Cartoon network file nine:Stevens universe

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Beach City looks like your usual town by the beach but with one small difference the Crystal Gems The Defenders of the city from crap Jim's those of Our Own Kind mentally damaged by the Great Rebellion ages ago against the diamond Authority that wants turn Earth into a hollow out Colony like other worlds before.

Years later during what are to be the 90s a one man band named Greg Universe came to town on his tour it was a small audience just to see what it is tell Greg sees someone that will change his life and his world forever he followed her into a restricted area and find rose quartz the leader of the crystal gem with Gardner the strongest vagina a heavy hitter amethyst are free spirits Andros right-hand parle it's not long tell Greg and Rose have have a son but to the same gems can occupy the same space so she gave her life for theirs son when Steven is near the age of 12 his powers are coming in when Ghana is currently leader of the Crystal Gems amethyst and pearl became mother archetypes but in all honesty would they technically be Stevens ants?

As things progressed Stevens learns at Jim's confused to make stronger jumps but so can he when he danced with Connie but also ends up throwing her sight after drinking some of his backwash showing that he has healing factors but also can work on crack gems when the store is lapis a gem that control water then another came to play peridot a Brainiac Jim that result of technical means but her commander Jasper is a soul gem of giant size and strength but only see Steven has Rose as far as those of Homeworld gems after his first battle Steven learns that gardening is the fusion of Ruby and Sapphire out of love during the hunt for peridot Steven wonder why she's fairy ants to get out of Dodge as a releasing her from confinement and see that Peridot is almost of Stevens Heights when she begins her full form.

Paradox explains of the shards a fallen gems sink deep into the Earth to make the cluster with no proper way to make a real form Festiva did Mary Sue have it bubble itself I can understand Stephen Hawking to resolve the problem instead of resorting to violence she would resort to love and understanding then not to make the same mistakes her mother have made by faking her own death no one other than Pearl know that Rose quotes is pink diamond hurt to find of a diamond Authority David her at the bottom of the rank with yellow and blue even ranks wall white is at the top.

When blue and yellow diamond finds out they are willing to help him with Stephen show the result of the diamond Authority is last attack and all three try to undo the corruption on one of the gems it didn't laugh long the only way it can work is if all four diamonds are in an agreement but the white diamond is a difficult person to get through without resorting to force but Stephen did pull it off when white pulled out his gym making him stronger than 4 as much as I like a complex resolved with word and reasoning that's not my thing if things done through the system fails or taking too long I had to take care of the problem directly by any means.

Needless to say Steven has song and reasoning Walt I have weapons teeth and claws.

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