Act two: high guidance

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Ovalsan's log: Today is the second week of the what I'm calling the Angelically devilish files.

From what I had put into account so far that these two misguided had whoever they put on the shoulder let something you see out of a sitcom While others had near fatal results which is what Donna and Satven will tell me today at the Myswood downtown plaza which is where I am now here and seem to spot them with their other friends as well are the outdoor food courts table and once I took a seat that's we begin.

Freshman year

Satven:Well the best place to begin is on the first day of high school.

It all started when the wave of school buses full of new freshmen's starting the new school year at Chard Lake High School which could be on its final years due to the place they came budget with Satven Brimwing as one of the new freshman of the new school year as he got off and see the outside of the high school he will be attending at and when he went inside the place it seems a little rusty and hardly stable enough because to be a safe place.

Satven:It true the year after which we'll get to later the plate has to cut very important programs if it's not a small group of students Ingenuity and deviation but I'm getting ahead head of myself as time tell you of the classmate that Donna knows before me.

When Satven got to his assigned homeroom he sees what seems to be too werewolves and a siren just hanging around tell someone behind him and bumped into him by accidents and dropped a few things then Satven says "Oh ah let me get those." But when he got down to pick up the stuff he see the legs that they belong to and slowly Rises to see that she's in the white mini skirt have a light pink shirt with breast size that are not bad for the freshman.

"My stuff Satven...NOW!" Say who happens  to be Donna Highwing when Satven got up to face level and see her with a very peeved look.

"Here you do Donna." Say Satven as he gave back Donna's thing and went to his desk while Donna went to hers "So he that Devil you once had on your lawn." Says one of the Wolf to Donna.

"Indeed Fifi he May the fairy god kid wish the head ferry to appear while he's on the toilets." Replied Donna then see who she never thought to see again "Donna Satven, " says who happens to be Morasan "longtime no see." Then they take seat and school will rings then another familiar face comes in and begins roll call who happens to be Wanda but Morasan says before she started " Oh Mrs. Wanda my fiance is absent for memorial service but he'll be back in a week or two."

"Noted," Wanda "but let me do the rest of role call even if I do know you three."

Wanda:Waiting for our next Fairy god kid was longer then expected back then.

Jorgon: I was a gym teacher at the time for whatever assignments that went awry with track runs to cage detention

Ovalsan: For individual or a whole?

Jorgon: hun cages for the angels and dungeon cells for devils and to make things worse they torture them in the tradition of the Spanish Inquisition.

Satven: No joke.

Donna: But Jorgon methods huh better than being caged.

Jorgon: but how they are and whoever gets partner with can result in someway goes awry.

Wanda: and it started over a month after the school year started.

A month later when Donna is in Spanish class her Spanish teacher who seem to have an annual humiliate one of the Lesser intelligence students to have them to do a Spanish song and dance even if she knows you'll be a half day next week and Mabel Covey well enjoy it and she manage to inform the local grocer that the poor guy works at that about the half day who she will have Kenny Rocco work on inventory and Donna will not stand for it.

"Ah Donna," said Satven when he and Donna are in the School's guidance chamber room where she seems to be tampering with the guys chamber age lock who they will use it to leave the Spanish teacher to give and know it all what she deserve " tempering with stuff like this is more of a devil thing and are you I don't know be more devil an angel?"

"Mabel Covey need to learn that no one likes to know it all and of this little list she's going to get a taste of her own medicine." Say Donna as she final got the age finally got the age lock removed and when she made the setting they enter the chamber to begin their guidance.

Jorgon: more like this kind and you should know that tampering was that thing have resulted in some short circuiting back then.

Donna: hey I didn't look up the manual back then.

Satven: And what we made Mabel say is nothing compared to what happens next.

Cosmo: and I have to power wash the whole aftermath.

Wanda: and that's only the start in their little series of misguidance.

The next day when Donna is in her Spanish class Mabel Covey got up and stand in front of the class and will Translate what the teacher is saying with one being "Mia panas bunch" after Mabel said some of the students in the class started snickering and Donna tries her best to keep a straight face then Mabel realize these are joke translations and been made the butt of the joke and then the teachers trying to make white salad noises like the radio but there's nothing on the station to set it to.

As the bell rings Donna meets up with Satven on their way to their next class  then Satven asked "So how was Spanish class also do you smell that?" Then they smell what seems to be smoking the fire alarm went off all the students have vacated the building until it's safe to come in.

Donna: Each of us thought that the other had the thing said to other guidance on the chamber at the time but once it's safe to go back in we see the teacher with almost all her hair burned off.

Jorgon: and I had them do a Mexican song of dance around the track down being in the costume that fits the culture's custom is the bit much than what I had in mind and once they're halfway the vice principal Michelle Corker heard the music that I have on the tape player and ask what's all the hullabaloo.

Satven:Then we all said hullabaloo and me and Donna end up doing inventory in Kenny's place.

Wanda: as for the rest of the year which have less disaster results than their friends and we end up using the guy in Chambers for one reason after another.

Jorgon: needless to say there's a lot of arrogance going on by the human faculty like they don't care too much about their students you may say.

Satven: and what's my mother found out from who was the school of janitor at the time she hogtied  Jorgon and then threatened the high Ferry Council that Fairy world will burn in hell if it ever happens again.

Jorgon: She hogtied me good since I was the one with Wanda who been using it more then the others and when Inferma corner to us when she found out from Cosmo with Devil Coolant she would wrangle Wanda but she punched me in the jewels and then hogtie me and it more painful then you think.

Donna: devil coolant very tempting alcohol to humans and other magical beans us angels are the only one among those that are immune to it.

Satven: you have to have a nose for these things.

Wanda:And during Summer break me and Cosmo I still waiting while Jorgon is doing his summer workout routine.

Jorgon: Hmm true but nothing to over the top.

Donna: Well for me I have to go into Beauty ascendant which is just like being in a tanning room which you have to be under Heaven's light for 24 hours.

Satven: Me well back it a summer roadtrip with me and my uncle.

Donna: Needless to say his folks I always working and not from straight up neglect.

Satven: it's told that there are times that there's no one to count on but yourself and Timmy will have to learn that someday before it's too late.

Jorgon: I get what you mean but back then the odds of Timmy learning that there are those you had guided in your sophomore year which results in that what looks like something out of a sitcom.

???: well at the time the foundation that funded the school programs were thinking to tear it down to add a new Branch to the high class property which was prevented even if I was in that school back then.

Donna: even so atreus Goldwing you still got the highest position.

Atreus Goldwing: Ture but let's not get ahead of our story in fact it all started on the first third week of that year.

Donna: that's when you high low preps begin to invade Shaw lake high.

Sophomore year

In the third week of the new school year at Shaw lake high is being in vaded by students of Highlow Prep High School and even Wanda feel like Judgment Day is coming at the end of the school year.

Wanda:Well it does seem like it at the time.

Jorgon:The school was picked their full year chest match and whoever side wins decide the Fate of the school.

Wanda: it was a very intense year and those both tending and worked all their gray pawns.

Atreus: Sad but true if the lows won they would of turn it down and if we've won we would give a little more money to that school to reopen or add new school programs and whoever side lost will exile anyone to that school or if it's of One's Own will.

Satven: Yeah some of the lows are very deviant wall the highs will send decoys to take the fall.

Donna:And with both of us being 16 at the time the Highlows we are scavengers.

Satven: and one of the lows knew that your of a skin.

"Ok class," says Wanda after Roll call "As you may already heard some Highlow Prep students will make some visits throughout the year." 

Most of the human students in the classroom are I'm curious on why while Donna and Satven and their friends seem to have a feeling that they chest pieces to those Highlowers.

Jorgon: As you may already other than fairies no humans are to know about magic as a whole.

Donna: well well the first time I took of the year it was one of their devils and made let say a big disaster.

Three days later Donna who partner with one of the lowers is first to enter the guidance chamber room and City model that won't be easily tampered with in has a screen at displayed who they will be guiding.

"So your the little cretin that will keep getting on my fine shoes." Says who seem to be the Highlow devil when Donna turn around and introduce herself "You must be one of the Highlow students so I'm Donna-

" Lilith Blackheart and your public garbage." Donna was very turn off via Lilith Backhearts introduction and then says to her "Even if your of high class that doesn't gave you the right-"

" enough small talk garbage we got work to do." Say Lilith as she enters her guide chamber while Donna enters the other.

Donna: Lilith back then was the worcest knob I have ever met and then who we be guiding that day came back and bit me in the ass.

Satven: I know the teacher getting caught on fire was bad but that's nothing compared to what happens next.

When the guidance chamber came on Donna found herself on a left shoulder of Mabel Covey while Lilith is on the right. "Ok garbage," says Lilith " the assignment is simple find the one that made Mabel look like a full last year so she can hurt forgive or if she can find the one that did show frame someone else." Then great Terror came to Donna's face since she's the one that made Mabel the butt of the joke.

"Now where to start?" Ask Lilith as she whispered the idea into Mabel's ear then it's Donna's turn and she whispered into the other ear by saying " Mabel please think rationally whoever did it wants to teach you a lesson....and she very sorr-y!"

Then Donna feel that Lilith is groping her left arm and lashed out at her.

"Your skin maybe but you seem to have a rough and scaly under skin," Says Lilith who seems to have Donna's Dragon rune necklace then Donna noticed that it's not around her neck when she felt it "I know that their been mix breeds of devils but never angels" but when she'd continue her monologue Donna started to breathe smoke as her anxiety grows then jumped at Lilith and then they both fell out of the guy in chamber rolling all around in a cat fight till Satven came in during the commotion says to them "Donna and whoever Mabel ran into the streets."

"What?!" Both Donna and Lilith and then they heard Mabel's scream from the chamber screen and some cars crashed.

Donna: And when the Tire rolling to the school you know you screwed up big time.

Atreus: Still off on the Dragon hatched thing.

Satven: Yeah and Mabel got some Tire streets on her clothes when she came in and no one had heard from her since she left the next day.

Donna: since I was a kid I always wanted to be the guardian angel the world has ever seen even if it does sound like propaganda and you may see this as a setback.

???:If you call sending a know-it-all into traffic I set back that sounds funny then sad.

Donna: rrr Izzzy.

Atreus: come on she and her pure blood half sister Darcy Onyx wing are invited too.

Darcy: Indeed and also am your husband like a trail is to you Donna.

Izzy: And we are in different classes back then.

Satven:But me and Donna we're not meant to know about you or your husband back then.

Atreus: and if any unscheduled played it's been made on either side light that day's chemistry exam the one that caused it has to be held accountable.

A few week later it Satven turn in the guidance chamber and when he got into the room one of the highs of high low prep was waiting for him.

"So your the devil am going to be with." Say the Highlow prep the then Satven ask "And you are?"

" atreus Goldwing at your service." Answer atreus.

Satven: At first I thought your doing a act as your family's aire and all that back then.

Atreus: call it what you may but back then any person of my word but back to our story.

Once Satven and Atreus enter the guidance chamber they find themselves in the chemistry lab on the shoulder of who seems to be the person they are assigned to.

"Hmm," says atreus after seeing the situation " it seems I have to make this person pass this chemistry exam while you try to undermine what he learns for his test."

Satven: you had the upper hand if not for that joker.

Izzy:Oh that the best part.

Atreus petrius's advantage in the test did help with his assigned one but it feels rigged to Satven from the start with some additional backup plan to around the classroom with some of the Halos on them and he's the one that sees them.

Jorgon: that felt rigged and even if Timmy had broke a few rules here in there while making wishes that end up resulting in updating it every few days but this is a loaded deck.

Atreus: We highs can't take any chances as do all those and it's all move at the time.

Jorgon:Well what happened next is what you deserved.

When it time to mix the chemicals one normally tries to sabotage the work but a few of atreus's men prevented it but unknowing to him a mischievous devil who seems to very different from the other seem to be using an invisibility amulets of some kind and made some additional to the mix and even if I try to have a solution to counter it he was thrown off guard by that Devil's horn they are Bend backwards and Satven who also notice the horn and said "Is that devil imp blood also is that mix supposed to do that."

Before atreus Act it was to late the chemical reaction destroy the lab and a great explosion and the whole town heard of it and Satven with Atreus came out of the chamber like something blow up in their face "You Highlowers don't normally let in mix breeds do you?" Asked Satven with a blank expression.

"Nope." Replied atreus then who seems to be one of the girls on the high side of Hilo prep which happened to be a human when she came in and sees something just blew up in their faces and asked "Are you ok Atreus?"

"Only my Pride Norma." Reply the treas and leaned on Norma shoulder as they leave the guidance chamber room while Donna came in and have Satan lay on her then they leave as well.

Atreus: Let me explain Norma Cordadel Cuore was my dad's god child you may say ever her mom Lisa was killed his dad Ronald used to work for the Angelo Crime Mafia run by my grandmother Stella Gold wing.

Ovalsan: WAIT WAIT your part of a crime family?

Atreus: me and my folks left the business but still have connections with her and her accomplices.

Izzy:And my pure blood idiot of a uncle had been trying to lock them away for years as the current D.A.


Donna:I found out about it when I started working for him.

Satven: Same with Darcy.

Atreus: indeed but let's get back to the story where I can front someone who wasn't nor never honest with their relatives.

Later that night in the Highlow guest house on the lower Side atreus Goldwing approach Onyx Wings guest room door and then pound at it and Shouted in fury "Darcy! did you let a mix breed into your?"

Then Darcy peaked her head out cringingly "Did you?!" Shouted Atreus at her face when Norma with a pizza peace offering.

"Well it no different then letting humans like her and...," says Darcy in annoyance and then realize the pizza is for "Izzy your pizza here rrrr." But when she fully open the door Izzy was topless when she came to the door Atreus cover his eyes Norma who as embarrassed as Darcy.

"Oh sis thank you I would love you join me for a few slices." Offered Izzy to Norma "Sis?" Ask Atreus in confusion.

"Step sister." Answered Norma as she enters the room leaving atres all confused and turned off by what he had seen and heard.

Jorgon:Must a been off putting when you found out Atreus.

Izzy: Well it that me and norma are step sister when are folks  meet in middle school and the rest is history.

Atreus: well any human can get in if they are of Angel blood or have any connections on either side or just earn their place our needs to say Pawns.

???: As for the rest of that year the whole thing ended in a draw Chard Lake got its backing to stay open long enough for us to see it again for our school reunion.

Izzy: to bad I was your plus one back then Carlo and think for the cupcakes.

Carlo: we got the invite on route to one of our assignments back then well Donna Satven are posted their a few week back but let get ahead of our self.

Satven: True but you Darcy Atreus and Norma of your own will came to Chard lake while Izzy was exile to a completely different School since she was the cause of a draw that made Hilo lose the game that year.

Izzy: Hey I have no regrets that you.

Darcy:Nor now.

Donna: Well the junior year was conventional unless you can sit on my dragon skin molting conventional.

Satven:Back Then we we're trying out for the football team and cheerleading team for you.

Donna: it was also the year we had our first kiss which made me melt the rest of my dragon skin when I was shopping to the sky when you kiss me on the cheek and when I landed my remaining dragon skin was off me and I kissed you on the lip in return when Morasan ask what happens if a devil get kissed.

Satven: Well my tail went up like a flagpole and that was it.

Darcy: Our senior year is where are we have to part ways.

Donna: But that where our High school get good.

Satven:And it all started when someone drive in on the first day of the new school year.

Senior year

Morning comes to Chard lake high better then before current team Football Captain Atreus Goldwing drove into the student parking lot near the school bus stop when the local Transit may it stop and it lets off those with Norma Corda del cuore as one that came out of the bus looking her best.

"So how was your paring of th-I mean Izzy with you and her going to separate universities after this final year." Asked Atreus as he meet with Norma before heading into the school.

"Izzy not a bad kid just born on the bad side of the tracks." Says Norma who still protect your sister even if she's not here.

"Why do you keep defending that thing I mean Izzy with if he the lesser evil then....her..." but as Atreus was about to finish his sentence a Pitch Black Limousine enters the driveway and when it stopped on the website of the school who came out on the right side of limousine is no other than head cheerleader Darcy Onyxwing.

" speak of the devil." Says Atreus seeing Darcy in her new pure black back to school look then she sees atreus look like in a pure white overload of a look.

"So Atreus how was your family Council meeting?" Asked Darcy while slowly approaching him while he gets in front of Norma to protect her then he asked " the meeting was fair and decent and yours?"

"I would but I don't want to be late and speak of the Devil." Replied Darcy as she and the rest see a classic ride came in and parked next to Atreus and who came out of the driver side of the car is no other then Satven Brim.

"Hm like to start the year in Style Satven?" Asked Darcy in an annoyed town.

"I would answer that but I have other things to attend to so without further delay."  replied Satven then open the passenger side and out came Donna Highwing who even better looking then Darcy just to burn her and without delay went in for their first class of the year.

Donna: And indeed I did back then.

Darcy: Oh you maybe the Snow White senior year but I was the head shoulder of my squad and your a small flake of dust in my group.

Donna: And your the evil queen of that year as well.

Jorgon: and you four we're in different homeroom's back then.

Wanda: Donna was in mines back then as the other three well let say those of Donna's Nest family is keeping eye on Darcy and Satven back then.

Jorgon:Let say other their been other seniors that been from questionable parts of town.

When Satven enter his homeroom that will be in for his senior year with Atreus and his sidekick Hermie Sprintwing.

"Guest they don't want you to be Norma's shoulder for every waking moments hey Atreus." Says Satven as he sure next to him.

"Unfortunately yes Satven oh and this is Hermie by the way." Answer Atreus while introducing Satven to Hermie.

When the homeroom luxurious going on while it's being run by Donna's dragon dad with his lecture action and reaction Satven while keeping one ear open no say devil that seems to have horns that are touching each other even if the other humans don't seems to notice that for that matter.

Wall in Donna's class she's being bored out of my mind because of Wanda's let's say teaching relapse Norma however is doing fine with her own homeroom classes even if she knows that there are other magical creatures are among the school.

Wanda: needless to say Atreus is over protective of Norma's since they started High School I know he's been a good brother and all but can let's say put the gloves on and really Frisk people even through their organs.

Atreus: okay old habits die hard and I still have my personal Prejudice on the one Satven be friended and Hermie seem to and I seized the opportunity.

Satven: And Played an important role in me and Donna's life but that's in the latest chapter but for now let me tell you about that person of interest.

During lunch after Satven picked out what he planning on eating spot the girl of interest he had in mind and sit next to her lift.

"So been seeing you in homeroom of lately and just want to get to know you better." Say Satven when he next to the homeroom girl of interest,"well first off the name Valan Valan Rosefirm." Replied Valan who doesn't seem to like to open up to other people and Satven seem to see that but something being wrapped around his right leg like wants him to sit next to her for lunch.

Satven: From what I first know about her is that Valan Rosefirm is one of those girls that been trying so hard to get ahead in life with folks running let's say the family Club.

Atreus:  yeah and after hearing a few weeks later from Satven I decide with him in hurry to find out more about her and I have to pull in the few strings we found out like Izzy live on the bad side of the tracks but I didn't think of what kind of tracks.

A few weeks later after school Atreus after pulling a few strings he with Satven and Hermes found out where Valan lives which happened to on it closing hours let's say the adult pleasure District where there are neon lights around most buildings when they got out Satven's car and without delay  he turn on security system to his ride.

Satven: Hey you we're going into the Lion's Den back then Atreus.

Atreus: I did realize that when we came in is why I brought you along other than to talk to Valan but what kind of lion's Den is what never took into Consideration at the time.

Satven: Even if we did got out of their it who came to meet Valan got the worst of it.

Once Atreus and his companions got to where Valan live and it turns out to be a Shady apartment complex "Well this must be the place." Says Atreus when they that the complex that have let's say have a dark alley warning signs and when Satven look down that ally and seem to see Valan coming out of the alleyway exit and seem to go into the building next with which seems to be the club her family owns and when he sees the sign for what's called he gets the others attention then Hermes and Atreus eyes widen when they say that the sign reads the osmosis cesspool.

"IT A STRIP CLUB!" Shouted Atreus,"That would explain the rumors but even if we do fit in the clubs guidelines there's no way we will go in there." Says Hermes after reading the club's guidelines on the front door entry then Valan came out in her true form in anger.

"May I help you with couple of high-preps dodos?!" Asked Valan who is actually a succubus.

"Valan,"Say Satven as he try to not have Valan rip up the Elks that wandered into her Den "they just want to clarify the rumors bought you that's been going on around the school so don't claw and viscerate the two bird brains that dragged me here." Atreus and Hermes who are trembling while trying to hold on to bladder control when they see the close Valan is wearing with nothing underneath it.

"Well the place is clothes for a private meeting and I just started work here 3 months after I came of age." Explain Valan then Satven and the others see who seem to be those that came to meet her folks.

"Um hope the meeting will go well and not be some scam." Says Satven as  he and the other two angels that are bit off more than they can chew as they got to Satven car they see Cosmo and Wanda coming out of their own car and into the Sinner Den.

"May their be Mercy on both your souls." Says Hermes and without delay they bolted out of there before the creatures of the neonite came out for the evening of simple Brewing.

Wanda: Well the rumors around Valan like her being a drug addict a pickpocketer and worst of all a child pornographer and that's why we went there too propose that she be put into foster care so she won't end up like her folks but turn on to be a trap of lust than temptation.

Jorgon: Valan's mom and lead poll dancer Vixen is a real Sinner and a pick pocketer and a father Ozzy he's a real pervert I don't want to know where I found them and what they've been doing and what bit Wanda.

Atreus: yeah the rumors went through school like wildfire and what they've been about I can't say at this point.

Donna: well you were among the pawn of someone who wants a greater then winning it.

Wanda: And it more of violent intent than just a joke.

Darcy: We we're all kids at the time.

Donna: was that really childish or just pure evil?

Wanda:Donna I know what Darcy had almost masterminded could of been a Fiasco gave that human clime the catwalk and would of brake her neack.

Donna: A brake really Wanda! And I don't mean jump ahead but when I live in Dimsdale everyone are easy to fleece and Lead like sheeps to the slaughter and that one file girl that case was about to the closest and no one is bright enough to do something about it!

Jorgon: Hey I get that you with Millions of higher beans like you had seen most power I've taken the advantage of the dimist by using fear and any other means to gave their way while giving those that can get in their way a heard time.

Ovalsan:Yeah the Dark Ferris had Hoodwinked Dimmesdale hooked line and sinkered and almost got away with it if killala and her friends have not intervened with some help from yours truly.

Darcy:You never had forget that did you.

Donna: Who here not forgot that senior prom because that where it gets good but it all started 3 weeks earlier.

The senior is in 3 weeks and everyone is asking who would be going to the senior prom and everyone is asking who be going to with who and Atreus who in Pure White finest with a bouquet of flowers with Hermes as his wingman.

"So you have everything all planned out Atreus." Says Hermes while walking with Atreus "Well Hermes," answered Atreus " Where Norma is going after graduation I have to give her the best I can give her and speaking of how was your assignment?"

"Oh I gave Carlo the competency needs to ask the girl out who's going to do at where we are heading to." Replied Hermes as they head to the cafeteria.

"Hope he'll handle whatever the verdict it will be invite to look over the top but I know Norm-" but when they to the cafeteria they see Carlo asking Norma out and she said yes.

"Ooo so that who he want to ask out." Says Hermie as he see the result of his motivation.

Jorgon just came in and see the whole thing and thinks it's like one of the rules of the fairies.

Jorgon: well it seems like at the time but it didn't seem to be like it when I looked it up a couple of days after when I started to feel a cold chill and what seems to be missed of shadow like something very bad is going to happen.

Satven: oh they are a real warning signs that means a great disturbance will harm the balance but Atreus gave the flowers to me and thought they would be nice for Donna.

Donna: they are indeed nice back then but Atreus gave them to you thinking we are going together.

Satven: and his broken hearts almost made another carry incident it's not just me that persuade him from doing something irreversible.

Donna:And that where the story come to it climax.

The Chard lake high school senior prom is in full swing Norma is having a decent time with her date Carlo Lieoff who they are not the kind of slow dances even if she knows that Atreus is on tonight as Carlo poured a cup of punch for her.

"So what kinda work does your brother do?" Asked Carlo when he gave Norma the punch.

"Atreus," says Norma "Well...he work in counseling with his family."

"I see and also do you feel a bit of a chill in here? Ask Carlo.

Norma felt it to while across from them Donna is feeling it to and when her own date Joey Kimbel came back to gave something for her as a gift and when she opens it turn out to be a furries night robe.

"Oh thanks." Says Donna as she put it on felt better with it on.

"Just a little something since it seem to be more colder then expe-" but when Joey is about to finish that sentence he sees the wings and Halo on Donna till she and simply Norma with Carlo sees them too and no one else sees them apart from Jordan Cosmo and Wanda that is.

"Hmm guest it a full moon tonight." Says Donna then Joey says "I have so many questions right now like this new one what with that black mist and why is it leaning up to the auditorium stage?"

Donna Norma the fairies and even their date seen the missed me up to the auditorium as the other senior prom goers are gathering see who's going to be crowned prom king and queen when Donna got close enough even with Joey he sees someone the catwalk that can be the cause and thinks Satven  is the one that trying to have a misguided the soul into pouring some random liquid on to the winner while they think Atreus is trying to stop him.

"I know your new it this but come with me fast!" Should Donna as she grabbed Joey and bolted to the guidance room with Norma and her date as well well cousin Wanda do what they can to stall the crowning of Hermin and Valan while Jorgon follow them.

Cosmo: I did all I to pervert the worse to happen like having them Lee the longest conga line and other silly things.

Wanda: well I did tell him to do what he can back then.

Donna: when we got there that is where things get good.

Once Donna and Joey got to the guidance chamber room she sees on the chamber screen that's saving is trying to prevent it then Joey sees it too and says "Now this is way gray."

"Now I know who to intervene." Says Donna and without hesitation she went into Atreus's chamber.

"Come on Becky just-" but when Atreus is about to finish what he's ordering Cosmo went on stage and tell the audience to make a conga line with a prom king and queen and it's very silly as it looks.

"Not the brake I have in mind." Says Satven who is at odd with it but kinda relieved.

"Well as soon as they stop Congaing Becky-" but When Atreus is about finish what he's about to say someone shouted "DON'T YOU DARE!"

"Donna," says Atreus when he turn around behind him "You know the rules their be one in each chamber."

"Well I don't care if you are forcing someone to do something wrong while my boyfriend is trying to do something right." After saying that Donna's face turn red and theme came out for ears and Atreus is turned off from it.

"You," say Atreus in a appalling tone "In love with a devil that unheard of!"

Then Norma came into the chamber and then says to him in unapproved tone "Devil or not she right and I will not forgive you if you do this!"

"Sane here and the law States if the angel choice is put into question a vote of two or more have to be proceeded or halted and all three of us says no." Says Wanda who got caught up into chamber in the commotion while Cosmo is making the longest conga line he can make.

"I have to agree with them even if I did get caught up in all of his High School drama also this things are very small." Says Jorgon  who now realizing he's in the thing.

"Ah I know I just got mixed up in all this but my date right." says Joey when he open the chamber then Carlo peaks in and says "Also the main device is starting to catch on fire so we're going to Duck and Cover."

Once the guidance chamber room main device started to spike Joey and Carlos ran out of there then the thing exploded this causing both Chambers to fall in the opposite side.

"We started high school by pulling up a guidance chamber now we did it again for a prom." Say Satven as he got out of his chamber with a I know I look on his face while the rest dying with Donna while she is put off about this outcome.

Satven: Well just to cut to the of this chapter I did help Donna up all the others help out.

Wanda: Me and Jorgon are Appel to get out of it by ourselves.

Jorgon: closing it on Atreus was a accident.


Donna: once we got back to the auditorium Cosmo was Congaing  by himself.

"Cosmo," ask Wanda when they got back the Auditorium "Where are the others prom goers?"

"They simply left home oh and Hermie and Valan are by the punch blow." Answered Cosmo.

Then Donna and Satven meet with Hermie and Valan to see if they are ok.

"So how are you two doing?" Asked  Donna to Hermie and Valan.

"Oh good but worn out from Cosmo's Congaing." Hermie replied then Valan say to Donna and Satven "Yeah we couldn't do the Last Dance of the evening let alone be able to walk around."

Then Valan's watch ring and it not long tell Donna and Satven realized they have to do the final dance and in their moments they can feel a strong one from each other that had her sin higher but when Satven feel the air I need some and when he looked up he shouted " Ceiling ceiling ceiling!" Luckily Donna stopped in time and see that they almost hit it and way off the ground so she slowly descends back down.

"Ok now am doing the driving back home." Says Satven when they are back on the ground.

"Ok," says Donna "but only yo-" but Satven kiis her anyway.

Satven: And that is where we end our chapter.

Donna: I have the graduation the council was invite those to join the universe that we going to the following year.

Darcy: Me Atreus are to enroll but those they brought along and befriended that's for next time at the Grand Guild Hall next week.

Ovalsan: Sound like a plan.

Jorgon: Well what I can say for now is that this is where I get mix up in their happily ever after.

Satven: it's our parents I don't want us to tie the knot and that's all I can say for now.

Ovalsan: Well until then later.

Then Ovalsan leave and check out the rest of the Downtown Plaza before I turn in for the day.

Jorgon: Yale University years had really tested the ferry council's ethics and a tolerance for lawyers.

Donna:But it was the beat year in our life.

Satven: But no one ever thought we were the only ones going down the altar.

Donna: Oh the new additions of our family had played the big part in making a day happen.

Satven: And because our In-laws.

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