Story in the story chapter 6: Once upon a time of horror

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Ovalsan log: Today at the D20 Isabel  with oh lord, Ang will be joing today's session but let's get this over with this thing.


Ovalsan:Before we begin I like to Isabel and Andew.

Ang:Are you forgetting someone, on purpose?

Ovalsan:Oh Ang didn't see you their.


Andew:I know you two didn't see eye to eye back then but when that strange quake had hit Storybrook the worst nightmares have come to life with others like those of that hotel.

Ovalsan: well I wasn't fond of Plenty behind the desk at the time due to your little dislike of the genre we were dealing with at the time.

Andrew: even so I had to test the output equipment.

Isabel: well these are coins will fill in the gaps of those that may not remember the whole story so without further delay here are the first Outpost logs.

Playing log

Log one: The outpost for the Nintenguard in Storybrook had been established with some operatives made it the problem is,


Ovalsan:Hey their no way for anyone to beat Thornwood, they are just blissful in their arrogance.

Andrew: even if they move are they slower Pace in ours that doesn't mean you have to go all Hedgehog on the whole town.

Ovalsan: hey I have to go wabbits so he wouldn't do who knows what.

Ang: well making him roadkill is overkill.

Andrew:Oval Ang just don't act like birds fighting over scraps and father Gary will blow the whistle if you two ever do.

Ovalsan: as long as she doesn't get in the way.

Andew: I have the whistle with me.

Ovalsan Ok ok you made your point but even if you're simply unfortunately only be on technician details and IT guy needless to say as we test out the outpos-

Then a strange Quake hit Storybrook the outposts shock absorbitant did work with the readings on the screen does say it's a four pointer when Ovalsan and the others head for the main control room of The Outpost.

Ang: an earthquake out here?!

Andew: even if this is not what we have in mind the shock service did work very well.

Ovalsan: but we may need to turn the fee to see if there's been any damage made by the quake.

Ang: well the four pointer is serious of a quick as it can get all I know.

Ovalsan: same here but for now doing overhead sweep of the city Ang see if there's something the cameras we can't see.

Ang: Understand commander, but next time say please!

Andew: you know Ovalsan even if you do have power you should at least maintain your manners.

Ovalsan: I know but there's certainly no time for it unfortunately right now we need to assess the damage.

After looking at the canopies this fortunately no one on the streets hurt but there seems to be an unusual Hotel and Ovalsan recognized it and heads out while Andrew stays to keep watch.

Ovalsan's log: the four-pointer Quake had made minor damage do it bring forth the Hazbin Hotel, the was a bit freaky when I got inside had my firearm taser so I won't accidentally kill anyone, Charlie and Vaggi the first I encounter and Charlie was more frazzled than Vaggi and inform me that a just called George bought them here pull up the Hollow image of the George that's of Storybrook and Vaggi does confirm it and gave me what seems to be a page of some kind and then I ask where are the others in her boy wanting them up with and was not easy let alone reasoning with them angel dust weeded out most people out at Granny's through Katie killjoy  in the holding cell and Alistair you have to keep an eye on him because someone that always smiles you have to lock your back on, and to make things more irritating I.M.P Stolas is here and when Henry called me that he thinks is a werewolf turned out to be Luna she hauled Emma like carcass game in her mouth and buried her in some remote part fortunately she wasn't buried deep enough but smelled funny when we went to try and dig her out and the bottom line is whoever dares go near the city's border will have a final destination nearly pulled on them.

End log one

Ovalsan:Needless to say it had been one big horror show.

Andrew:And Ovalsan put me behind the desk the whole time which I won't mind.

Ovalsan: true but for the best and I put I.M.P on the Nintendo payroll to make sure they don't get hired to do questionable jobs.

Isabel: and from what I also read from the logs after that they are completely insane.

Ang: you don't know the half of it.

Ovalsan: and each page is more dangerous to get to than the last.

Log two:The first page which is part of the set of eight.

Andrew on the communicator: Ovalsan the next page seem to be in the cabin up ahead.

Ovalsan: got it on visual and it looks like any other rundown cabin.

Andrew: be careful.

Ovalsan:Am I ever?

Once Ovalsan enter the cabin it's very run down armed with his Magnum takes a pistol he looked around to see if he can find the page, wow thing on guard for anything or anyone that's a threat the seller would be the first but it's almost too dark to see so he turns on the night vision but without warning something lunged out at him from behind with a blunt weapon of some kind.

Ovalsan dodged out of the way as quickly as it can got a slight bruise from the assailant which happens to be a killer hillbilly and fire two Max taser rounds as it goes down foaming at the mouth.

Andrew:Ovalsan are you Alright I heard a loud scream.

Ovalsan: oh just a dumb cannibal, who has the page in the front pockets of his overalls.

Andrew: What does the page say?

Ovalsan:Well it seem like Chucky is next.

End log two.

Ang: Oh my head.

Ovalsan: yeah they are starting to come back starting with Chucky had Frankie Stein calls in shall we say the key reason for the DC superhero girls cover up.

Ang: and your solution of destroying him is perform a voodoo exorcism at least you are good because Death magic doesn't work on those like us.

Ovalsan: well Mr. Noseybonk is a strange one leaving clues for us to follow all the way to what could be a trap so I send a me drone to get it but the poor thing fell once I took the page out of it had a nice deep in its back but that's nothing compared to the 5th page.

Log 5: multiple numbers of sleep-based deaths are happening to change the storybook meaning was held at the diner on the situation.

Margaret/ Snow White: most of these murders to the kids are happening in their sleep and we didn't know who or what is causing them.

Mr.Gold: they are all happening in the neighborhood of Elm Street so the-

Then a very nasty sound on the Dyna glass window really gave everyone a bad mood when they see Ovalsan who made that sound to get their attention.

Ovalsan: now that I have your attention let explain, someone is killing them in their dreams.

Mr.Gold: I know one of us Margaret I'm asking but who.

Ovalsan: well I could say it but one of you would start paying your head on the table I brought someone back in help us go on the offensive.

Then the person that Ovalsan invented made Mr. Gold scream in Terror, it no other the Stolas.

Stolas:At least someone here remember me.

Ovalsan:And Gold why?

Stolas:We meet before my marriage and that's all I can say but lovely let's begin.

Log pause

Ovalsan:Well just to speed it up to the end the little group made it way into the dream world and found out there's no other than Freddy Krueger who's been the Killer and with Raven also found a thing of Interest.

Log resume

Raven: my folks back then were very decent people after my birth mother ran from ever after and now I know where I my sister got their musical traits from.

Ovalsan:I do have suspicions about that, but why would Apple's mom go through all those crazy forgeries?

The page is in Octavia Street a tragic nightmare of what could be inevitable with her being the only one left when the prophecy of the Ark goesha is fulfilled Raven had never seen one's fate so seamlessly inevitable so did Brian who seems to be in ropes of a fate that less worse than the one she was pre-written for.

Stolas: is that what Octavia sees herself in her dreams?

Octavia: yes Dad it's always like this as long as I can remember.

Raven: how can this happen?

Ovalsan: well Raven this is at the stars like it or not something that we almost can't change.

Stolas: even so there are factors on what and what happens still difficult to take into account.

Raven: even if it could and like this it's how to end it is up to you.

Briar: better than choosing the lesser of the two sadder endings.

???: oh boo hoo all my lame ass friends are gone right or not I'm awake or sleep.

That's when Freddy Krueger comes into play and thus begins the bout Ovalsan Raven and even Stolas gave it their all tell Octavia get up from the thrown she was on and the cushion she pops out a secret storage compartment that have her father's grimoire and took it out to find the right spell but found the page Freddy was guarding.

Freddy:Ahh you won.

Octavia:Well I can't- wait am I not supposed to get up!?

End log.

Ovalsan: well none of them seen the night around them straight movies which would annoy me but I did let it pass that time.

Ang: after that I went after the page that's guarded by Jason Voorhees but Apple cleaned his clock as I got it while she you spelled by a certain so-called vice Headmaster that taught her those spell.

Ovalsan:And to Seminole up there were the Gravois the exorcists and then George for last and the only way to kill him is to bind him in cinebike Chains have them look into the eyes of the, Slender Man.

Senator Twilight: the locals are not happy on how you took out all those Exorcist s in one Blow by satellite laser on, Granny's Diner!

Ovalsan: Ok it a big mistake on my end on where to get them all in one place and George's death didn't return those from the hotel due to reason to believe that all three wild cards have to be played.

Andrew: and Emma and the rest of soybrook on like it or not stuck with them even if we did keep an eye on them.

Ovalsan: and that is it for the day same time next week.

Ang: yeah because what happens next had more outside interference by different types of angels and devils.

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