course.

As Marie got up, the dark clouds and strong wind disappeared and we all went downstairs to the first floor removing parts of the building that collapse in our ways as we suddenly saw the others getting rid of things.

Moritaka: ! You guys are alright, we were worry that all of you got injured after all these parts of the building blocked our way before we could even go up.

Peko: I was so worried too.

Shiro: things have finally stop thanks to our guild master of course.

Toji: who's that girl by the way?

Protag: well...

I introduced them to Marie and explained everything that happened. They were surprised about everything but we're happy at the same time.

Moritaka: it's nice to meet you, miss Marie. I hope we can get along as well.

Marie: thanks but you don't have to be so formal.

Toji: I hope you don't cause more trouble.

Marie: I won't.

Kengo: we should exit out of the app so we can get rid of our injuries.

We all nodded as we exited the app and we are all back to how we were before being in the app.

Ryota: phew, this feels great now. I could go for some snacks.

Kengo: food is all you can think of huh?

Licht: I don't know how to say this but today really has been successful, now my guild is safe now.

Marie: sorry for attacking your guild, Licht. I'll make it up for you someday.

Licht: oh uh, no need to but it's alright. Now I won't worry about complains. I shall be heading off now, lets go Melusime.

Melusime: yes, master.

Licht and Melusime walked  away as my guild, Peko, and Marie were left standing.

Toji: I'm curious, if you're the guild master then where's the rest of the members.

Marie: oh well-

???: no need to worry, I'm one of the members.

All of turned to the voice who was coming from the stairs, as the figure got closer we got to see who it was.

Shirogame: hello, I'm Shirogame and part of the Incognitive Breakers.

Kengo: oh it's the guilty person. I thought he was still on the top floor.

Unknown: he fell asleep and I have to wake him up.

Shiro: where did you come from?

Unknown: I was following shirogame but I guess I'm not surprised you didn't see me.

Shiro: are you also part of the Incognitive Breakers guild?

Unknown: technically yes.

Shiro: what do you mean?

Marie: he doesn't really know if he wants to be in the guild or just a freelancer.

Unknown: yep, I'm here in the guild for like temporary until I make a decision. ! Oh Peko what are you doing here?

Ryota: you two know each other?

Peko: how should I put this...I'm also a part of the Incognitive Breakers.

All The Summoners: what?!

Kengo: you're kidding right?

Toji: were you a spy this whole time?

Peko: uh, no

Marie: Peko was left out of our plan because we didn't want her involved.

Protag: why?

Peko: because she's so innocent and also her bad luck.

Shiro: I'm guessing this was since when she couldn't controlled her bad luck.

Marie: yes, although Unknown was the one who suggested it.

Peko: aw, I knew you are a good brother, Unknown.

Unknown: please don't say that again, we're not related and I don't feel good being called a brother from someone.

Shiro: so there's only 3-4 of you?

Marie: there's 3 more but they're probably at the forest and mountains training or doing their own things.

Moritaka: sounds irresponsible to not follow their guild master.

Marie: it was complicated with them so I left them out they will probably come back tommorow or someday.

Protag: is this building where your guild is located at?

Marie: no, our guild is actually at a abandoned apartment that we fixed at a forest very close to the city.

Shiro: then why was the plan done here?

Marie: to have a better view for plan of attack.

Shiro: I-I see...

Unknown: I can tell you were expecting something big.

Shiro: I honestly was.

Unknown: it's fine, this plan was a mess anyways. What are you two guild masters doing?

Marie: exchanging phone numbers?

Ryota: hmm? Why?

Marie: if you ever need our help you can just call us. It's the last I can do to pay you back for the trouble I caused.

Peko: aw yeah, more close friends.

Unknown: it's already getting late now but we should all go now.

Peko: aww and we were getting to know more close.

Kengo: you have the same class as us!

Peko: oh you're right.

Marie: it's time to say goodnight.

Protag: goodnight

Marie and her guild members left with their goodnights as we did the same too. We did chat about what just happened and the new friends we name and walked to our dorms as we got to school before night.

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