Toy dimension file ten:G.I joe and the toy box republic nowadays

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One of the founding factions of the thaibox Republic is knowing that thing GI Joe with their knowing is half the battle against cobra but in all honesty have Cobra apart from still being a threat I also the red herring to the actual threat was in those they swore to protect?

It says that a shadowy higher Epsilon call the Cobra Council decide who in points the role of, cobra Commander but it also says the Colt Commander wiped out the Council so he can stay in charge or so the ones he's meant to know what if they are still in the shadows and in plain sight I don't know who they are but here are the free personality profile that came up so far.

Alias one: boa constrictor

The council's military experts knows how to play both sides of bored and not afraid to take Extreme Measures.

Alias two: Cyper Viper

This council member is the one who covers the council's tracks even from cover itself this individual has been hiding in the darkest corner of cyberspace we're not even black hat hackers know.

Alias three: King Cobra

The alpha snake of the council slithered into where this person could be could be in politics in a place where is influence is at most effective

But Sergeant Slaughter once told me and will remind me when he gets a chance about the difference between what you think you know and what you actually know.

As for the toy box Republic these days well it's like this there are four groups of Regents one for the Mattel party one for the Hasbro party and one for the Lego party and one for the neutral for housing and store reasons in other words it's like playing with guys as what they are well what's is now called a new grand toy kingdom is like having all of them all in one place.

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