Story in a story Chapter 7: Wings and Horns complexion

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Ovalsan:Back at The D20 for chapter of the story a chapter let's say had me result to crazy things to prevent Storybrook from turning into a puppet on a strange show.


LilyBel: You don't seem to look happy today Oavlsan.

Ovalsan: Well after the horror curse thing it had lingering effects that's gave Emma swan a very bad nightmare about me and and at our worst as Angel and demons and Twilight Sparkle was in the crossfire and been horribly insulted by Ang and man she was a real foul mouth.

Senator Twilight: I was going through the city's dream Realm when that happened and your sister gave me a very nasty scar in The Struggle to end it.

Ang:And it all started after me and Ovalsan had the sack dropped on us in Ben into Regina's office once they've been lifted.

Chapter start

Regina: So do either of you know why you are here, all tied up?

Ang: don't know but you will tell us anyway but I may have an idea on why Ovalsan-

Then Ang see Ovalsan in a wheeled lift with a straight jacket and mask like a diseased Madman all Pastor Gary went into the room.

Gary: what is the meaning of this mayor, Ovalsan and Ang doesn't deserved to be treated like this always Emma's nightmare about them.

Emily: Emma's as I was fighting them gave me this, nasty scar!

Regina: Hey am not fond of kind of up like this as you are but let's get down to the reason why we are all here.

Gary: you must reference at school that beam of Lights that brought what seems to be a school here last night.

Regina:Indeed, like it or not.

Gary: well didn't know if sending these ghouls they will help them Act a lot better with their kind.

Emily: do you want something like this happen to you?

Gary: I know the whistle will only irritate them but, this could lead to a more crazier outcome.

Regina: this is the neutral territory so, this is our choice and it final anyway.

Gary:Si be it if it is of your "Accord" but I have to warn yo-

Regina:Your dismissed Pastor!

Feeling disrespected Pastor Gary make his leave while he seem to since someone or one's over Regina's shoulders Whispering into her ears.

Moments later Ovalsan and Ang made it to the school in question ut is simply called Golden School and they seem to see that they are angels and Devils among those that can't seem to see them as each head to their appointed rooms.

Ovalsan enter the room to get his orientation on why they do here by the Devils of the school.

Ovalsan:Hey I didn't being the unconventional nonsense to this town.

Temptel: did or did not doesn't matter, you and your sister will take turns with what we call Earthly ones.

Ovalsan: excuse me what?

Temptel:If a devil and angel fight it will confuse the Earth they want so you and your rival Angel have to take turns, the challenge Chambers will decide on who will make the first move depending on the winner.

Ovalsan: okay let's get this over with.

Temple: two hallways down on your left.

Ovalsan:You better not be lying to me about that.

Ovalsan's narrating: well just to speed it up I was partnered with Ang and the idea of a challenge is not my thing so I tried something a little different with an audience just make it interesting and when we tried these assignment their way is just doesn't feel like us in our first assignment let's say Ang snapped her fingers and all pants are off, and in the end I feel like I made a mistake of having the Earthly one suspend Apple for a week and to make it even more crazy Raf and Sulfus try to have her pull out a gun at the two that scrambled the words on the Ever After High Ground sign to read, come see Apple's hurry armpits and you may now know who am talking about, I have act fast by going Oval and when they're all at the nearly open Granny's Raf and Sulfus we're over Apple's head as she about to pull out the gun I quickly use my own powers to stop them by grabbing them and pulling them down to the floor...hard, and even if Apple was frozen in mid-action I pull the gun out of her hand and destroyed it.

Sulfu:Hey what was th-

The Ovaleyes put feet down hard on both of them.

Raf:We are only doing our assignme-

Ovaleyes: you too try to have apple commit cold-blooded murder over a simple joke and your teachers are willing to let her be thrown under the bus if something goes wrong!


Ovalsan: and even if I did took it to the teacher it didn't stop them meddling even if it was on there on earthy ones they tried to make those like Henry to do things that make him look like he has no common sense.

Ang: and the worst thing that we have done to get them out of there is to threaten their portrait room and burn those that made the instinct to make sure they never do this again.

Ovalsan: And that all for today.

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