Story in a story chapter 11: Once upon a time: Endgame part one.

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Senator Twilight:Rrr this is where we got the biggest headache from Ovalsan.

Ovalsan: I can't help it if Henry never played video games other than the one M class and Emma and most of Storybrook ended up with blank faces.

General Mario: even I know it was annoying that Emma did not know me at the time but we have more important than that is at the time starting with the following.

Play data log

Nintenguard report: A Toadcon **** had been called at the Storybrook outpost for back-up all available personnel must respond.

General Mario: this is General Mario I'll handle this personally with a decent Army size with some officials to take command if needed because I'll be going through a lot of aspirins seamlessly.


Location:The Nintenguard Storybrook outpost.

Ovalsan's log: there is a development going on at Ever After High which it grows into the size of, Castlevania! Already a call to the main HQ for backup and will be there within the hour.

Emily Grooming:Is this a bit to far Ovalsan, this is only Apple.

Ovalsan: Emily a word, who is the outpost commander?

Emily: I'll meet you in the buffing room so you can save your wrath for someone else.

Ovalsan:Good, oh that must be him.

Then seems to be a big green pipe froze up from the ground of the outpostainer Bay and then eight Mii drones came out of the pipe as a red carpet rolls out.

Briar: this is going to be a long day.

Ovalsan: I know you're time of a heritage is yet to be named all of the date but that's how it is with that nut bot.

Mii drone: presenting The General if the Nintenguard.

Then out of the pipe come the General of the Nintenguard Super Mario with Princess Peach and Commander Fox McCloud behind him while The Mii gave the jump man salute as a pass by.

Ovalsan: General Commander your... Majesty.

Then while trying not to make a they all head to the briefing room and even Emma and even He-Henry still have no clue who they are.

Mission buffing

Ovalsan: well as this played on the screen Ever After High grow to the size of Castlevania with what seems to be three pocket Dimensions one being a E-class and two other being M-class but getting through the doors will be like going to a Warriors field and I don't think most of us here are willing to go through all that but there's also air defenses so an airdrop for now is unlikely but there is a sub entry from the city sewers it's poorly guarded seamlessly, once I with someone volunteers who have their own agenda to get through we will part into two groups with me and "He-Man" take the path that has a pocket dimensions while the other one led by Briar will take the other path have what they need to get them all back home but each room has their own defenses but it and the air defenses are powered by the pocket dimensions so it seems that in theory wants me and "He-Man" cleared each of them it will weaken both defenses and down once all three are cleared.

General Mario: okay I'm Still rocking about Frod joining Briar group even if he still have a... pork with Skeletor.

Emma: Ah still confused on what you're talking about.

Ovalsan:Ms. Swan haven't the thing clicked in your head yet?

Ovalsan's VO: well once it did Emma's head she saw the runaround on the floor which means we're on our own from that point on and without delay we begin.

Mission start

Ovalsan's Nintenguard mission log: the sewer entry is indeed poorly guarded when we got into the castle once we founded the map display stand we each split up to where each of us has to where me and with "He-Man" enter the first pocket dimension then I turn on, The Oval!

Level one

He-Henry:This look like a clean place.

Ovaleyes: reminds me of the Green Hills Zone.

He-Henry:Is that a-

Then Ovaleyes bolted right ahead leaving He-Henry behind so that he makes a terrible He-Man in the dust.

Nintenguard database: Ovaleyes's speed factor.

When Ovaleyes start running at his fastest thrusters will come on increasing his speed and when launched lift off are they far distance and a certain amount of time.

Level one clear.

Level two

Ovaleyes's Nintenguard log: the second pocket dimension is that of, Doom and "He-Man" could've Kelly Fly With That Power sword well I rip, and tear till the job is done.

Nintenguard database: Ovaleyes weaponry skills.

Ovaleyes's firearm skills are with deadly and effective results but will pull the trigger if necessary but with other weapons like blades are notable with weapons built in his armor both blade and firearm and lasers in case of non-lethal obtainment.

He-Henry: I have never seen such Carnage in my life.

Ovaleyes: hey this is an M-class those like you should have known that by now.

He-Henry: I'm not going to say it.

Ovaleyes:Ah, oh well last one ahead.

Level two clear.

Level three

Ovaleyes:Hmm look like a fighting ground.

He-Henry:Why dose it have to come to this?

Skeletor: That how thing are for those like him in the conflict eternal He-Man.

Ovaleyes: yeah even when one gets resolved another one begins and that's how it is in the game dimension and this is a MK.


Ovaleyes: Mortal Kombat, honestly are you really that slow of a thinker?

Skeletor: even I don't know about their worlds but that curse its door book of Legends States it will only answer questions of three by Kombat and I have the one to even the playing field.

Then the snap of his fingers comes what seems to be another He-Man.

Skeletor: do you remember Faker He-Man?

Ovaleyes: who doesn't forget that thing with a knock-off which is why I'll be facing it.

He-Henry: guess that leaves me and Skeletor like always.

Battle highlights.

Ovaleyes made short work of Vega like he is ripping through tin foil but He-Henry won't let him do the same to Skeletor, so he challenge him to Mortal Kombat to decide his Fates but Ovaleyes knows they be two evenly matched halfway through the ballot so they revert back to their original form but Henry and the obtained a negative feedback.

Ovalsan: now that the cans of that now where was I, oh Yeah.

Then Ovalsan turn back into Ovaleyes and then fire a beam blast at Skeletor turning him to dust.

Ovaleyes wins



Ovalsan: once prior groups got in to see what's left of Skeletor The Storybook of Legends opens up to answer our questions with two being on the following of your history.

Senator Joe: Indeed, and it would have been the end of us all if it's not for the heroes in the half shell.

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