present prologue

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Ever since Dimsdale went up in smoke I Jorgon Von Strangle had been assigned to the Town of Mytwoods as the Sheriff it's not too bad you could say I did too good of a job due to my intimidating size if I do look good in the sheriff's outfits.

The local folks I will behave people even they are dwarves Pixies which are Under New Management but some habits die hard as they always say but the elves man they run a tight office and libraries even if there is some wiggle room for visitors hope they won't get tightly tense if the one that's coming over for his own assignment and he better not do something funny because I'll take a eye on him because of his crazy antic when he's putting the deck throws the hand and the whole game out of balance.

Let say he a oh say........................a timebomb.

Ovalsan tutorial log

Ovalsan here here before we go into Satven and Donna's life story here how it going to work with five acts.

Elementary guidance is their first days about going at the Elementary School they are appointed to.

High guidance is where they are and say High School using the official guidance Chambers.

The Guiding altar is their time of University lean up was meant to be where they are to go there Separate Ways but instead go under the altar instead.

Migration to maternity is where things get a little steamy and laboring painful for Donna even if was ment to be the only way to stay where they feel like they belong.

Gray matter guidance is where their kid tries her hand at her parents work but in the doing the same mistakes as they did and lean up to the reason why I'm here.

Landmarks brakes is a something between the arcs where I explain a bit about the places in Myswood let say for now I may stay comeback here next time.

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