Cinema League act two

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Screen one: Their next screen they are walking into looks like a giant kid's bedroom with giants talking blocks toy balls and one big old bear.

Howard:Is this one a man child?

Peggy: the film coven always like to make sets to fit the famous of their snuffers.

Howard: how long have your family knowing about them?

Peggy: many believed from my family's history notes think they go way back near the beginning of the sin industry even if they do say it's all a game of one up of the years but my folks seem could think it'd be something more sinister with them and I can't find the lead and Notorious is misleading anyone who tries to connect the dots to them.

Then they hear some falling block does leaping out of the way and then sees who's pushed those blocks over which the Snuffer looks like he had a big doll head with the text Big head blow him.

Big head:Play time!


Big head started to pound his head on to the ground to shake the room to make the balls roll off the positions and on to the set like they're trying to run them over.

Peggy: this may not be a good idea for them.

Gwen: yeah I do all the quaking around here!

Then Gwen draws out her flaming ax and then pound it to the ground sending the balls flying but also made a Jack In The Box pop open and who came out of it is...Pow-tar as he sliced all the big balls the last one can Crush big head.

Pow-tar: maybe next time you should put a little more thought into your plans.

Gwen: well it did work anyway.

Peggy: as much as I would complain we are still being watched by a coven of sickos.

The Narrator: well they are not liking the ex machina's you seem to be pulling off.

Screen two: the next floor made them wondered how confused they are with this one.

Howard: a rainbow colored demons layer, maybe they need fresh members because most should be in retirement homes by now.

The Narrator:............

Then a cross dress Snuffer comes in and Gwen whistles a lullaby to put the poor thing asleep.

Peggy: I know he's not worth killing but they need better writers on stuff like this.

Howard: so where's the bigoton angel we need to free?

???: up here and I'm not a bigoton.

When they look up they see a ghoul posing as an angel tied up like it's going to be cooked rotisserie Style.

Howard: don't know if that's meant to be a joke are they really playing on eating her?

The ghoul: just untie me please and maybe we can find the answer together and the names Angela Lightwing by the way.

As Howard untied Angela as she begins to slowly descend with her wings as they make a Golden Glow.

Gwen: how fascinously golden can you get?

San Angela felt like a ton of bricks after hearing that very painful comment.

Peggy: I think you shut her down even that was kind of funny.

Angela got up even if that comment was still hurtful.

Angela: I'm not a fashionist.

The Narrator: you maybe but no one knows about the rest of the actual angels.

Angel looks at the others in a very irritated look after hearing that.

Peggy: don't worry there's only two more to go with what's trying to be a nightmare that's turning into a joke of a horror movie.

Howard: Ovalsan may know better then-

Then upon hearing that name she bolted towards the elevator.

Howard: was it something I said.

Peggy: I think they know each other.

Burke: In more ways then one.

Then the rest head for the elevator.

Screen three: As they all got the next floor.... let say they miss the party...big time.

Angela: I should of know this would happen.

The set is or ues be a Church it now look like a warzone.

Peggy: So where do you think Ovalsan could be Ang if it Ok to call you that?

Ang: first off yes and he's in the next scene where else.

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