Nick files ten: Glitch tech

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Now where to began with this one? Hinobi may seem to be the only company in the dimension where the town of Ballery is in that dose make tech and games but they seem to be cutting corners that oh cause whatever is on the screen brake out of it with in the Behavior of whatever been programmed and send those to capture and contain what they call glitches and if anyone witness something out of the ordinary hey reset their memory now I don't always agree with the mindwipe method I find it as a quick fix one from a completely different peacekeeping organization think it could gave someone brain cancer or something but over use of it in one file well I'll save it for later while their one file on a dimension that rest 24 hour but that another story. If you are thinking if Hinobi have a I won't tell anyone if you clause then you are dead wrong no one must on one must know that whatever come out of the screen go berserk but there are other factors that not been taking into account.

The citizens that's been reset are so far are between the age of 6 to seemly 60 but no one over 70 nor 80 so far which mene they can't reset old hardware but what about those mental health problems like Miko so called ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) but more on her latter but what about those that more mental understand then her?

Now when anyone of Hinobi Glitch tech restore systems memories they mindwipe anyone who seen something out of the ordinary but that only mental memory what about physical memory if someone got badly hurt like I was saying I lost an arm or a leg if anyone ask someone where he/she lost it or get a scar that will tigger a flashback to the Glitch related incident but if someone like oh say Miko hit her head during the flash it will interrupt the process in other words they can't reset damaged Hardware.

The wildcard Miko or by her gamertag ME-K.O is by far the only one that can't be rest some think it do to her ADHD while other think it the bang on the back of her head when she hit the wall at her home during the Hinobi Smash incidence but the Tellanrain have reason to believe that somewhere in Miko brain is what seem to be a black box that could be holding what they think unusual data but it inadvertently protecting Miko's memory but how to open it?

Their two way it can be open one is when Miko is at a siren age but that would take to long do to her mental state the other would be if see something very traumatic for instance seeing five Hunt like oh a gunshot by a armor piercing round I'll explain that factor later.

Now as for the Glitch they deal with they seem to be threat classes of the game dimension they go from E to T Glitch that have any have animal or basic Behavior is considered eClass any glitches that can't speak script dialogue is a T class but none of them so far had killed any consumers and if any of them killed anyone that gets in their way it would be branded and M class and most of Hinobi know how all the Glitch behave the one that they are keeping under warp is what inspector 7 calls Bolypius and she want Miko and Five for whatever reason they have planned to capture and if necessary delete it is not human or ues to be human their currently no details on where Hinobi consoles are made and how CPUs are able to break if any technical problems let those things breaking out of the real world well this is only me and may sound to dark for a Nick shows but the Hinobi CPU cores are made by unfertilized human eggs.

Hinobi dose seem to have a bee fascination in fact most of the other Brands have bee based puns like oh Beebay anyway what I can put together the egg are extracted by what could be some kind of tube that goes between the legs if you know what I mean.

Somehow the tube was not properly extracted resulted to pelix energy infecting the egg resulting the woman in question to immediately give birth to Miko needless to say she was a fake accident and been with the parents she with may not what we think they are even to themself so far Miko backstories is that her family move to Ballley when she seemly eight and that all their is details on wherever she originality from is still unknown while most of us speculate that she's born in 2004 that be the year when Dragon quest VIII came out but more on that latter the other thing about Miko is her hair really black before she supposedly died it but I digress if when she seem to have purple hairs when she was eight when did she died her hair a year or two before?

What am saying is Miko hair color change naturally and everyone think she died it.

One small thing about Miko is that she have technical know how on hacking the system when she was in the tutorial which is very cheesy but also on how well she fix the whack a mole as well as the strength to take on the Cakey von Smasher animatronic when it went Glitch their something more to Miko then even she know.

Now as for Glitch that act a little outside their normal programming like the Stone monster of the Hinobi smash tournaments incident it did reach the left arm in the Hinobi store while it right arm came out of Miko tv and grabs her without hesitation made me think that glitch I would be looking for something or someone needless to say one arm is ment for distraction to anyone at the Hinobi store while the other one grabs Miko and this may sound silly to me and to whoever reading this pull into the screen but why would it do that and for who?

Now Chickey cun Ally from bravestone XII she seem to be looking for her and seem to be testing Miko to see if she worsley but Ally show appreciation and compassion although when she teleport she gave of a light purple pixel like the color at the end of Miko hair but so is the posser Glitch that turn turn Five friends Casino into one of the Smashosuars then their Count Nanog root form it dark purple like most of Miko hair so what the connection between those games and Miko?

Now as Glitch that oh say predate Hinobi games the Glitch tech gear doesn't work on them like the Ping it like flubber the harder you hit it the more energy it creates and it took the unicorn from the game Five's dad made who currently in prison for hacking a firewall but what for?

As far as anyone believes he may found something he not supposed to find and Hinobi may have some part in framing him.

Modde Glitches made by Riley whi she call them Sprites are illegal glitches like Hore a modd Champ Kitty.
Ridley is not a bad kid a bit of a wildcard that except herself for who she is and think Hinobi will turn anyone normal and who would want her to be normal and who would want her to be a drone like all the others and seen to have a Grudge with Mike Simms who knock Miko high score off the leader bored of the first game that she played when she first move here. Now this is unlikely but Hinobi maybe keeping taps on both Miko and Mike if Miko was born on accidents so Mike could be born on purpose and in theory can't reset.

Now why you may ask Miko could stand for





While the E in Mike name would stand for Enforcer.

The game Hinobi made so far are by genre Platformers racers MOBA RPG side-scrollers and fighters needless to say they all oh most E class games with the C rating on the case of Hinobi doesn't gave any general idea of what kind of games parents are letting the kids play that pops out screens that is?

What if Hinobi try or did other genres when the consumers are getting bored of the products on a minor notes why would a game store sell shoes?

Anyway if they do or done other shara's that have or could have Glitches that are to powerful or to dangerous to handle let me explain on one game genre at a time Tony with survival horror now if you take on something like for instance The House of the Dead light gun series you have to hit it weak point of the early bosses to cancel out their attack but the latter bosses you have to keep shooting until it down as for those like from the Evil within series you have to luer some of the bosses into the Trap firing a few rounds will only temporarily disable it for a few minutes but if it can't be

Now RTS (real time strategy) well if it something like Warcraft it be more on the strength Factor Why did the Orcs of The Horde will muscle anyone in numbers but if it's more military like command and conquer or Starcraft is be more effective you is so I can fly or orbit the town by satellite point so the only way to resolve this problem is a take out the bay that's giving orders.

Now here where it could go over Ballley Glitch tech team and the neighboring store head 3 words first person shooter even if they're gear can handle shot from a handgun bullet it's still be shocking to be fired at live rounds but if they came across glitches that can real rapid fire assault rifles with armor piercing rounds their going to big numbers of casualties buff glitch Tech and anyone he'll get caught in the crossfire and if bombs are in the mix it will be impossible to reset anyone that get count in the blast radius.

Now what about Glitch that are from license games like oh from TV's and movies will it depends on what show or movie but if Ballley Glitch tech team know none or littel about the show or movie in question that not Smashosuars it will annoy anyone in the team that know more about it then others now on how to beat those that are from the movies or T.V shows they are promoting well it could deviate from the movie or the TV show not all of them are direct applications of the original source but they must use movie and TV logic.

Now if inspector 7 thanks glitch can't simulate human personality she have not played dating Sims or visual novels as they are mostly known in the US just pick a route and watch the drama unfold if a glitch poses as one of the heroines it will only draw to a lonely soul that's been playing that game and if the person in question see someone else well let's say it will have a chaotic Spike of jealousy Stephanie I want seen that happen before but that's in a bitter file case for another day.

Now the manual didn't say what to do if someone fall in love with a Glitch and if it true love who know what happened at love first kiss it could be similar to the consequences of cool world.

Even if Hinobi had made games in those sharma's death may have been discontinued when they got out of hand Bud had led to some complaints by the consumers on the games the appeal to older audience.

So they have to put them in other mediums and those that I've seen at the Expo may have been games at one time I'll start with the books I got there.

Book one: The nightmare Society

The nightmare Society is Anthology series that seems that have a common theme when it comes to bioweapons Paranormal the cold and dark magic the book that I got is titled the possum City incident the story starts out with for kids around the campfire with one adult in dark clothes stania stand overseeing the story then what are the kids through what seemed to be gunpowder and tells a story of a zombie outbreak with man made Monster on the loose needless to say it oh a Resident Evil Are You Afraid of the Dark mix.

Book two: Sinner Boulevard

The story is a paranormal crime drama that center around Sahar Bloodclaw a Hellhound who under the thumb of hell Angelo's top crime boss Donald Frat a Jackass demon who is also called Dune Tori on earth running for governor of California where she works as a pole dancer at one of his strip clubs Sara had it and deside to bust up Fart criminal businesses on both sides on Earth she meets Stanford Kent Alanis Joe who study been disregarded by La Society who is one of those supporters that Dunes is opposing for the governor office Birrey Camey who in reality is Sara pure breed cousin Matilda nightfang who once work a Farts Adult film Studio and let's say she wants all of California as her territory after this book it changes different antagonist like how to GTA games ( Grand Theft Auto) have a different character per game but Sara and Stanford as well as those on both side L.A and H.A are likeable characters in GTA games are how should I put this with the littel knowledge. I have on the series well they should be unlikable those that the Authority a city's like Liberty City that can't nor care to do anything about it which resorts to criminal behavior and vigilante justice. Near the end of L.A H.A story Sara and Stanford they have daughter who has a story of her own.

Book three: anti-socialist

The Book is what would you call a Nightmare before Christmas Rockstar Bully mix where Artemis Kent the outcast daughter of Sahar in Stamford who's been sent to the boarding school called Fair worth Academy a katydid Morton High School that's divided into 5 houses the Faris pristine schools from Rich families the worstest among them the queen bee Heather Meddo which have the town of Coldlump in the palm of their hands.

The knights are all athletes no girls allowed at sports events even if team captain Edward gold Dawn don't mind some girl divisions

The Nobel are the kids of politicians the head of the student council Jimmy Hardwood who most of the council and his sister Courtney know that he's only a puppet to Heather because hard would have been running cold lump on the meddo payroll.

The Wizards are the brainiacs but I use as text support so they can get into college Leo Marvin may have stumbled onto something that the Meddo doesn't want anyone to know.

The Ghouls where I'll miss this place is where "special Ed kids" are put in but in reality they only being used as service for the higher houses so they won't be a problem to society antisocial Behavior and appearance and well she thinks this can't go on like this and we'll go with her mother's spare the rod spoil the child punishment on those that on the Medd payroll.

The teachers at the schools are little eccentric to pervy as for the Headmaster Joey Redwood turns a blind eye to them because he's being blackmailed by the Medd for let say it was Forbidden Love as for those that go to Coldlump Public Schools are called peasants when it's good to the end will let say the final mission of Rockstar Bully was crazy what happened in anti-socialist blows it out of the water when guns are in the mix.

Book four:Roadkill

Roadkill is what you may call a furry Twisted metal from what I know from that game series is whoever got their wish Gratis by calypso will backfire for his sick amusement. Roadkill in the book is a Road story about a Ally cat named Eversan who lives on the streets for oh most a year and see other pets in good home via the window wishing to have something like that tell he walk into what seem to be a white light and appeared in a furry humanoid form with clothes the only way he can return home if he wins The Traveling demolition derby Roadkill hosted by Gaia a dragon who will grant the when is wishes if anyone can beat the Derby Champion a psychotic lion named black Fang who bald tires circus troupe and wear the mask of a clown who had harassed him when he was a cub until he snapped and when that fool open the cage and well you get the general idea. Now this last book could be infringing on a well-known game and the prime directive

Book Five: The Legend of Zelda: The allied's of Hyrule

Set during World War II and American Air Force pilot named Lyin Kenway crash landed in a Strange Land after being shot down by German aircraft with Vital Information and let's say something more crazier than your normal World War 2 villain would do. The next thing he see when he regains consciousness is Coraline who's one of the many servants in the castle of Hyrule rules by King Edward who upon hearing what Lyin must warn the Allied Nations I just read that likes master plan so he has free of his greatest Champions one of each tribe and give Lyin the Master sword even if it dormant. As for the rest of the book let's say the epilogue may have something that Hinobi seems to be after when I read the afterward Hinobi press wasn't the first publishing how's that made these Zelda books and the documents to the actual events are destroyed or somewhere Hinobi can't find.

The Comics book division honeysickle inc have three book that the chief senator of the, governments Independent party seems to have an i on of Interest I won't say who for now but I will say they go by the comic government laws. Imbalance however will I'll save for a later chapter but will say it seem to be a fighter in the vain of Injustices but the other fighter Shaman Kombat seem to be stop all together for unknown reasons at this ponit.

Now Honeycomb toys and it tabletop division have the toy box republics and Twilight Sparkle to look into it see if Hinobi is not building another Barbie empire apart from oh Smashosuars here are the other toys and tabletop games that they have made over the years.

Toy line one: Fairest high

Now this could gave the wrong message Marist High is the line that center around Sierra Steel Heart princess of the Steelheart monarchy of the kingdom of Power Stone ruled by King Alex Steelheart the third who is the main character of a discontinued Toyota TV series that's been overshadowed by Smashosuars called Power stones but more on that later the line is split into two groups and let's say Ciara's little group with a boyfriend team captain of the fairest High dragon Arthur Boxerten the sorceress elf Gloria Woods and the water Boys Choir Richerd Monte. As for those that they band as outcasts so that the Royal brat Ciara can have a full witch so she and her friends can look like heroes. Gwen Black scar is the outcasts leader is a gothic witch but there's no evil in her heart as for the rest Terry Rex is the nephew of Galva Rex the main villain of Smashosuars and Scarlet blood moon the niece of count Noag this line is gavin the kids the wrong idea making those are different from others like dirt is a bad idea.

Toy line two: Knight of Power store ( discontinued)

Knight of Power store is what seem to be a one sided Warcraft with Prince Alec Steele heart find the pork Invasion led by the orc King and well the thing is short-lived with it being overshadowed by no other than Smashosuars.

Now apart from Smashosuars board games and sorcery cards which is a parody of Magic the Gathering but there's two while they may have been played in major cities because them on table won't do it justice two words hologram arenas you may know where this is going and may be discontinued for good reasons.

Discontinued TTG one: Combat Command

Combat Command is War hammer that not to far in to the past nor into the future the game's lore and the CCL (Combat Command League) well that a story all it own but I can tell you that unlike War hammer where you have to dominate the battlefield well the objective of the game is to capture your opponent space while protecting your simultaneously there are so many unit types with command on the top and soldier at the bottom as for the 12 Nations that are laying over for control of a plan of Marton they go from effective defenses two that have been banned from tournaments command is that resort to nuclear force overtime Hinobi game I.P are added to promotes upcoming games and to make it even more silly bears tv specials that have them work together I won't say which one on both sides but it's crazy as it can get this one being more military or the other well that's for later.

Overtime the place that uses dumb to have tournaments they take up most of the power in the building wow rumors that you it's in the game designed after actual vehicles and weapons that are get this from Hinobi weapons division and B.I.T.T prime form may support that rumors.

Discontinued TCG: Duel gods

Now Duel gods is a Smite duel monster Mix the cards can be on the playmat for more than one hit the game have rules that deviates from Dual monster at the game have each player trying to bring down there a pause God by Sunny Champions Warriors spellcasters beasts and man-made soldiers. The roster started with known Pantheon's I'm still they start making a crazy Pantheon's that almost made no sense and most of the cards take up most of the battery life of the Hinobi portable Halo players which is why most of them are only for tournament play only. The DGF ( Dule Gods Federation) had a history ask a nose of looking deck fixing matches all because no one is able to beat what the Federation calls the queen of Gods and when the cars are added to promote upcoming Hinobi games they were with the one who using them are completely humiliated which resorts to the Creator releasing a line that's completely taboo to the game demons with each card representing each name of evil and it caused major controversy with religious groups when they sell more than the older lines and created what he's called the master of Devil's but when he lost to the queen of God's his fans and the creator of the card games died in Italy like they've been dragged into the furnace and they never renew duel Gods ever sense.

Now what Hinobi can't do are movies and T.V and Sports of any kind but get this they want have an amusement park but details on where it is is heavily encrypted but one thing I know for sure is that where it all started and I think is where Hinobi reset history.

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