Cartoon network file two epilogue 1: The BHO investor meeting

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( The following meeting us set one week after Ovalsan service to Black hat.)

"Load Black hat your investor are here." Say Dr.Flug on the intercom  "Good send them in." Say Black hat in office and come father of the Kid Next Door dimension Hector con carne a disembodied brain in a more effective artificial body and finally CLad A Willfur the number one agent of the interdimensional crime organization. "Good to see you all." Say Blackhat "Oh it just business for me." Replied CLad "Maybe it the only thing we have lift nowadays. " replied father "Thing are not what they ues to be," Say Hector "But let get down to business." "Indeed," replied Blackhat " activate Chat mode." Then Black hat office light turned off and light beamed down on Blackhat guests and start their meeting.

Topic one: the recruitment problem

Blackhat: From what I read from Father E-mail CLad organization is running low on members right?

Father: Indeed which is why I call this meeting it just that CLad business rules don't allow new incarnations of older members.

CLad A Willfur: Indeed  it been a staple dimension of rule ever since the Great Toy War which we also have  another rule we can't recruit those that are on the Loose Ends list.

Hector con carne: I been underground for years trying to find the right moment to strike and I'm still short on the funds and the needed parts for my big comeback invasion in the means to raise the needed money provided by our beloved hosts is degrading.

BH: Hey their a opening for the Underworld stage troupe and that's all I can do to get you in.

C: Well the this is that I worked for does more than worker Cartoon Network villains but most members we have like those that are on the black hat orientation videos are dead retired or defect.

BH: and you want a list of those in my dimension to keep your operations going.

C:Only those that you have little use for them that is.

BH:I see.

F:Well I would suggest Miss Heed since their are rumors that you had a part in her upbringing.

BH: She a mistake that will be dealt with in due time.

HCC: Hope so I hear she running both sides of a candle and even though I know playing both sides of the board will get boring and if anyone finds out her real plans well here before this meeting have started that your stuff found out of her origin.

HB:You have your stupid bear with you do you?

HCC:As much as I want to admit I can't bear to snitch on my own minions.

F:Am not the gossip type myself but those in Mr.Boss powwow maybe.

C: A good snitch is hard to come by and one particular keeps killing them and Posey had them to give false Intel to anyone so they can walk into his traps or any other form of misdirection.

HB:Yeah that reminds me of the other problem.

Topic two: The PKers

C:Yeah I won't say who he is but let say he what you would deal with on suicide missions.

F:Oh even so their will be time that he can go with in the balance but he can go to Edge if he wants to once he had me at gunpoint I won't say where nor when but even when he did pull the tigger it was this close to my face.

HCC:And I thought those of adults Swim dimension not dumb and crazy.

C:We do have some notes on the Rick and Morty dimension but the portal gun is too unpredictable.

F:Am interested in that dimension myself.

C: As for those in the Craig of the creek dimension it's K interesting but in reality they are playing pretend.


HB: I know these are outside the Cartoon network sectors what about the other two Nick and Disney?

C: Well the Nick side they are more on that sponge then any other dimension they hardly care about as for the Disney empire where to began? The Avengers are the Empire's enforcers the soldiers are dressed up like Stormtroopers with Mouse ears and they are getting power from mr. Burns Power Plant.

F:That the Disney empire in a Nutshell but I hear rumors that they are doing Xenomorph cross breeding experiments for example the Alpine facehuggers on Earth animals and get this Marvel aliens.

BH: Interesting.

F: To you Black hat maybe but do you or anyone here ever thinks how how dangerous they can be if it's true.

HCC: Well with most of Fox IP at Disney disposal what the Marvel Fox have you are way too complain.

BH: True and speaking of questionable experiments.

Topic three: necrotech

C:Well my organization is still working out a few bugs on the prototypes oh yeah working experimenting on the ways to control them and so far the from high pitch signals to control ways but Test shows that's what we call necro Troopers barely responds to them out of the taxes source but nothing else sense.

HCC: What kind of cadavers are  you people using?

C:Well we started with those in cemeteries are almost bones and urns I went to morgz but no matter how what they keep going berserk.

F:I know Hollywood is trying make reboots works on a hit or miss faces but those people don't know or how they know the IP they have and how to do them properly.

???: Perhaps I can propose a solution to both your problems.

BH:We listening.

?: Over the years after my demise I've been nothing but a ghost seeing all that is evil grows more weaker to the points they are like CLad says defect or Tire those being killed by accident or mostly one say we go to the problem directly and drop them like flys.

F: Their was a countermeasure pussies unfortunately a jinx and with one box jump after another he's been reduced to a low-life Thug that hang towel bar.

?:True but his Creator have been trapped within his own dimension and can't never be free no matter how many years it takes.

BH:I can see who you are talking about.

?:Indeed so I will to whoever I see be Worthy to bring forth any that is deceased of his or her choosing with any twists that the Summoner sees fit.

C:How will your herald summoned those that the pker or to other a VKer had have put down?

?:Anymean he or she see fit.

C:Like if you ask me a D.N.A sample.

?: a good example but what you calling herald is what I call...Villain prime!

BH: Hmm not bad any candidates so far?

?: Their have been one a Bashas capitalist 2 as well as a punt try to win a mayor election over a city I won't say which one but one got buses by Jose in Amazon he was a patsy the bike and it has been taken down by three girls and one for my past that won't......DDDIIIIIIIIIEEEE!

BH: perhaps I can propose a contest no a wager.

C:What the game my Organization will be delighted to sponsor it.

BH:Well Amuses City have a reality show to find Heros to replace Sunblast and penumbra keeps knocking them down.

F:I but it ragged.

HB: So is who we currently researching on and we'll do something that will break all other shows rules with a sledgehammer.

F:So you proposing that she will be the targets?

HB: No Alpha Target I have in mind is the one we call Gold Heart.

C:Ok ok I see where your going but your cousins can't just go straight for him.

F: Yeah but we know how one con man show work.

BH: ooohhh that would fun to see and whoever can kill Gold heart will be Villain prime.

?:So be it.

BH: Thank for helping us with our problems while we help yours meeting  adjourn.

Dr.Flug see Blackhat guests leave and art are we really going to push Miss Heed down a dark path where their can be no Redemption?

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