side chapter 8: Old but Hot wheels

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Ovalsan's log: After that session that had a Hot Wheel car drove in the end I went to a Hot Wheel themed Diner the hot Route 66 like The Nostalgia place but it's pictures on the wall seem to have more importance for this place even with who sat down with me.

Ovalsan: So how are thing, Gray wheel?

Adam Gray wheel: well have a fun day of a hearing all set up at the main building so we can wrap up both stories in one day.

Ovalsan:Well am now relieved to finally say your actual last name and the result of Emma and the others finding out man how they didn't see that coming?

A.GW:Ovalsan, please understand not everyone knows what you know nor want to know anyway I know it frustrates those like you but you can't just lash out on those for not knowing or just flaky and even naive.

Ovalsan:And look what got them when they found out with what came next.

A.GW: all because he live in the drama that doesn't mean they deserve to be the butt of almost every joke that had happened to them.

Ovalsan:You of all people would of know they have slow pacing, if they have better pacing they would have known better no matter how statistic the solutions was at the time.

A.GW: no matter how many times you try to explain it it's just they won't believe her at all.

Ovalsan: and well it keeps biting them back but I would give away too much, now ask for the Hot Wheel thing?

A.GW: well as you may already guess by now having Briar taking up the duty of protecting the secret of the castle grayscope is the only way to break the sleeping spell and that would be the last time her friends would see her even if you can set up visits but the way to and back from attorney is never the same way twice till the actual King Adam recalls the party to be part of, the Hot wheels party and despite my and her actual mothers reluctancy we fairly sanctioned to have both Briar Grayskull Beauty and Ashton Ella so she can be on it to take the Hot Wheel exam.

Ovalsan: sounds very of a dramatic to give that kind of a name to a driving test.

A.GW: does sound like to both of them at the time but the tracks are not to be taken lightly nor what they will be driving in took a month of preparation with a few time trial practices but they both pass with decent results prior just need her dad to be out of her ear.

Ovalsan: it's always hard to let your kid Take the Wheel out of young age.

A.GW: true while trying different types of clothes are in Breyers and Ashland's case pants.

Ovalsan:LOL they don't know how to wear pants?!

A.GW: I know sounds silly but it's kind of a dress code thing at Hot Wheel High it's just that they need new threads to go if they're new rides at the time.

Ovalsan: yeah other than a few I know almost all the girls at Ever After High only wear dresses.

A.GW: even if we do know what they are it's the unfitting from what I've heard was very awkward they never seen their own legs go that far up before.

Ovalsan: self-conscious needless to say.

A.GW: more or less and you're probably wondering what's Hot Wheels High about now.

Ovalsan: other than a racing school.

A.GW: back when I first attend yes but nowadays it's more than learning how to drive cars it's a STEAM School in a nutshell and made some unusual stuff like say MECH tracksuits, hey imagination is what the Hot Wheel Dimensions is known for.


A.GW: well just to wrap up the Hot Wheel cars can go to any dimension once it has certain speed limit and you may know what that wants to achieve it the speed will increase and or decrease depending on the speed limit of where you're heading.

Ovalsan: well a Hot Wheel theme fashion dollar line would turn off a lot of the Hot Wheel fans, little to work with outside of cars that is.

A.GW: and boy schools are the only School archetypes I can work even if they are more short-lived than others.

Ovalsan: what about the other school archetypes?

A.GW: with all honesty any we could try be watered down at best with military schools and juvie Halls.

Ovalsan: with video game and demonic archetypes each.

A.GW: demonic Juvia Hall I can get but a military game School?

Ovalsan: with most being first person shooters nowadays it doesn't take much to think about it.

A.GW: can understand that but the demon one would be too controversial.

Ovalsan: And would attract an unnecessary older audience.

A.GW: girls like you that are frustrated with those that relapse on refusing those are different from them, they are only Human After All.

Ovalsan: well try telling those like them without near fataline reminding them that is.

A.GW: why would those like you end up resorting to death penalties even if it is the last resort?

Ovalsan: some are more Hamilton humans to be reason with even with villains nowadays, so see you next week.

A.GW: same with you and you can sometimes be right for those you know but not everyone can go beyond those lines.

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