Story in a Story chapter two: Slow town fast strangers.

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Ovalsan: So from where we lift off I have the VHS tape that me and the others found be putting my quantum storage device while Raven and her friends has a list we didn't let the Storybrookers in on this because they would slow us down but they are not without you.

Twilight Sparkles: As Roadblocks for Apple White even if Rodlek was getting wise to us.

O:Well their slow Paces what almost keeps leading to their downfall but miss the gold AKA on both still skins gets wide sword and he didn't just know what kind of wind it is until it's too late.

After obtaining the ingredient list or even their friends at school look all the list at the Blockbuster Cafe and try to figure out where I'd look for the first ingredient.

"Only if Ginger bread house is here." Says Raven at one of the table with Maddie while Clarice is trying to find a movie for them to watch in a way she hardly understands.

"Well it hard to make out then them being ingredients can I still can't see me hear the narrator." Said Maddie "The only question is where to find them?" Says Clarice.

Then Ovalsan came in with the map of the town to see if he can help them find a lead to the other ingredients.

"Seem the one's we are looking for are in the stories that's how they won't have us do something dangerous." Says Raven.

"Only those that have more tight security while the rest are simply found in groceries so when do we get each of them?" Asked Ovalsan.

They all agree to get them the family weekend but even day now Apple will intervene in case on sooner or later to stop them "Maybe Emma and the other can help." Suggest Raven.

"I to agree," say Ovalsan "but will only slow us down...but we can find a use for them to slow Apple down with her plans."

"And next weekend is a three day weekend starting Friday." Says Maddie.

"Hmm seem to convenient but I have to take it if we need to stay one step ahead but we can't give Emma what we know she needs to learn it from a different source." Then both Raven and Ovalsan agrees on who Emma must get it from but Ovalsan will have to gave Emma a little something incase Rodlek is smarter then they know him.

"Really?" Says Emma after hearing Ovalsan's front plan not knowing of his real plan for the other StoryBrookers.

"Well we have no choice Emma," says Regina "We have to find out what we are up against."

"Indeed," says Ovalsan "but it have to queen to queen."

Regina felt very annoyed by that plan not knowing they are just a diversion.

The following week Raven and the others got the simple ingredients on Thursday after school then on Friday is Phase 2 and the Storybrookers are the skies as moving people with Emma and Hook sending the big crates into Ever After High it was a long walk and Regina they'll lose a few more pounds but it will a waste of time elsewhere, Ovalsan is where the last ingredient is at Summers waiting for him.

"What being you here John?" Asked Ovalsan.

"Maybe to not make all of us look like fool's. Replied John.

"Don't be time sure I could have a thing or two up my sleeves." Say Ovalsan.

Then they went in even if John does felt annoyed on Ovalsan little comment and inside it seems the place looks like a tall building complex and the main ingredient is on the top floor but the elevator isn't working.

" stairs." Suggest Ovalsan and when they got to the it looks like a tall one, Then Ovalsan pulls out what seems to be an extended Pole from his Quantum Storage belt and when he turns it on extends all the way up to the top and went up with Ovalsan on it John took the stairs then Ovalsan says "heads up." John hitting the head of a full paint can and fell on his back and the pretty bad on impact and that's not the worst of it.

On the way up John got to take his shoes off and steps on a long nail and it really hurts from that loud scream he made there was also some that have sharp jacks While others have no friction than John grabbed Ovalsan's poll and try to climb puppets mayday decent effort but John see Ovalsan coming down the bears with what seems to be a guitar.

"Really?" Says John then Ovalsan "Sometimes I wonder if you are a square peg trying to go through a round hole." John felt very annoyed from that remark and jumps off the pole then elves and jumps on the pole and down he went then the power of attracted behind him as he got back to the bottom.

Then John Bain his hand the wall when he got to the bottom and that's not bad enough Ovalsan have his own means transport and flew off John never felt so embarrassed in all his life.

Meanwhile Rodlek is outside the Ever after high school seeing the van Emma and Margaret is in and then says "You may think your clever," then pull out the remote Detonator and says "but you really think I would fall for the old Trojan Horse!?" Then with the push of the button boom goes the van then easy the bus pass scene with each window saying with the old Switcheroo do?

" well played even if they are not that smart to put off alone that is."

Later when Ovalsan got to Mr.Glod pawn shop where Fordnanog have the ingredients that Raven and the others got around town.

"Ok got the main main ingredient." Says Ovalsan as he got into the place.

"Good we have no time to lose." Said Ford as he follow Ovalsan into the back room then once all the ingredients are in the Brew Mr Gold came in "Hope this stuff will indo what Appel had Unleashed." Says Mr Gold.

"It may weaken it at best." Says Frod even if Mr. Gold for the button I buy that he knows there are no shortcut then he sees Ovalsan Champion tire and asked what is he doing then Ovalsan says " tuning the kabonger." Then Mr.Gold ask "What is a kabonger?"

Then Ovalsan says "This...Kabon!" And like that Ovalsan hit Mr. Gold on the head very hard, Ford never seen such embarrassment happened to someone that almost never watch a cartoon before but that made the Brew active but he says Ovalsan ducking for cover and the brew blow a hole in the ceiling.

"I should have known that is a toon spell." Says Ford " hey Storybrook is not a well printed page in the books and look what I got them." Says Ovalsan but Ford notice that Ovalsan's eyes has lit up red as he heads out while Mr goal is getting up before he do something to Ovalsan for giving him a concussion but Ovalsan intervenes by saying " you better keep away him because," then they hear what seem to be Ovalsan taking off "He what those like me call a wildcard."


Ovalsan: and that's just beginning of the story.

Twilight: yeah a few days later Raven as well as I and her friends can change all forms that will and I try to warm Emma's about what's going to happen but she and her so-called family thinks they can handle it but they have no idea how wrong they are, dead wrong.

Ovalsan: until they get a load of me.

Twilight: A load to many.

Ovalsan:And am only the first.

Twilight: and Starbucks keeps hitting the ball like a dumb kids book.

Ovalsan: because they can't adjust to other genres.

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