Cartoon network file seven: Samurai Jack

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Once the list air to a land ravaged by Aku a being of no moral boundaries no principles makes them the first class Alpha but they are in his Exile haven't talked and raised to be a warrior and when he reached adulthood he bestowed the magic sword that is made by monks who have made it to harm a COO I cook and change to any form that suits him but before the final blow was struck a coup throw open a portal and time and flung the air into the future where his evil is law.

Now taking up the name Jack he 6 to return to the path but sacrifice each attempt for a greater good while some have been forwarded by a coup while you sends robots and bounty hunters after him like domango a class four collector of souls. Posed a coup over the years the champions of a dub of Doom and Lorena read those they've taken prisoner to fight for the amusement of others and Magic Jack's Dockside mayflash buy a cruise Magic but one after the other whatever or whoever Aku sends to caps Jack and the Bhajan the job leaving a coup to do it himself but when he facecheck to propose a dual under the term Jack will not use his sword as long Ice Cube doesn't use minions shape-shift magic and only fight in the human part is what gave a coup and idea that we don't know during its run on Cartoon Network was the key to Aku undoing.

Notes from the Adults swim files

After 50 years has passed and Jack have not aged one bit the Lost sword during the last attempt to return to the past now wondering like a lost soul using whatever weapon to fend off those Darcel after the bounty on his head by the more effective group of women assassins call the daughters of Aku trained since birth send 7 women's raised to kill Jack 7th Ashi may have a different path then her sister when a ladybug show her the path that someone higher then Aku have for and when Jack show her what Aku have really done oh most to the point of seppuku but Ashi did know the good Jack have done and shed the skin she was covered in which is tar and Ash so she comes with self with leaves which she does pull it off well and saved him.

The next thing they done is to find Jack's sword  but Jack have to rebalance himself while Ashi fans off do that wants to kill him but Jack did reclaim his sword. Near the final battle Aku have recalled his pet project that Ashi is part of but she did brake free from Aku control and return Jack back to the past so he can finish the job and he did but without Aku Ashi can't exists and just like that she vanished gone but not forgotten but even if Aku is no more the Tellanrain have reason to believe that Aku may one day be reborn but they don't nor I by feeling alone that Aku may only become a ghost watching history go by pulling streams of dimensions we stopped to have ended long ago and building allegiance to exact his revenge at the right moment where it will hurt the most.

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