Nintendom file eight: My Nintenguard H.Q quarters

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Now am not to tell you about the Nintenguard H.Q but they will let me write about my personal quarters so without delay let get started first their my media space a Palace ti watch something here and their next is collection archive but I do clean up from time to time with the movies and books for recycling reasons there's also the Note file cabinets but I also have my case table with Hinobi I am still thinking up a pitch  that would appeal to Hinobi  the Nintenguard got my permits still waiting for the okay to proceed does my bad obviously but there's one part of my quarter I don't show it to anyone don't worry it's not anything inappropriate but it's on personal interest but currently for now is not the right moment to show them to the Nintenguard all I can say for now is that it behind the X-curtain.

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